Business Finance Homework Help

UNH Dive Living Off America Waste Discussion


Answer the following questions about the assigned documentary, Dive (2009). Your responses (in total) should be at least 500 words. You can copy and paste these questions into a document, type your answer below each question, then save and upload.

  1. What audience(s) does the film address? How do you know?
  2. How does Jeremy Siefert (through what he says, does, etc…) demonstrate good sense – or not. How about his friends?
  3. How does Jeremy Siefert (through what he says, does, etc…) demonstrate goodwill – or not. How about his friends?
  4. How does Jeremy Siefert (through what he says, does, etc…) demonstrate good moral character – or not. How about his friends?
  5. Do you identify with Seifert, in the Burkean sense (see Jasinksi, p. 231-232).
  6. Do you think more background information about Siefert would change how you receive his arguments? For example, let’s say you knew he committed a terrible crime as a young man (not saying he did!), would that alter your perspective?
  7. Any other thoughts about the persuasive dimensions of this documentary?