Business Finance Homework Help

The American Hustle Summary


The course will feature THREE (3) in-class discussions that enable the class to analyze/evaluate examples of negotiations in the media. Each student will be required to provide cinematic examples of the concepts discussed in class – these can be scenes from movies, television, Internet media, etc.

While not all submissions may be discussed in class, each student must submit a scene for TWO (2) DIFFERENT discussion periods. They will LEAD THE CLASS DISCUSSION for one of them.

Please provide the following information for your submissions:
— Movie/Series/Program name
— Year/Season & episode number
— Start/End time of the scene
— A brief paragraph describing the “scene setting” (who/what/where/when/why)
— A brief paragraph describing the NEGOTIATION CONCEPTS illustrated
— (HELPFUL) A link to the IMDB page for the movie/series/program… and/or a link to a video of the scene itself.
— (EVEN MORE HELPFUL) Have your submitted scene cued up on your computer to share via Zoom.

*** IMPORTANT: Please TRY to make sure the scene content is “PG-13!”
(Minimal foul language, illegal/illicit activities, violent situations, etc.)

You may NOT use a scene that has already been submitted by another student in this class!
— It is YOUR responsibility to check all video discussion posts for uniqueness!

You may NOT use any scene from the following list of movies:
The Godfather Trilogy (Links to an external site.) (1972/1974/1990) [These are WAY over-analyzed online!]
The Wolf of Wall Street (Links to an external site.) (2013) [Language is inappropriate!]
The Negotiator (Links to an external site.) (1998) [Instructor will use scenes from this later!]