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International Development and Global Sport Discussion


Are international Sport Development and Peace (SDP) programs anything more than a band-aid covering up the more pressing problem’s effecting people’s lives in developing societies (i.e. poverty, violence, poor education, gender inequality)? If so, why, if not, why not?


Topic Discussion Responses (2020)

Topic Discussion Responses (2020)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDirectly Addresses Discussion PromptRather than simply writing 300 words (500 for graduate students) on the general topic, the post should directly answer the question posed.

2 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCoherent Structure and OrganizationA fully developed response that uses a clear thesis statement, is well organized, and has a logical structure: Introduction, Development, and Conclusion.

2 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOriginality and Critical ThinkingResponse demonstrates critical thinking and offers original ideas/conclusions/insights. Evidence of additional thinking and originality beyond concepts and examples introduced in course material.

2 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of Course Concepts and MaterialsEngages, uses appropriately, and cites appropriately, the relevant concepts, theories, and information drawn from course lectures, readings, and videos. The citation of the course material should be a mixture of direct quotation and paraphrasing.

2 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Additional ResearchResponse builds upon existing knowledge from course material by finding quality, relevant, and original references/sources to offer new insights on the topic. The citation of the additional research should be a mixture of direct quotation and paraphrasing.

2 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

Total Points: 10
