Business Finance Homework Help

CSUN The United States Federal Communications Commission Discussion


I’m working on a internet marketing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

1- In December 2017, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) which regulates all telecommunications infrastructure and use rights within the United States territories, passed the Restoring Internet Freedom Order. Essentially, this terminated legislation that ensured the Internet Service Providers were recognized as common carriers and subject to regulation.

What do you think about the FCC eliminating Net Neutrality rules in the United States and states actions?

2- What do you like best and what concerns you most about how the Internet is governed?

You might considering the following questions to help you formulate your thoughts.

  • Is the Internet common space that should be free or same low-cost to all to access?
  • Is the FCC decision fair? Who wins? Who loses?
  • How might the Hawaii, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, and Vermont laws impact e-Commerce businesses operating in their states?
  • How might the California and Washington legislation impact impact e-Commerce businesses operating in their states?
  • Which set of rules would be most favorable for the e-Commerce business you are planning to use as the subject of your term project? Why?

and the second,

Post response adopting one of the following perspectives:

  • an actual or sometime future e-Commerce business owner or manager;
  • a professional building your public persona; or
  • a private citizen and consumer