Business Finance Homework Help

EGCC Prevalent Types of Ecosystem and Aquatic Ecosystem Discussion


I’m trying to study for my Business course and I need some help to understand this question.

Choose 5 questions to write about out of the following. No less than a one-page response.

  1. What is an example of an ecosystem?
  2. Explain one way that an ecosystem can resemble an economic system.
  3. What are some effects of smog?
  4. What’s an environmental impact statement?
  5. Why are the business ethics of the environment more international in nature than many other subjects?
  6. Briefly, what is the history of the free-use attitude toward the natural world?
  7. How can technology make environmental protection a wasted effort?
  8. How can the idea of geological time become an argument against taking expensive steps to protect the natural world?
  9. What are some reasons why our ethical obligations to ourselves may lead us to protect the natural world?
  10. What is the difference between protecting the natural world because we humans are valuable, and because animals are valuable?
  11. What kind of experiences with nature may result in the sensation that, as an interdependent whole, the natural world holds value?
  12. If the decision is made to protect nature, who are some individuals or groups that might be asked to pay the cost?
  13. What’s the difference between environmental protection and environmental conservation?
  14. How has industrialization caused environmental problems? How can it resolve those problems?
  15. What is a cost-benefit analysis?
  16. With respect to the environment, how can a cost-benefit analysis be used to answer questions about business and environmental protection?
  17. What is practical problem with the execution of a cost-benefit analysis strategy for responding to environmental problems?
  18. What’s the difference between a corporation guided by profit and one guided by a sense of social responsibility?
  19. Why might a stakeholder theory of corporate decision making be good for the environment?
  20. What are the basic steps of the cognitive awareness and interest argument?
  21. What are the basic steps of the suffering argument?
  22. What are the basic steps of the lack of expression argument?
  23. What are the basic steps of the absence of duties argument?
  24. What are the basic steps of the anthropomorphism suspicion argument?
  25. In ethical terms, how is animal suffering for research reasons distinct from the suffering of a Spanish bullfight?
  26. Name a field of economic activity characterized by the star system. Explain.
  27. Name a field of economic activity that resists the star system. Why does it resist?
  28. With an example, explain the difference between vertical and horizontal wealth imbalances in a society.
  29. Name a field of work where market forces typically determine wages. Does the star system naturally take root there? Why or why not?
  30. What’s the difference between wages based on “value generated for society” and “effort exerted”? Can you cite examples to indicate that one resists a star system more than another?
  31. What’s a job where the main compensation isn’t money? Why do people want that job?
  32. What are two ethical arguments against crony capitalism?
  33. Why might someone be more envious of a neighbor whose house is slightly larger than their own than of a Saudi prince with eight luxury homes scattered around the world?
  34. Can you take the Nozick-inspired thought experiment concerning Kobe Bryant and re-create it in your own words and with a different example?
  35. What is an example of the star system serving the general welfare by promoting innovation?
  36. Why might the contemporary star system be considered fair?
  37. Why does the star system harm the general welfare?
  38. How might the duty to beneficence be applied to Bill Gates? Why would the duty tend to preclude an economic star system?
  39. Why might the notion of fairness convince a worker to join a labor union?
  40. In your own words, and with respect to labor unions, what does solidarity mean?
  41. How does joining a union harm one’s sense of individuality? Why might that harm be an ethical argument against union membership?
  42. What is card check legislation, and how might it advance the interests of labor unions?
  43. How can a union represent the interests of members beyond negotiating with a specific employer?
  44. Explain the marketplace argument in favor of the right for workers to strike.
  45. How could a union worker ethically justify not joining companions on the picket lines?
  46. Outline an argument from fairness that could be made against strikebreakers.
  47. Sketch two arguments that could be made in favor of independent writers swooping in and taking union jobs when the SGA goes out on strike.