Accounting homework help

  Essay Topic: Develop your three strategies for ethical action. Explain each strategy in its own paragraph by associating with topics and issues covered in class (cases, discussion, theories, AICPA codes, and experience). Make sure to include an introduction and conclusion.
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Accounting homework help

  Essay Topic: Develop your three strategies for ethical action. Explain each strategy in its own paragraph by associating with topics and issues covered in class (cases, discussion, theories, AICPA codes, and experience). Make sure to include an introduction and conclusion.
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Accounting homework help

Reflect on how decisions were made during the Team Project.  Describe how you made decisions in a 4-page (maximum) double-spaced paper.  Describe the following:

  1. Process for decision making
  2. Quantitative or qualitative nature of decisions
  3. System 1- or System 2-type thinking
  4. Integrative nature of decisions
  5. Benefits of collaboration
  6. Theory for thinking – is it reflective, integrative, system, perception-based, values-based, design thinking,
  7. How you will strive to make decisions in the future

Accounting homework help

Reflect on how decisions were made during the Team Project.  Describe how you made decisions in a 4-page (maximum) double-spaced paper.  Describe the following:

  1. Process for decision making
  2. Quantitative or qualitative nature of decisions
  3. System 1- or System 2-type thinking
  4. Integrative nature of decisions
  5. Benefits of collaboration
  6. Theory for thinking – is it reflective, integrative, system, perception-based, values-based, design thinking,
  7. How you will strive to make decisions in the future

Accounting homework help

This assignment is a continuation of the Cookie Creations  case study, which  began in Chapter 1. From the information gathered in the  previous chapter, read  the continuation of the Cookie Creations case study in  Chapter 2 of the textbook on p. 2-42.
The case study allows you to apply what you have learned  about accounting  and the recording process. This assignment will enable you to  practice what you  have learned so far.
After researching the different forms of business  organization, Natalie decides to operate Cookie Creations as a proprietorship.  She then starts the     process of getting the business running. In November 2019,  the following activities listed below take place.
Nov. 8: Natalie cashes her U.S. Savings Bonds and receives  $520, which she  deposits in her personal bank account.
Nov. 8: She opens a bank account under the name “Cookie  Creations” and   transfers $500 from her personal account to the  new account.
Nov. 11: Natalie pays $65 for advertising.
Nov. 13: She buys baking supplies, such as flour, sugar,  butter, and   chocolate chips, for $125 cash. (Hint: Use the Supplies account.)
Nov. 14: Natalie starts to gather some baking equipment  to  take with her   when teaching the cookie classes. She has an excellent top-of-the-line food   processor and mixer that originally cost her $750.        Natalie  decides to start using it only in her new business. She estimates that the  equipment is   currently worth $300. She invests the equipment in   the   business.
Nov. 16: Natalie realizes that her initial cash investment  is not enough.   Her grandmother lends her $2,000 cash, for which Natalie signs a  note payable   in the name of the business. Natalie deposits     the money in the  business bank   account. (Hint: The note does not have to be repaid for 24 months.  As a  result,  the note payable should be reported in the  accounts as the last   liability and  on the balance sheet as the last liability.)
Nov. 17: She buys more baking equipment for $900 cash.
Nov. 20: She teaches her first class and collects $125 cash.
Nov. 25: Natalie books a second class for December 4 for  $150. She receives   $30 cash in advance as a down payment.
Nov. 30: Natalie pays $1,320 for a 1-year insurance policy  that will expire   on December 1, 2020. Answer  the questions below using an Excel spreadsheet. You should create a    new tab on  your spreadsheet for each calculation used for a total of three tabs  on your spreadsheet.
Prepare journal entries to record the November transactions.
Post the journal entries to general ledger accounts.
Prepare  a trial balance at November 30.
Please  show your work, and do not take any shortcuts. Make sure to complete  item “a”  completely before moving to item “b,” and then move to item “c.” You   cannot jump  ahead unless you have completed each step sequentially in full.

Accounting homework help

This assignment is a continuation of the Cookie Creations  case study, which  began in Chapter 1. From the information gathered in the  previous chapter, read  the continuation of the Cookie Creations case study in  Chapter 2 of the textbook on p. 2-42.
The case study allows you to apply what you have learned  about accounting  and the recording process. This assignment will enable you to  practice what you  have learned so far.
After researching the different forms of business  organization, Natalie decides to operate Cookie Creations as a proprietorship.  She then starts the     process of getting the business running. In November 2019,  the following activities listed below take place.
Nov. 8: Natalie cashes her U.S. Savings Bonds and receives  $520, which she  deposits in her personal bank account.
Nov. 8: She opens a bank account under the name “Cookie  Creations” and   transfers $500 from her personal account to the  new account.
Nov. 11: Natalie pays $65 for advertising.
Nov. 13: She buys baking supplies, such as flour, sugar,  butter, and   chocolate chips, for $125 cash. (Hint: Use the Supplies account.)
Nov. 14: Natalie starts to gather some baking equipment  to  take with her   when teaching the cookie classes. She has an excellent top-of-the-line food   processor and mixer that originally cost her $750.        Natalie  decides to start using it only in her new business. She estimates that the  equipment is   currently worth $300. She invests the equipment in   the   business.
Nov. 16: Natalie realizes that her initial cash investment  is not enough.   Her grandmother lends her $2,000 cash, for which Natalie signs a  note payable   in the name of the business. Natalie deposits     the money in the  business bank   account. (Hint: The note does not have to be repaid for 24 months.  As a  result,  the note payable should be reported in the  accounts as the last   liability and  on the balance sheet as the last liability.)
Nov. 17: She buys more baking equipment for $900 cash.
Nov. 20: She teaches her first class and collects $125 cash.
Nov. 25: Natalie books a second class for December 4 for  $150. She receives   $30 cash in advance as a down payment.
Nov. 30: Natalie pays $1,320 for a 1-year insurance policy  that will expire   on December 1, 2020. Answer  the questions below using an Excel spreadsheet. You should create a    new tab on  your spreadsheet for each calculation used for a total of three tabs  on your spreadsheet.
Prepare journal entries to record the November transactions.
Post the journal entries to general ledger accounts.
Prepare  a trial balance at November 30.
Please  show your work, and do not take any shortcuts. Make sure to complete  item “a”  completely before moving to item “b,” and then move to item “c.” You   cannot jump  ahead unless you have completed each step sequentially in full.

Accounting homework help

This assignment is a continuation of the Cookie Creations  case study, which  began in Chapter 1. From the information gathered in the  previous chapter, read  the continuation of the Cookie Creations case study in  Chapter 2 of the textbook on p. 2-42.
The case study allows you to apply what you have learned  about accounting  and the recording process. This assignment will enable you to  practice what you  have learned so far.
After researching the different forms of business  organization, Natalie decides to operate Cookie Creations as a proprietorship.  She then starts the     process of getting the business running. In November 2019,  the following activities listed below take place.
Nov. 8: Natalie cashes her U.S. Savings Bonds and receives  $520, which she  deposits in her personal bank account.
Nov. 8: She opens a bank account under the name “Cookie  Creations” and   transfers $500 from her personal account to the  new account.
Nov. 11: Natalie pays $65 for advertising.
Nov. 13: She buys baking supplies, such as flour, sugar,  butter, and   chocolate chips, for $125 cash. (Hint: Use the Supplies account.)
Nov. 14: Natalie starts to gather some baking equipment  to  take with her   when teaching the cookie classes. She has an excellent top-of-the-line food   processor and mixer that originally cost her $750.        Natalie  decides to start using it only in her new business. She estimates that the  equipment is   currently worth $300. She invests the equipment in   the   business.
Nov. 16: Natalie realizes that her initial cash investment  is not enough.   Her grandmother lends her $2,000 cash, for which Natalie signs a  note payable   in the name of the business. Natalie deposits     the money in the  business bank   account. (Hint: The note does not have to be repaid for 24 months.  As a  result,  the note payable should be reported in the  accounts as the last   liability and  on the balance sheet as the last liability.)
Nov. 17: She buys more baking equipment for $900 cash.
Nov. 20: She teaches her first class and collects $125 cash.
Nov. 25: Natalie books a second class for December 4 for  $150. She receives   $30 cash in advance as a down payment.
Nov. 30: Natalie pays $1,320 for a 1-year insurance policy  that will expire   on December 1, 2020. Answer  the questions below using an Excel spreadsheet. You should create a    new tab on  your spreadsheet for each calculation used for a total of three tabs  on your spreadsheet.
Prepare journal entries to record the November transactions.
Post the journal entries to general ledger accounts.
Prepare  a trial balance at November 30.
Please  show your work, and do not take any shortcuts. Make sure to complete  item “a”  completely before moving to item “b,” and then move to item “c.” You   cannot jump  ahead unless you have completed each step sequentially in full.

Accounting homework help


Rough Draft Review Process Evaluation

[WLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Purpose: The primary goal of this weekly assignment is to enable you to understand the revision process and revise your paper with the help of a writing specialist.
Step 1: Prepare a shortened version of your Final Paper (at least four pages) by including the following:

  • Introduction paragraph and thesis statement you developed for your Week 3 Assignment.
  • Background information of the global societal issue you have chosen.
  • Brief argument supporting at least two solutions to the global societal issue.
  • Conclusion paragraph.
  • Must document any information used from at least five scholarly sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) Note that you will need at least eight scholarly sources for your Final Paper in Week 5.

Step 2: After you have completed a rough draft of your paper, submit that draft to the Ashford Writing Center by using the instructions found in the Paper Review (Links to an external site.) page. Your paper will be returned within 24 hours, so give yourself enough time to complete and submit it prior to the due date.
Reflect: Carefully review the summary feedback found in the email from the tutor and the margin comments that you see on your returned paper. Consider each of the suggestions provided to help you to revise your paper.
What You Need to Submit to Waypoint:

  • Upload the document that contains the feedback from the Writing Center specialist.
  • Submit the journal assignment answering the following questions in at least 400 words:
    • Identify the top three issues your writing specialist focused on in your rough draft (e.g., paragraph structure, proper use of quotations, thesis statement, etc.).
      • In what ways were those issues surprising?
    • Describe what you learned from some of the feedback your writing specialist provided as explanations.
      • Was this feedback helpful?
    • Evaluate the usefulness of the paper review tool.
      • In what ways did this activity improve your academic writing skills?
      • Will you use the Ashford Writing Center to review your work in the future? Why or why not?
    • Identify Writing Center Video Tutorials (Links to an external site.) that you find most useful and explain why. Also, identify tutorial(s) you found least useful and explain why.

The journal part of the assignment does not need to be formatted in APA style; however, correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation is required.

Accounting homework help

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