Business Finance Homework Help

Fashion Lynn University Corporate Social Responsibilities Questions


all 5 of the questions that are listed below. Yshould be well written and concise, and be at 3 full paragraphs in length. Planswers follow the proper APA styles of writing: including footnoting and are double spaced. Please include a cover page and Work Cited.

1. What future markets might be attractive to Carrefour and which mode of operation would be preferable? How important is the theoretical concept of psychological distance?

2. Corporate responsibility (CR) or corporate social responsibility (CSR), are extraordinarily important for any company. Define the concept of CSR. What arguments in favor to CSR seem most important? Name the driving forces which make CSR more relevant today.

3. Referring to the case study on The Home Depot (chapter 11) – How does site selection criteria (for the company that you are doing for your final project), reflect your company’s strategy?

4. Whole Foods has had tremendous success with a clear focus on organic food and a very upscale market segment. However, this has come under pressure recently from new competitors. Discuss the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and treats (SWOT) for Whole Foods.(Takeinto account the recent purchase of Whole Foods by Amazon).

5. Should the company you are working on (for your final project); rethink its attitude towards social media as a whole? In answering this question, compare your company’s social media strategy with that of TWO otherretailers.