Business homework help
Business homework help. Hello,I cannot get my answers to line up and would appreciate it if someone could help me work this one out:Lilly collects data on a sample of 130 high school students to evaluate whether the proportion of female high school students who take advanced math courses in high school varies depending upon whether they have been raised primarily by their father or by both their mother and their father. The SPSS data file contains two variables: math (0 5 no advanced math and 1 5 some advanced math) and parent (1 5 primarily father and 2 5 father and mother). 1. Conduct a crosstabs analysis to examine whether the proportion of female high school students who take advanced math courses is different for different levels of the parent variable. From the output, identify the following: a. Percent of female students who took some advanced math classes b. Percent of female students who took no advanced math classes when female students were raised by their fathers c. Percent of female students raised by their father only d. x2 ( x square) value e. Strength of relationship between taking advanced math classes and level of parenting 2. Create a clustered bar graph to show differences in the number of female students taking some advanced math classes for the different categories of parenting. 3. Write a Results section based on your analysis. Exercises 4 through 6 are based on the following research problem.Based on this data:10101010101010101010101010101010101010101011111111111111111120202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202121212121212121Surname 1Name:Tutor:Course:Date: ResultsParents of female high school student * Math classes Cross tabulationCountMath classesTotalNo advancedSomemath advancedmath Parents of female…