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California National University for Advanced Studies International Business Plan


International Business Plan (IBP)

Use Table 6.2 Outline of an International Business Plan in Ch. 6 of Hisrich, Robert D. (2016), Third Edition, International Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing, and Managing a Global Venture, excluding section V, Financials, to develop your business plan.

This project must deal with the start-up of an actual, internationally active company(JMF).

Specific startup idea (product/service) of Afghan Saffron to Europe; expansion of the existing operation

Geographic span of operation (country/countries/born global)

For possible ideas, check the profiles and case studies as well as the sources of international business opportunities found in Ch. 5 of Hisrich (2016), Third Edition, International Entrepreneurship.

For further ideas and key considerations about International Entrepreneurship ventures, see

The 15-page paper must include a cover page, outline, a 150-200 word abstract, introduction, the body of the paper, conclusions, and six or more academic or refereed sources/references.

The paper must comply with APA rules, see APA guide below.