Business Finance Homework Help

Santa Monica College Local Markets Runway Rent and IT Stores Questions


Part 1

In a few short paragraphs or less, share your thoughts on this week’s reading. You could share a new insight, likes, dislikes, disagreements with the author, etc. This should NOT be a synopsis of the reading. You must also post a comment/reply on a classmate’s post. this should be on chapter 10 and 12 of Information systems Version 8 By John Gallaugher 2019 (must have this exact book)

Part 2

Review this weeks headlines for stores related to IT and choose one. Look for stories that you find interesting or have strong feelings about. must be a recent article and IT related. please make is simple easy to and clear to understand Post a link to your story and brief description of the article and why you believe it’s a good ITSoW here.

Part 3

Rent the Runway demonstrates the value of a subscription model for professional fashion. Some of you may have used this service, or others like Trunk Club, or StitchFix. Increasingly many Direct to Consumer business models are exploring the value of subscription models based on the ever-growing data about customer preferences and trends (e.g., Blue Apron, or the UK Craft Gin Club).

  1. Research subscription services and share at least three that you have tried, or may try in the next year.
  2. What interests you in these services? What the barriers to you?

Part 4

In Chapter 10 we learned how some cities have opposed Uber, Lyft, and AirBnB from entering their local markets. Why would this be so?

  1. Share 2-3 pros and cons of these sharing economy services for your local area (e.g., Los Angeles).
  2. On balance, do you think these firms should have open access to your local market, or should there be local laws to regulate how they operate?