Accounting homework help

Accounting homework help
Assume that you are the internal auditor for the business and you have to evaluate the internal control procedures that have been implemented in the business.
There are three objectives of internal control:
Assets are safeguarded and used for business purposes,
Business information is accurate, and
Employees comply with laws and regulations.
The five elements of internal control are:
The control environment,
Risk assessment,
Control procedures,
Monitoring, and
Information and communication.
If you owned a business, you would expect your employees to:
Work to achieve the business goals and objectives you establish.
Use business assets (such as machinery or automobiles) only for legitimate business purposes and avoid wasting business resources.
Record accurate data regarding business transactions so you could accurately judge how well your business is doing.
Refrain from stealing your cash, supplies, inventory, or property, plant, and equipment.
In theory, you should be able to expect these things. In practice, however, you must establish an internal control framework to make sure your business objectives are achieved, assets are protected from theft and misuse, and financial data are recorded accurately.
The following eight procedures (A–H) were recently installed by Quixote Consulting:
The bank reconciliation is prepared by the cashier, who works under the supervision of the treasurer.
All mail is opened by the mail clerk, who forwards all cash remittances to the cashier. The cashier prepares a listing of the cash receipts and forwards a copy of the list to the accounts receivable clerk for recording in the accounts.
At the end of the day, cash register clerks are required to use their own funds to make up any cash shortages in their registers.
At the end of each day, all cash receipts are placed in the bank’s night depository.
At the end of each day, an accounting clerk compares the duplicate copy of the daily cash deposit slip with the deposit receipt obtained from the bank.
The accounts payable clerk prepares a voucher for each disbursement. The voucher along with the supporting documentation is forwarded to the treasurer’s office for approval.
After necessary approvals have been obtained for the payment of a voucher, treasurer signs and mails the check. The treasurer then stamps the voucher and supporting documentation as paid and returns the voucher and supporting documentation to the accounts payable clerk for filing.
Along with petty cash expense receipts for postage, office supplies, etc., several post-dated employee checks are in the petty cash fund.
Indicate whether each of the procedures of internal control represents: (1) a strength or, (2) a weakness. For each weakness, indicate why it exists and what procedures should be put into place to alleviate the risk.
For each letter, A–H, you should have at least a one paragraph, thoughtful answer that includes good critical thinking.
Your Assignment must be submitted in a single Word document.
The document must use APA formatting and include a proper Running head, Title Page, and references (Please review the documents placed in Course Documents related to APA formatting and proper formal writing. You may use the file titled “APA Template” and revise it to meet the Assignment criteria).
Use properly formatted headings to organize your paper.
You must include proper references and citations for any content not original to you. Also, you must use independent references/citations to support any “personal knowledge” or “personal experience” you include in the analysis. Formal writing does not recognize your own personal knowledge as “common knowledge.” Therefore, proper independent support must be included for any assertions made.

Accounting homework help

I need 3 responses on three different documents on the same day
Hypothesis testing is used in business to test assumptions and theories. These assumptions are tested against evidence provided by actual, observed data. A statistical hypothesis is a statement about the value of a population parameter that we are interested in. Hypothesis testing is a process followed to arrive at a decision between 2 competing, mutually exclusive, collective exhaustive statements about the parameter’s value.
Consider the following scenario: An industrial seller of grass seeds packages its product in 50-pound bags. A customer has recently filed a complained alleging that the bags are underfilled. A production manager randomly samples a batch and measures the following weights:
Weight, (lbs)
45.6 49.5
47.7 46.7
47.6 48.8
50.5 48.6
50.2 51.5
46.9 50.2
47.8 49.9
49.3 49.8
53.1 49.3
49.5 50.1
To determine whether the bags are indeed being underfilled by the machinery, the manager must conduct a test of mean with a significance level α = 0.05.
In a minimum of 175 words, respond to the following:
State appropriate null (Ho) and alternative (H1) hypotheses.
What is the critical value if we work with a significant level α = 0.05?
What is the decision rule?
Calculate the test statistic.
Are the bags indeed being underfilled?
Should machinery be recalibrated?

Accounting homework help

Managerial Accounting
Question for CLA 2 Paper:
Provide general discussion on predetermined variable overhead criterion and its possible dependence on the activity for which it is used. Provide a variable costing income statement in which variable overhead is divided among different activities, and that each activity has its own predetermined variable overhead criterion. Explain your example in detail and provide in-text citations.
The following is a partially completed lower section of a departmental expense allocation for Cozy Bookstore. It reports the total amounts of direct and indirect expenses allocated to its five departments. Allocate the expenses of the two service departments (advertising and purchasing) to the three operating departments and provide the complete income statement.
Advertising and purchasing department expenses are allocated to operating departments on the basis of dollar sales and purchase orders, respectively. Information about the allocation bases for the three operating departments follows.
Phoenix Company’s 2019 master budget included the following fixed budget report. It is based on an expected production and sales volume of 15,000 units.
Classify all items listed in the fixed budget as variable or fixed. Also determine their amounts per unit or their amounts for the year, as appropriate.
Identify the unit variable costs in the format of variable costing, according to your findings in part a
Organize a template for variable costing income statements in which the sales volume is a variable. Test your template for 15,000 units sales volume to see if you get the same income as stated above
Find the breakeven point and provide the income statement at break even
Provide income statement at sales volume 12,000, 14,000, 16,000, and 18,000
Please explain your work in detail and provide in-text citations. Include the initial situation and the initial assumptions in your answers. At least 6 references are required among which one should be the textbook as source of the data.
*Please refer to the Grading Criteria for Comprehensive Learning Assessments (CLAs) in the University Policies for specific guidelines and expectations.
Question for CLA 2 PPT:
In addition to your CLA2 report, please prepare a professional PowerPoint presentation summarizing your findings for CLA2. The presentation will consist of your major findings, analysis, and recommendations in a concise presentation of 15 slides (minimum). You should use content from your CLA2 report as material for your PowerPoint presentation. In addition, you should include learning outcomes from all your major assignments. This would include PA1, CLA1, PA2, and of course, CLA2 (unless otherwise specified by your Professor). An agenda, executive summary, and references slides should also be included.
Requirement for CLA 2 Paper:
1. At least 6 pages of the written part. (Excluding the calculations and hypothetical examples)
2. Paper needs to be formatted in APA 7th edition
3. Include the initial situation and the initial assumptions in your answers
4. At least 6 references are required among which one should be the textbook as source of data. (Recommend to find the articles from proquest.)
5. Needs to do the calculations on excel first, and then copy the data to the word as the part of paper.
6. Need to include introduction and conclusion.
7. Please find the guide of first question for CLA 2 paper in the attached.
8. Please find the class PPTs and Textbook in the attachment.
Requirement for PPT:
1. Create 15 slides PPT based on the material you write on the CLA2 paper.
2. Please add the scripts of the presentation in the speaker note section of PPT.
3.Time Length: 8 minuets
4. Need to include in-text citations and reference page.
5. Include calculations and tables with the explanation.
6. Do not put too much words on the slides. The slides should looks simple and clear with main points. (Please write the script of the presentation on the speaker’s note section)

Accounting homework help

Now that you have researched and investigated several companies, it’s time to pull it all together in the final task, focused on one company.
You have already chosen a company (Target) that is on the brink of releasing a new innovative product or service. Your final project will be to forecast the future of this company in 5 years and 10 years related to the product (or service).
You will need to do substantial research about the company, product or service, and financial management and policies. You will need to collect substantial data to make a viable forecast. You will also need to choose a model to analyze the data. Based on the information discovered determine the financial health of your company. Then predict the financial future of the company. Provide documented support for your prediction.
Report your findings.

Accounting homework help

Now that you have researched and investigated several companies, it’s time to pull it all together in the final task, focused on one company.
You have already chosen a company (Target) that is on the brink of releasing a new innovative product or service. Your final project will be to forecast the future of this company in 5 years and 10 years related to the product (or service).
You will need to do substantial research about the company, product or service, and financial management and policies. You will need to collect substantial data to make a viable forecast. You will also need to choose a model to analyze the data. Based on the information discovered determine the financial health of your company. Then predict the financial future of the company. Provide documented support for your prediction.
Report your findings.

Accounting homework help

Why audit? We will either be the auditor or be audited. We must understand internal control and the management of risk. The management of risk is everyone’s responsibility.
Report Requirements
Report Content
This report fulfills the request of your supervisor who is completing a project on these key issues, including certifications and the roles fraud detection and deterrence, as well as internal control serve, to meet the goals of the organization.
Following your review of course materials in Week 8, use the websites below to create a report of at least one page for each of the three topics: fraud detection and deterrence, internal control, and certifications.
Relate these topics to our course material for Principles of Accounting I.
The goal is to research, consider, and report what you know about these topics.
Consider the question and decide: what would you want to know?
Report Topics
Fraud Detection and Deterrence
Internal Control: COSO
Certifications: CFE, CIA, and CISA
Report Layout
1. Always include your name and a descriptive title in the file name.
2. Create, save, and submit a Microsoft Word document that covers the topics listed below and consists of one page (one page usually has at least 500 words) for each topic.
3. Your report should be adequate. The report is expected to have at least four-pages. Fewer than four pages is not long enough; seven pages is too long. Ideally, you will end up with a four-page (an introduction, 1 page covering each topics, and a conclusion) report not including the title or reference page.
4. Include your name and a descriptive title in the file name.
5. Your report should be single-spaced, with double spacing between paragraphs.
6. Use headers within the document.
Report Structure
You are writing a business report, not double-spaced academic papers.
This is not a business proposal, and it is not a casual reflective report.
Tell a story.
Explain the concepts.
You are building your vocabulary.
Spell check. Write, read, and edit. Take care with word selection and sentence structure.
Use APA style for citations and create a works cited list. Include website references.
You can use the above concepts, particularly the paragraph on “Why audit?” without reference. A good item for your works cited list: UMGC ACCT 220 Course Materials.
Similar to all submissions for this class, use your own words.
Show what you know!

accounting homework help

Excel submission is required, other file formats are not accepted!
FI305 – Fall 2020 Final Exam Part II
This part of the exam has 4 problems with 50 available points in total. You will submit the exam via Blackboard in an Excel spreadsheet. (DOC, PDF or other formats are not accepted). Your own work is required, and group work is not allowed. Good luck!
Problem 1: (15 Points)
Consider Gavin, a new freshman who has just received a student loan and started college. He plans to obtain the maximum loan from at the beginning of each year. Although Gavin does not have to make any payments while he is in school, the 6.8 percent interest owed (compounded monthly) accrues and is added to the balance of the loan. After graduation, Gavin gets a six-month grace period. This means that monthly payments are still not required, but interest is still accruing. After the grace period, the standard repayment plan is to amortize the debt using monthly payments for 10 years.
Loan Limits:
Freshman $6,000
Sophomore $6,000
Junior $7,000
Senior $7,000
a. Construct cash flows of the loan.
b. What will be the loan balance when Gavin graduates after his fourth year of school?
c. What is the loan balance six months after graduation?
d. Using the standard repayment plan and a 6.8 percent APR interest rate, compute the monthly payments Gavin owes after the grace period.
Problem 2: (10 points)
You are a financial manager at a soft-drink company. Until today the company bought empty cans from an outside supplier. You are considering whether to purchase a machine and begin manufacturing cans in-house to achieve cost savings.
The cost of purchasing a can machine is $850,000 and the lifespan of the machine is 8 years. At the end of 8 years, the company expects to sell the machine for $120,000. Assume the machine is depreciated each year at $95,000 per year.
The cost savings generated by the can machine will be $160,000 per year.
Assume that the project requires an investment in Net Working Capital (NWC) of $20,000, and none of this is recovered at the end of the project.
The machine would be purchased at year 0, the NWC investment occurs at year 0, and all subsequent cash flows occur in years 1-8.
Assume the discount rate is 10% and the corporate tax rate is 21%.
Determine the NPV of purchasing the can machine. Should you accept or reject the project?
Problem 3: (15 Points)
Calculate weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for Starbucks Corporation (Ticker:SBUX).
Use Capital Asset Pricing Model in your analysis for cost of common stock estimate and calculate Beta based on last five year’s monthly adjusted close prices. Use S&P returns in your market estimate. You can obtain historical prices on Yahoo Finance.
Use 10-year US Treasury Bond yield as your risk-free rate (Use the yield on 12/10/2020) and assume the market return as 8%.
Calculate total number of shares based on total market capitalization and market price on 12/10/2020. Use the market value of common stock in your calculation.
Assume Starbucks preferred stock market price as 180 $ and outstanding number of preferred stocks as 250.000.000. Preferred dividend of Starbucks is 7$.
Assume Starbucks only has long term debt and use the value of debt on the balance sheet for the end of 09/30/2020. Find the interest expense for the same period and use the average interest rate as your cost of debt.
Use effective tax rate based on tax expense and taxable income on 09/30/2020 income statement.
Problem 4: (10 Points)
You are tasked with estimating the value of a stock. Specifically, estimate the common stock’s per-share value using the free cash flow model. Use the following assumptions to perform your computation:
You project EBIT to be $3,000,000 next year.
Their depreciation expense will be $900,000 next year. Their tax rate is 25%.
You project their capital expenditures to be $395,000.
They currently have $210,000 in cash, and they do not have any debt.
They have preferred stock, which is valued at $1,500,000. The change in net working capital is $500,000.
You calculate their WACC (discount rate) to be 8% and estimate that free cash flows will grow by 4% a year.
The company has 750,000 common shares outstanding.
If this stock is currently trading at $80 per share, would you recommend buying it? Provide a brief explanation for your recommendation.

Accounting homework help

Q1: All of the following are historical reasons for the increase in health care expenditures in the U.S. EXCEPT:
A) Cost insulation because of third-party payers.
B) Employer-sponsored health insurance.
C) Universal health insurance coverage.
D) Technological advances in health care.
E) ACA Reforms.
F) Decrease in competition in health insurance sector due to rising data-intensity in the sector.
G) Increased quality of care as measured by tangible outcomes metrics (e.g. life expectancies relating to different procedures and treatments, etc.
Explain your answer(s).
Q2: Joan was injured in an auto accident. She was totally disabled and collected disability income benefits for 8 months. She would like to return to work on a part-time basis to see if her recovery is complete. Under what type of an insurance contract will her insurer pay disability income benefits to her during the period of her part-time employment?
A) Recurrent disability.
B) Presumptive disability.
C) Permanent disability.
D) Partial disability.
Explain your answer.
Q3: B-Gallery owns a building on Wharf Street. B-Gallery purchased a Commercial General Liability Policy with no endorsements. All of the following claims would be covered under the policy EXCEPT
A) An artist sued the gallery for slander after an employee of the gallery said the artist’s work looks like it was painted by an intoxicated monkey.
B) A customer is injured when a painting falls from the wall and strikes the customer.
C) A customer is injured after falling on a slippery floor at the gallery.
D) An employee of the gallery accidentally started a fire that caused extensive damage to the building.
E) An owner of an adjacent building negligently floods B-Gallery with water, resulting in damages to the B-Gallery’s inventory.
Explain your answer(s).
Q4: Executives of a smaller firm listed on the NYSE blocked an acquisition attempt by a larger company. When the stockholders learned they could have made large profits had the acquisition not been blocked, they filed a lawsuit against the executives of the firm. What type of liability insurance protects the executives of the organization against such suits?
A) Dram shop liability insurance
B) Directors and officers liability insurance
C) Employers liability insurance
D) Employment related practices liability insurance
E) Business Interruption insurance
What type of coverage would apply in this case?
1) blanket coverage.
2) corporate reimbursement coverage.
3) personal liability of directors and officers coverage.
4) entity coverage.
Explain your answers.
Q5: You are risk manager at Bay Engineering, Ltd. You purchased a Commercial Package Policy for your company and added one optional coverage. This option suspends the coinsurance clause and substitutes a new agreement covering any loss in the same proportion that the limit of insurance purchased bears to a value specified in the declarations. This provision is known as
A) waiver of inventory coverage.
B) inflation guard coverage.
C) agreed value coverage.
D) replacement cost coverage
In this case, will the deduction be taken for depreciation when settling a covered loss?

Accounting homework help

TOTAL POINTS: 225 Points
You need to choose an occupation with a salary. Over the next week, you will develop a budget based on your income and expenditures for all money spent and saved in one month.
NO late projects accepted after Friday October 2- this will result in 0/225.
Grading Rubric:
Overall Budget 70 pts
Title Page 15 pts
Pay Check Calculator Result 15 pts
Housing Information 15 pts
Car Payment Calculation 25 pts
Grocery List 45 pts
Proof of Purchases 40 pts
TOTAL= 225 pts
Steps in the Budget Project
Your budget project will be submitted electronically in the form of a Google Doc on Schoology. You will create a Google Doc and title it with your last name- Budget Project (Ex: Smith-Budget Project). All of the sections below need to be included in the Google Doc. You will also use two templates, the Grocery List and the Budget Worksheet, and insert them into your Google Doc in the appropriate places listed below. These templates are available in Google Classroom. To show “proof of purchases” for items, you will screenshot the online ad and paste it in your Google Doc under the correct section.
Your Name
You will be “paid” your salary the first of each month and must budget your annual salary to have income for the entire month. List your gross annual salary, monthly gross pay, and monthly net pay.
Go to and use the “Salary calculator.” Enter the following information:
State for Withholding= Alabama
Gross Pay= Salary given on occupation slip
Gross Pay Type= Annually
Pay frequency= Monthly
Federal filing status= Single
Once you get the Paycheck Calculator Results, screenshot this, and paste it in your Google Doc.
Monthly Net Pay will be the most important number for this project- this is what you will budget from for a month.
Find an apartment, using or Google. You must find an apartment in the Huntsville/ Madison area.
In this section be sure to list your apartment complex and include a link to the website with pricing information or a screenshot. Be sure to include all of the following information in your budget:
Living Expenses:
Roommate/No Roommate-
If living with a roommate, you must select a two bedroom apartment.
When calculating the budget for housing, you will split the rent and all utilities except for the cell phone bill.
Monthly Rent –You will find this from apartment website
Renters Insurance – $35 a month
Wash clothes at a laundry mat ($1 wash/$1 to dry. Average of 10 loads per month- $20.00 total)
If apartment has a washer/dryer included then your laundry budget is $10 for detergent
Dry Cleaning – Check your occupation slip for amount.
Utilities –Check Apartment Guide to see if all or part of utilities are included in the rent or not. If utilities are not included, budget the following set prices:
Water – $50 (Huntsville Utilities)
Electricity – $90 (Huntsville Utilities)
Alagasco – $60 (Alagasco Gas Company)
Entertainment Utilities
Cell Phone – $100 (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, etc.)
Cable – $60 (Charter)- Optional
Fast Access DSL Internet Service – $50 – Optional
4. CAR
Find a Car- Choose a car you want on Include model/make and year, as well as a picture and price. Must be between 2011- 2019
Because you have just gotten a job, you have no money for a down payment. You must get a loan. The bank agrees to loan you the amount for the car, but you must pay them back with interest. For this project, the interest rate is 6%.
Use a payment calculator on to calculate your monthly payment. List zero for the down payment as well as trade in value, 6% for interest rate and 5% for sales tax.
You will choose how long to pay back the loan based on your personal needs. (36months for 2011-2014, 60 months for 2015-2019 ).
Record the Estimated Payment: Include price per month for how many months (You may screenshot from website)
Gasoline – Use these set prices to calculate how much money you will spend on gas. You will fill up 3 times a month.
Car- $40.00 per fill up (times 3)
SUV/Truck- $55 per fill up (times 3)
Insurance – Use the table below to figure your insurance payment per month.
Using the grocery list provided, you will need to buy at least 35 items per week. If there is something you would like to purchase that is not on the list, you may add it to the proper category. You may buy more than the suggested amounts in each category, but you must buy at least that number.
Go to the grocery store website of your choice and price the items you have decided to buy. Take a screenshot of the items that you selected.
Include list, picture, as well as the grocery name and location to your Google Doc.
Due to time constraints, you will multiply this weekly grocery bill by 4 to get your monthly grocery bill total.
Eating Out – 5 times for the month. Make a list of 5 meals you would typically eat out in a month. You must include the restaurant, meal, and price. You can repeat restaurants if you eat there multiple times, but you must have 5 meals. You can get actual prices from menus or websites.
Sporting Event –1 sporting event for the month.
Cultural Event – 1 cultural event a month. (Examples: concert, band, plays, museums, art shows, etc.)
Extra Entertainment- At least one other fun activities that you may want to participate in with proof of price
*For these events, you do not have to actually attend or purchase the tickets, but you must show proof of cost through advertisements, ticket stubs, internet, etc.
You must buy at least 2 clothing items this month.
Include proof of the price and where the item was purchased.
An ad out of a catalog, sale paper, or website with a picture and price will work as proof.
Gifts – For the required gifts below, insert screenshots of items with prices from websites.
Haircut- Show proof of cost from internet ad or business card from salon or barber shop.
Health & Beauty – 2 additional items per month NOT on your grocery list
(Examples: massage, pedicure, hair products, cologne, make-up, curling iron, razor, etc.)
Show proof of purchase with item, price, and place purchased. No minimum price.
Gym- Check and see if your apartment has a gym or weight room you can use free. If not, choose a gym that best fits you with a price you like. Include proof of purchase through internet ad or flyer.
You must save 10% of your monthly net income. This goes under your monthly expenses on your budget worksheet.
You may save more if you would like. Include any extra savings in the Spendable Income section on your budget.
Other items that can be included in Spendable Income: Charitable donations, tithing to church, spending cash, etc.
School Loans or Fees- This is included on your occupation slip. You will enter this amount on your Budget Worksheet under “Loans”. If your occupation did not have an amount on it, you are exempt from this cost.
Accountant $41,250 $150 a month for College Loan/Private Univ.
Health Insurance: $150 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $50 per month
Marketing Consultant $38,295 $100 a month for College Loan/State Univ.
Health Insurance: $150 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $50 per month
Broadcast Journalist $33,475 $100 a month for College Loan/State Univ.
Health Insurance: $175 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $30 per month
Probation Officer $38,580 $150 College Loan/State Univ.
Health Insurance: $125 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $30 per month
Teacher $38,850 $100 a month for College Loan/State Univ.
Health Insurance: $114 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $30 per month
Physical Therapist $41,175 $200 a month for College Loan/State Univ.
Health Insurance: $150 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $20 per month
FBI Agent $40,275 $100 a month for College Loan/State Univ.
Health Insurance: $100 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $50 per month
Flight Attendant $29,375 Health Insurance: $100 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $30 per month
Electrical Engineer $42,275 $350 a month for College Loan/Private Univ.
Health Insurance: $150 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $30 per month
Social Worker $33,375 $100 a month for College Loan/State Univ.
Health Insurance: $75 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $30 per month
Architect $41,195 $200 a month for College Loan/State Univ.
Health Insurance: $50 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $40 per month
Registered Nurse $40,750 $250 a month for College Loan/Private Univ.
Health Insurance: $100 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $20 per month
Psychologist $40,350 $150 a month for College Loan/State Univ.
Health Insurance: $75 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $40 per month
Postal Worker $39,095 Health Insurance: $55 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $20 per month
Firefighter $38,275 $50 a month for Fire Training Program
Health Insurance: $125 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $20 per month
Electrician $34,750 $125 for equipment loan
Health Insurance: $100 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $20 per month
Truck Driver $31,750 $50 a month to Trucking Institute
Health Insurance: $85 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $20 per month
Secretary $29,995 Health Insurance: $110 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $40 per month
Bank Teller $27,950 Health Insurance: $65 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $40 per month
Newspaper Reporter $31,675 $100 a month for College Loan/State Univ.
Health Insurance: $85 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $20 per month
Lawyer $42,450 $350 a month for Law School Loan
Health Insurance: $150 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $50 per month
Mechanic $32,585 $35 a month for technical school loan
Health Insurance: $120 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $20 per month
Used Car Sales Worker $29,899 Health Insurance: $145 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $40 per month
Personal Trainer $33,670 $30 per month Community College Loan
Health Insurance $195 monthly premium
Dry Cleaning: $20 per month
Insurance Claims Adjuster $40,450 $80 a month State University loan
Health Insurance: $100 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $50 per month
Garbage Truck Driver $28,975 Health Insurance: $120 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $20 per month
Photographer $35,355 Health Insurance: $185 monthly premium;
Dry Cleaning: $30 per month
Retail Sales $28,480 Health Insurance: $120 monthly premium
Dry Cleaning: $20
Dental Hygienist $39,895 $75 Hygienist School Loan
Health Insurance: $175 per month
Dry Cleaning: $20 per month
Dental Assistant $29,599 $50 School Loan
Health Insurance: $175 per month
Dry Cleaning: $20 per month
Utility Meter Reader $29,299 Health Insurance: $120 per month
Dry Cleaning: $20 per month
Welder $29,999 $60 Welding School Loan
Health Insurance: $150 per month
Dry Cleaning: $20 per month
Private Detective $39,899 $100 a month State University Loan
Health Insurance: $50 per month
Dry Cleaning: $50 per month
DUE DATE:    Friday, October 2, 2020
TOTAL POINTS: 225 Points
Grading Rubric:
Overall Budget 70 pts
Title Page 15 pts
Pay Check Calculator Result 15 pts
Housing Information 15 pts
Car Payment Calculation 25 pts
Grocery List 45 pts
Proof of all Purchases 40 pts
TOTAL= 225 pts
Name, Period, Date, Occupation, Salary
Show the screenshot from
Show proof of your housing. List all fees.
Show proof of your car. List all calculations for insurance and fees.
Priced Grocery list, Name/Location of Grocery and Picture proof
Show proof of prices for eating out, sporting event, cultural event, and extra event
Show proof of purchase for two clothing items including price and where it was purchased
Show proof of purchase for gifts, haircut, health/beauty (2 items), and gym
5% of your monthly net income goes here. Tithe, donations, or any other spending is listed here as well.
School Loans or Fees- If applicable, record amount listed on occupation slip.
Completed balanced budget list
Budget Project Grocery List
You must price at least 35 food items in each of the categories below. You can always get more in each category, but you must get at least the minimum amount required.
NAME:_______________________________ PERIOD:_______
Monthly Net Income ____________
Rent ____________
Renter’s Insurance ____________
Laundry ____________
Dry Cleaning ____________
Water ____________
Electricity ____________
Alagasco ____________
Cell Phone ____________
Cable/Internet (Optional) ____________
Car Payment ____________
Gasoline ____________
Car Insurance ____________
Groceries ____________
Eating Out ____________
Sporting Event ____________
Cultural Event ____________
Extra Entertainment ____________
Clothing ____________
Gifts ____________
Haircut ____________
Health & Beauty ____________
Gym ____________
Savings (10%) ____________
Loans/Fees ____________
Total Expenses ____________
Monthly Net Income ____________
Less Total Expenses ____________
= Spendable Income ____________
Spendable Income Plan: Show how you will spend or save your spendable income.
1.____________________ _____________
2. ____________________ _____________
3. ____________________ _____________
4. ____________________ _____________
Balance _____-0-____
15/15 Title Page
15/15 Pay Check
10/10 Calculation
5/5 Picture
15/15 Apartment
10/10 Calculation
5/5 Picture
25/25 Car
15/15 Calculation
10/10 Pictures
45/45 Food
15/15 Picture
20/20 Grocery List
10/10 Calculation
40/40 Proof of Purchases
10/10 Events
10/10 Clothing
20/20 Gifts/Health
70/70 Overall Budget
50/50 Budget Sheet
20/20 Savings
Late –