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University of Maryland Collaboration Assignment in Business Discussion Paper


Each week you are expected to come to class prepared to participate in the discussion by reading the assigned chapters and completing the required collaboration assignment. Please review the rubric for the grading requirements for weekly collaboration points.


Module 01: Collaboration Assignment


Some scholars contend the United States is becoming increasingly more litigious. Other scholars believe Americans file no more lawsuits than they did in decades past, but instead contend the perception of increased litigation in the United States is fueled by very large, very well-publicized jury awards to plaintiffs. Consider that roughly only 1% of civil cases filed eventually go to trial. Consider also the other 99% of cases reach resolution through alternative dispute resolution, dismissal by courts, or end for other reasons (i.e. lack of funds, public perception, or newly discovered facts).


Hypothesize that you are providing advice to a company (as a manager, owner, or valued employee) that is considering whether to file a lawsuit against or has been sued by another company, customer, or employee. What factors would you evaluate in deciding whether to file, settle, defend, or otherwise resolve a lawsuit? Please give thought to both sides of the coin: as a company considering whether to bring a lawsuit and as a company anticipating defense of a lawsuit.


The goal of this week’s discussion is to better understand and deeply analyze the benefits and drawbacks of the legal system and dispute resolution, and their impacts on businesses and business relationships.