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The Craft of Consulting Podcast Discussion


I’m working on a management discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Podcast link:…

Your posts in the discussion forum should exhibit careful thought and logical reasoning and provide evidence for your position. Each post and classmate reply should be at least one welldeveloped paragraph with a minimum of six sentences (200 words). Use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

You are required to read and reply to other students. (100 words) Saying “good job” and summarizing what a classmate has just posted does not meet the discussion board qualifications.Your replies should offer new substantiated ideas or thoughtful questions.While I encourage debate and disagreement, be courteous and respectful. Do speak your mind but remember that yours is only one opinion.

Be aware: AVOID quoting or referencing the book in the discussion forums. DON’T just paraphrase and summarize what you heard in the podcast, I want your insights and reactions to the episode only.

Total: Your post 200 words + reply to others 100 words.

Saud Banaja’s post (you need to reply her for 100 words):

The podcast, featuring Michael Canic, highlights the importance of devising effective strategies as a consultant given that more than 60% of organizational change projects fail. One of the key attributes of driving changes in an organization successfully is ‘ruthless consistency’. As a consultant, Canic stresses the importance of discussing projects with the CEO and his or her top team. Aligning strategies and intentions must be the key area of focus for consultants when helping businesses improves performance. The podcast also discusses the importance of strategic management as opposed to strategic planning. Learning to say no to clients that insist on strategic plans is crucial to building a successful reputation as a consultant over time. While strategic plans can be detailed and seem life-changing for organizations, they often derail upon execution. Consulting as a profession is largely reliant on successful projects and clients, which makes prioritizing strategic management one of the most important requirements today.