Business Finance Homework Help

National Pharmaceutical Sales Table Chart


Project I

in this project you will analyze real estate data.

Skills needed to complete this project:

  • Converting Data into Tables (Skill 5.11)
  • Adding Total Rows to Tables (Skill 5.13)
  • Sorting Data (Skill 5.15)
  • Filtering Data (Skill 5.16)
  • Inserting a Line Chart (Skill 5.3)
  • Resizing and Moving Charts (Skill 5.4)
  • Showing and Hiding Chart Elements (Skill 5.6)
  • Applying Quick Styles and Colors to Charts (Skill 5.7)
  • Creating PivotTables Using Recommended PivotTables (Skill 5.19)
  • Inserting Sparklines (Skill 5.10)
  • Creating a PivotChart from a PivotTable (Skill 5.20)
  • Analyzing Data with Data Tables (Skill 5.21)
  • Analyzing Data with Goal Seek (Skill 5.22)

Alternate Instruction for Microsoft 365 Apps iconThis image appears when a project instruction has changed to accommodate an update to Microsoft 365 Apps. If the instruction does not match your version of Office, try using the alternate instruction instead.

NOTE: If group titles are not visible on your Ribbon in Excel for Mac, click the Excel menu and select Preferences to open the Excel Preferences dialog box. Click the View button and check the Group Titles check box under In Ribbon, Show. Close the Excel Preferences dialog box.

  1. Format the data on the Sales Data worksheet as a table using the Blue, Table Style Medium 2 table style:
  2. Add a Total row to the table to display the number of buyers; the average number of bedrooms and bathrooms for each sale; and the average purchase price, interest rate, and mortgage length.
  3. Sort the data so the newest purchases appear at the top.
  4. Filter the data to show only houses sold by owner with three or four bedrooms.
  5. Create a line chart showing the purchase prices for houses by date.
  6. Move the chart to its own sheet named Purchase Prices.
  7. Update the chart title and display the data labels as callouts.
  8. Apply the Style 2 Quick Style to the chart.
  9. Create a PivotTable to summarize the average purchase price of different house types for each agent.
  10. Add column Sparklines to the right of the PivotTable.
  11. Create a PivotChart from the PivotTable.
  12. Use the data in the Loan Worksheet sheet to run a what-if scenario for a client to show loan payments for a variety of interest rates and loan lengths. This what-if scenario requires a two-variable data table.
  13. Use Goal Seek to determine the most you can afford to borrow, on a $950 per month budget:

Project II

In this project, you will analyze sales data using consolidation, subtotals, outlines, conditional formatting, advanced filters, PivotTables, and PivotCharts.

Skills needed to complete this project:

  • Using GETPIVOTDATA (Skill 8.21)
  • Using Consolidate to Create Subtotals (Skill 8.8)
  • Sorting Data on Multiple Criteria (Skill 8.4)
  • Adding Subtotals (Skill 8.7)
  • Creating an Outline (Skill 8.9)
  • Creating New Conditional Formatting Rules (Skill 8.1)
  • Filtering and Sorting Using Cell Attributes (Skill 8.3)
  • Managing Conditional Formatting Rules (Skill 8.2)
  • Using Advanced Filter (Skill 8.6)
  • Refreshing Data in a PivotTable (Skill 8.16)
  • Adding a Calculated Field to a PivotTable (Skill 8.17)
  • Applying a Quick Style to a PivotTable (Skill 8.22)
  • Changing the Layout of a PivotTable (Skill 8.23)
  • Filtering PivotTable Data (Skill 8.19)
  • Filtering Data in a PivotChart (Skill 8.24)
  • Changing the Look of a PivotChart (Skill 8.25)

Alternate Instruction for Microsoft 365 Apps iconThis image appears when a project instruction has changed to accommodate an update to Microsoft 365 Apps. If the instruction does not match your version of Office, try using the alternate instruction instead.

NOTE: If group titles are not visible on your Ribbon in Excel for Mac, click the Excel menu and select Preferences to open the Excel Preferences dialog box. Click the View button and check the Group Titles check box under In Ribbon, Show. Close the Excel Preferences dialog box.

  1. Use GETPIVOTDATA to extract data from a PivotTable. In cell D1 on the Analysis worksheet, display the total annual sales for Ambulatory Care of TX, Inc.
  2. Use consolidate to create a summary of the sales data by region. The summary will be located on the Analysis worksheet.
  3. Sort the sales data alphabetically by region and then by last name.
  4. Add subtotals to the data to calculate the total commission earned for each sales associate.
  5. Copy the subtotal data to the Analysis worksheet.
  6. Notice that when you paste the subtotaled data, Excel removes the subtotal grouping, but keeps the subtotal rows and formulas. You can use the Outline command to re-create groups based on the subtotal formulas.
  7. On the Commissions worksheet, create a new conditional formatting rule to apply an icon set to the values in the Rating column.
  8. Sort the sales data so cells with the completely filled gold star icon appear first.
  9. On the Sales Data Filter worksheet, delete the conditional formatting rule that applies a font format to cells where the value is above average.
  10. Use the Advanced Filter feature to find sales greater than $120,000 for George Anderson or Mia Zhu.
    1. Enter the filter criteria in A4:G5 as follows:
  11. The data in the Sales Data worksheet has changed since the PivotTable was created. Refresh the PivotTable to reflect the changes.
  12. Add a calculated field to determine the average commission rate for each row in the PivotTable.
  13. Apply a Quick Style to the PivotTable.
  14. Change the layout of the PivotTable to Tabular and repeat the item labels on every row.
  15. Use slicers to filter the PivotTable by region to show only the SW2 region.
  16. Filter the PivotChart data to show only the NW1 and NW2 regions.
  17. Apply a Quick Style to the PivotChart.

Project III

In this project, you will use scenarios and a scenario summary to analyze car purchasing options. The data for this project were downloaded from: will use custom filtering to find the data you are interested in and copy it from this very large data set to another worksheet. You will then use Advanced Filter, conditional formatting, sorting, and subtotals to further analyze this subset of data. You will manipulate a PivotTable created from the main vehicle data set. Finally, you will use Solver to solve a business problem to help you pay for your new car.

Skills needed to complete this project:

  • Creating What-If Analysis Scenarios (Skill 8.11)
  • Creating Scenario Summary Reports (Skill 8.12)
  • Creating a Custom Filter (Skill 8.5)
  • Using Advanced Filter (Skill 8.6)
  • Creating New Conditional Formatting Rules (Skill 8.1)
  • Sorting Data on Multiple Criteria (Skill 8.4)
  • Adding Subtotals (Skill 8.7)
  • Changing the Layout of a PivotTable (Skill 8.23)
  • Filtering PivotTable Data (Skill 8.19)
  • Activating the Solver Add-In (Skill 8.14)
  • Using Solver (Skill 8.15)
  1. You want to purchase a new car. Your current car is worth $3,500 as a trade-in. The base sticker price on the car you want is $24,595. The first financing offer from the dealer is 1.9% APR for 24 months, with no cash back. The original financing offer terms are listed in cells A3:B9 on the Car Loan worksheet. Cell B10 contains a formula with a PMT function to calculate the monthly payment. Use what-if analysis tools to compare financing options. Create scenarios to compare financing options for the car loan.
  2. The data in the MPG Data worksheet were downloaded from the Web site The greenhouse gas scores range from 0 to 10, where 10 is best. The vehicles with the best scores on both air pollution and greenhouse gas receive the SmartWaydesignation. Use custom filtering to find cars in this data set that meet your criteria and then copy the smaller data set to another worksheet where you can work with it further.
  3. On the My Car Data worksheet, use Advanced Filter to copy a subset of data to another location on this worksheet.
  4. Insert a new column to the left of the Greenhouse Gas Score column. Hint: Be sure to add a column to the worksheet, not just the table.
  5. Go to the MPG PivotTable worksheet. This sheet includes a PivotTable created from the data on the MPG Data worksheet.
  6. To pay for the new car, you’ve decided to start a bakery business out of your home kitchen. You have limited capital and capacity, so you need to make wise decisions about which products to bake each day. Go to the Bakery Business worksheet. Cell B1 uses a SUMPRODUCT formula to calculate profit. Carefully review the assumptions and formulas in this worksheet before entering the following Solver parameters: