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Dallas Christian College Should You Be Using Myers Briggs in Your Workplace Question


I need an explanation for this Management question to help me study.

Personality traits and characteristics certainly create strengths that allow an individual to excel in different types of positions or organizations. Companies have realized this fact and many now include personality testing as a part of the pre-employment screening process. Through studies, these companies have a picture of the personality traits and characteristics most likely to excel in each given position. And studies have shown that many times these guidelines do accurately indicate the likelihood for an individual’s success and productivity within a given position!

Pairing individuals who are a good fit for the company not only improves job satisfaction and employee morale but also decreases turnover and the cost of hiring and training replacements. Overall, having the right personality fit improves efficiency and ultimately the bottom line in an organization.

Read Should You Be Using the Myers-Briggs in Your Workplace? before moving on:

Deemer (2011) appears to disagree with the use of Myers-Briggs type testing in the workplace. He states, “It violates MBTI ethics to favor personality types in hiring and promotion decisions” (Deemer, 2011, p. 142). Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Provide rationale for your thoughts. How do spiritual issues and 2 Corinthians 12:10 factor into this discussion?