Business homework help

This is a paper that focuses on the typical models in the Operations Research field for supply chain. The paper also provides a list of models to select for the assignment.,Typical models in the Operations Research field for supply chain,There are a number of typical models in the Operations Research field which can be applied to a wide range of supply chain problems. In other words, by learning a typical model various problems in supply chain optimisation domain can be addressed.,Please note that the basis of all proposed problems is the methods that you have learned in this course; however, none of them has been directly taught. The reason behind the design of this assignment is that there are hundreds of problem variations with the same structure in the real business world. Therefore, by learning the linear programming, students should be able to formulate a solution for problems which have similar structure to a typical problem. Students are required to research one of the proposed topics and address the assignment requirements accordingly.,Step 1: Identify and Solve a Typical Problem, Select one of the following typical models:, Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP), Machine Scheduling Problem, Job Shop Scheduling, Flow Shop Scheduling, Pickup and Delivery, Christmas Lunch Problem, Knapsack Problem, Newsvendor Problem, Travelling Thief Problem, Eight Queens Problem • Hamiltonian Path Problem,1.1. Background:, •      Firstly, provide a detailed explanation of the selected problem.,1.2. Model, •      Secondly, provide typical mathematical model of the selected problem and clearly explain different aspects of the model (e.g. decision variable, objective function, constraints, etc.),1.3. Solving an Example, •      Thirdly, develop a mathematical model for a workable and reasonable size of the problem., – For many typical problems, when size of the problem increases, it becomes ,NP-Hard,. In other words, your computer will not be able to solve it mathematically. Therefore, ‘workable and reasonable size’ here means that size of the selected problem should not be too small or too large., •      Solve the problem in Excel and transfer your solution to Word., •      Interpret the findings and discuss.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,