Business Finance Homework Help

BUA 3305 TXWES Societal Implications of Personal Information Paper


For this summary report assignment, you will watch Big Brother Big Business Part 1 (9:28) and Big Brother Big Business Part 2 (8:59). These videos make up a two-part CNBC documentary that examines the companies behind the powerful business of personal information and looks at its societal implications. It presents how data aggregator services monetize personal data, and various ways that personal data is used (and in some cases, misused) for credit approval, insurance rates, employment, etc.

To complete this assignment, address the following critical elements in a written summary report:

Summarize the video overall in the form of an abstract statement

Describe the video’s main points (two to three paragraphs minimum)

Explain whether you agree or disagree with any of the points made and why (two paragraphs minimum)

Analyze the social or ethical issues involved from your vantage point

  • Finally, list 10 nuggets of information you found interesting or did not know