Business Finance Homework Help

BUSN 489 Davenport University Team Performance Essay


Develop a 1-page paper answering the last two bullet points only and provide a conclusion (in bold).The other bullet points are currently being worked on so please focus on the last two bullet points only. Please read the research paper and journal reflection papers to get an understanding of the project and will help develop the answer. Add information to the “Team Reflection” document.

  • Reflect on how well the Phase 1 discussion about the Group Development
    • How quickly did your team progress through the various stages of group development? Provide examples.
  • Reflect on how well your discussion and identification of Belbin’s team roles help you to assign and plan the roles for the project
    • How did your understanding of team roles help the team development process?
    • How did the individuals assigned to each of the team roles exhibit the characteristics of their roles and how this benefited the team? Provide examples.
  • Reflect on your project planning and objective setting
    • How well did the project plan objective setting help your team to control the scope of the project?
    • How well did the project planning objective setting and updates help your team communication process?
  • Identify what you could have done differently as a team to enhance your team’s performance collectively and individually (Team Performance)?Our team worked well together. As a result, the entire process ran smoothly. There’s nothing we would have done differently.
  • Conclusion