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IVC Chinese Culture Represents More than 1 Point 4 Billion Citizens Discussion


Take what you have learned about the cultural iceberg and apply it to your own culture and answer the following questions:

  1. Describe Chinese culture in two sentences.
  2. Name 3 visible components of Chinese culture.
  3. Name 3 less visible components of Chineseculture.
  4. Name 3 not visible components of Chinese culture.

When finished, please respond to two of your classmates with a minimum of 150 words each. Please do not reply with comments like, “Me, too!” or “That’s awesome.” I know conversations on Canvas can be limiting, but please give it your best try. If you are struggling with conversation topics, here are some suggestions:

  • Discuss something that is similar and something that is different about your classmates’ icebergs and yours.
  • Talk about an experience you had sharing another person’s culture for the first time (and obvi link it to a component of their culture).
  • Share an experience a friend of yours had when they discovered something in your cultural iceberg for the first time.