Business Finance Homework Help

Poor Marketing Strategy Fishbone Diagram


Organization: The Attic Manager Interview

The Café is located in Texas. The owner, explained the problem she’s been having in this way: “I’m very proud of my business. I have terrific customers and great employees. I feel like we have a lot to offer. I just wish more people knew about us. On average, we serve about 20 customers per day, but I’d like to see us double that within the year. I think one of the main issues is marketing. I don’t have a big, flashy sign put up, because it looks tacky. I also don’t do much on the social media front, because it’s just never been something I’ve been good at. Honestly, though, I’m willing to do anything to help my business succeed.”


Analyze the Problem: Draw a fish diagram, which should include a definition of the problem (at the head of the fish), as well potential causes of the problem (along the backbone).

Added a sample below.