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Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture Organizational Fit Management Discussion


Can you help me understand this Management question?

Describe your understanding of organizational fit and if you feel its importance is under or overemphasized. What makes you feel this way? I.e. What have you read, researched, experienced, etc. We want to know! As is the case with most prompts in this class, stating your opinion is a great start, but it needs to be supported with evidence from the text, research (with citations (Links to an external site.), of course, and/or experience).

1. Think of an organization with which you are familiar; it is best and easiest if you work(ed) there, but does not have to be.
2. Explicitly use concepts, terminology, and ideas from chapter 3 to share with class the type of culture of the organization and if this was management’s intent or if the actual culture and the designed culture were at odds. What led you to this conclusion?
What worked and what didn’t?
4. What were the ceremonial rites, organizational myths (stories), or socialization practices worth noting? (Hint, there definitely were, even if they were informal so think hard). Posters, slogans, the mission/vision statement, core values, office/workplace design, etc. will all give you clues. Successful responses will include much detail and explicitly use course concepts.
Refer back to the Self-Assessment and list your score. Did your personality/values align with the organizational culture? Would you consider yourself a ‘good fit’. Why? How did this relate to your job satisfaction or lack thereof?