Business Finance Homework Help

Central Washington University Lord & Taylor Company Business Management Report


I am writing a business management report about Lord and Taylor(the retail store). The challenged that it experienced and how it could’ve manage differently

.The focus of this project is to assess an organization that is struggling with a particular business challenge and design a strategic plan in response.These will most often follow the case analysis format, but special consideration will be given to students who choose to focus on organizational responses to the recent Covid-19 pandemic.

Each final project will provide a description of your central organization, outline the scenario which has created specific challenges for organizational managers to overcome, and present your response to overcome this crisis.There is no right or wrong answer to these cases, assignments will be judged based on how thoughtfully you approached each case, reference appropriate class themes, and the degree of creativity you apply to solving the challenges posed in each case.

Each individual is expected to deliver a polished written report of 10-12 pages

1. The company I chose is Lord and Taylor

2. It has been declared to have gone Bankrupt

3. The first page should be an executive summary about what the paper will be about. In that summary, anyone should be able to know what the paper is about without having to read the whole thing.