Business Finance Homework Help

Ottawa University Marketing Management 5th Ed Book Ch 8 Questions


I’m working on a management multi-part question and need support to help me understand better.

Part 1:

Read a topic from Chapter 8 and write a summary on it.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. Consider the trends described in the chapter (e.g., aging, heightening environmental concern, or China). How will each affect the business you are in (or were in before coming to b-school)?
  2. Make a list of 3 of your favorite brands. What would be a great brand-, or line-extension that you would like to see developed as a new product? 

Part 1 needs to be 500 plus words and APA format (refer chapter 8 from the Marketing Management textbook)

Part 2:

Find four different products that are in the four different phases of the product life cycle. Give your opinions on the product in the market decline phase: whether the company should divest, harvest, or rejuvenate the product and the reasons behind your choices.

Please answer part 2 from a manager’s point of view, part 2 should be 600 plus words APA format. Site all the references used. At least one scholarly journal related to marketing management should be used along with the textbook.