Accounting homework help

Please see attched documents for the assignment instructions. All answers has to be field out on the forms that have been attched.
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Accounting homework help

Please see attched documents for the assignment instructions. All answers has to be field out on the forms that have been attched.
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Accounting homework help

Accounting homework help
You must provide five years data from the companies for vertical, horizontal, and ratio analysis. The data must be on excel sheet differently.
Individual Case #1: Financial Analysis
This assignment is designed to help students obtain the ability to collect financial information and interpreting financial statements. Also, students are required to perform financial analysis and benchmarking, evaluate financial performance, and provide recommendations to help the company to improve.
· Identify two public listed companies in North America i.e. Shaw vs Telus, RBC vs TD. Or CIBC vs BMO
· Retrieve their financial statements (company investor relation website or
· Perform financial analysis including vertical, horizontal and ratio analysis
· Evaluate financial performance
· Provide recommendation
· The maximum 10 pages of the body content and unlimited pages of the appendix
· Single Space
· Citation Style, APA or MLA
Individual Case Outline
· Title Page
· Executive Summary
· Table of Content
· Introduction
o Company Background
o Main Competitor Background and Comparability Rational
· Financial Assessment
o Vertical Analysis
o Horizontal Analysis
o Financial Ratio Analysis
· Recommendation
· Conclusion
· Reference
· Appendix

Accounting homework help

Accounting homework help
The exam will consist of 35-38 multiple choice and fill in the blank questions Each student will have 180 minutes

Accounting homework help

Summary:Gates, co-founder and chairperson of Microsoft Corporation, advocates that in addition to seeking profits, corporations should also become social entrepreneurs in order to help solve social problems. He has called this creative capitalism. Gates argues the desire to help others who are less fortunate should be as powerful a motivator as increasing profits for businesses today.
Based on your research you are required to complete a paper answering the following:

  1. Explain free-market capitalism.
  2. Describe creative capitalism.
  3. Explain the three advantages of creative capitalism in relation to businesses.
  4. Explain the concept of corporate social responsibility using two examples of socially responsible companies. Clearly and concisely support your examples and explain why these companies are considered socially responsible.
  5. Comment on Gates’ creative capitalism. Do you think that creative capitalism can become the future of capitalism in the U.S.? Justify your response with examples and research.


  • Title Page
  • Intro paragraph
  • Detailed answers for all the questions to be written in 10. (Avoid Plagiarism)
  • References (and in text citations) to be APA formatted
  • Use Level One and Level Two headers throughout

Accounting homework help

Summary:Gates, co-founder and chairperson of Microsoft Corporation, advocates that in addition to seeking profits, corporations should also become social entrepreneurs in order to help solve social problems. He has called this creative capitalism. Gates argues the desire to help others who are less fortunate should be as powerful a motivator as increasing profits for businesses today.
Based on your research you are required to complete a paper answering the following:

  1. Explain free-market capitalism.
  2. Describe creative capitalism.
  3. Explain the three advantages of creative capitalism in relation to businesses.
  4. Explain the concept of corporate social responsibility using two examples of socially responsible companies. Clearly and concisely support your examples and explain why these companies are considered socially responsible.
  5. Comment on Gates’ creative capitalism. Do you think that creative capitalism can become the future of capitalism in the U.S.? Justify your response with examples and research.


  • Title Page
  • Intro paragraph
  • Detailed answers for all the questions to be written in 10. (Avoid Plagiarism)
  • References (and in text citations) to be APA formatted
  • Use Level One and Level Two headers throughout

Accounting homework help

Summary:Gates, co-founder and chairperson of Microsoft Corporation, advocates that in addition to seeking profits, corporations should also become social entrepreneurs in order to help solve social problems. He has called this creative capitalism. Gates argues the desire to help others who are less fortunate should be as powerful a motivator as increasing profits for businesses today.
Based on your research you are required to complete a paper answering the following:

  1. Explain free-market capitalism.
  2. Describe creative capitalism.
  3. Explain the three advantages of creative capitalism in relation to businesses.
  4. Explain the concept of corporate social responsibility using two examples of socially responsible companies. Clearly and concisely support your examples and explain why these companies are considered socially responsible.
  5. Comment on Gates’ creative capitalism. Do you think that creative capitalism can become the future of capitalism in the U.S.? Justify your response with examples and research.


  • Title Page
  • Intro paragraph
  • Detailed answers for all the questions to be written in 10. (Avoid Plagiarism)
  • References (and in text citations) to be APA formatted
  • Use Level One and Level Two headers throughout

Accounting homework help

Summary:Gates, co-founder and chairperson of Microsoft Corporation, advocates that in addition to seeking profits, corporations should also become social entrepreneurs in order to help solve social problems. He has called this creative capitalism. Gates argues the desire to help others who are less fortunate should be as powerful a motivator as increasing profits for businesses today.
Based on your research you are required to complete a paper answering the following:

  1. Explain free-market capitalism.
  2. Describe creative capitalism.
  3. Explain the three advantages of creative capitalism in relation to businesses.
  4. Explain the concept of corporate social responsibility using two examples of socially responsible companies. Clearly and concisely support your examples and explain why these companies are considered socially responsible.
  5. Comment on Gates’ creative capitalism. Do you think that creative capitalism can become the future of capitalism in the U.S.? Justify your response with examples and research.


  • Title Page
  • Intro paragraph
  • Detailed answers for all the questions to be written in 10. (Avoid Plagiarism)
  • References (and in text citations) to be APA formatted
  • Use Level One and Level Two headers throughout

Accounting homework help

GAAP requires the Statement of Cash Flow to be presented in one of two formats (direct or indirect). The most common method used is the indirect method. Discuss the three sections of the indirect method of presentation for the Statement of Cash Flows. Also discuss why the statement of cash flow is just as important as the income statement.
100 words