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Pasco Hernando State College Introvert at Work Procrastination Summary Paper


Assignment: Introvert at Work Paper

Read these five articles.

o7 Workplace Victories Introverts Should Celebrate

oCareer Success for Introverts

oAn Introvert’s 5 Tips for Career Success

oIs it Ok to Be an Introvert?

o13 Reasons Why You Should Fail Fast to Learn Fast

Write a paper covering the following topics. 500 word minimum, 700 word maximum.

oBe concise. Use proper grammar. I encourage you to ask a friend to review it closely prior to submission, and edit accordingly.

oDiscuss at least four things you have learned from these articles and how you relate to them.

oExplain clearly why you did not participate in the class. Was it actually introversion? Feeling embarrassed? Lack of preparation? Lack of interest? Were you at work (or the hairdresser or walking the dog or whatever) during the class times? Something else? Be candid and clear. Maybe it was different things on different days. Explain.

oContemplate your answer to the above and the concept of Fail Fast (See last article above). 

§Discuss (both broadly and with specifics) how you would approach participation in this class differently next time after reading these articles.

§Discuss (both broadly and with specifics) how you will approach work meetings differently than you did this class, given the information you have learned in these articles, assuming that you will likely be in meetings where fast input might be required. How will you succeed in that type of environment? How can you take care of yourself, but step up to actively participate when needed?