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Doctoral Degree Work and Beliefs Discussion Response


Response 1: Deborah 

Galatian 6:9 in New King James Version states, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up”.

The Christian in us is to do good at whatever your heart desire.  My goal is build myself and further my mission to obtain my doctoral degree.  If I lose focus of what I’m doing or why I’m doing it I maybe become lost and failure is not an option.  I have to work hard and wait for the proper time to hear the words, “well done, you did it”.  I have to stay the course and give it my all to produce the end result I am looking for and that is becoming Dr. Deborah Turner.  

Response 2: Kimberly 

Galatians 6:9 tells us that we have to stay the course before us to reap the benefits in life especially this work in our doctoral degree work. We have to understand that God is telling us that no matter what the task is that lies ahead of us that if we want to reap any benefit or have joy in the end we have to endure the trials and tribulations to see the end product. This program of study is indeed a difficult task but we are all determined to reach the end to reap the benefits regardless of what your end goal is personal or professional. As long as you stay strong in God, determined and ready, and willing, you will reap the vast benefits of the hard work that has been put into your actions.