Business Finance Homework Help
OIM 4011 B Operations and Technology Management Bright Light Limited Essay
Assignment 2 (Submission April 2021 TBC)
Management have also heard about the successes of B2B e-business used by some of their competitors, and are very interested in it. You are asked to evaluate the feasibility of B2B and even B2C e-business models. Also provide a discussion of the differences in work processes involved in selling products using traditional means vs. the Internet. You are asked to pay particular attention to business environmental factors. (Please assume that the business environment is same as the one you are currently studying in). (Suggested length 1900-2000 words)
- Font: Times New Roman
- Line spacing: single
- Text size: 11
- Margins left and right: 3 cm
- Margins top and bottom: 3 cm
- Number the pages + include your UB number in the footer.
- Left and right margins fully justified
- Use Harvard referencing style
- plagiarism free
- check the file below for more information
- 10-15 references