Business Finance Homework Help

SFSU Python Code Project Proposal


Team project (2 to 4 students per team). The project deliverables include (1) written report (2)
Excel, R, or Python code, and (3) video presentation.
Option 1:
This option involves identifying an actual forecasting problem and applying techniques learned in
class to solve the problem. The report should include:
• An explanation of the problem
• A description of the models and tools
• A discussion of the results
• Comments on implementation issues and savings to the company
• Other comments and suggestions
Option 2:
This option involves researching one of the forecasting techniques covered in the predictive
analytics chapters 9, 10, and 11 and figuring out how to apply it in R or Python. The report should
• A description of the forecasting technique and its appropriate usage
• An example of the forecasting technique and how to apply it in R
• A discussion of the results
• Comments on implementation issues
For the project video, the main objective is to communicate the problem and results in a short video
(10 minutes or less) for an audience of your peers. Each member of the group should present some
part of the presentation.
September 27: Team formation and project proposal due.
October 25: Status report due.
November 8: Team meeting with professor
December 6: Project report and video due