Accounting homework help

Employees from Company A and Company B both receive annual bonuses. What information would you need to test the claim that the difference in annual bonuses is greater than $100 at the 0.05 level of significance? Write out the hypothesis and explain the testing procedure.

Accounting homework help


Describe the process of creating data sets.


You are the facility manager for EnVision, a high-tech vehicle maker located in Atlanta. This new company designs, manufactures, and sells electric vehicles and charging units. EnVision’s unique designs, technical prowess, and limited competition has placed them in the enviable position of having a high demand for their line of products. This demand has generated over a billion dollars in pre-sale orders, and facility expansion will be required to meet customer needs. Due to space limitations within the existing plant and surrounding property, the firm’s CEO, Mark Hammel, has asked you to assist him in selecting a new site that will accommodate a new state-of-the-art facility.
The CEO has stated that retention of current employees is paramount which limits your selection to the local area. He also stated that it would be highly desirable to use sustainable energy in the plant’s operations. Resources in the form of additional personnel, raw materials, utilities, and shipping conveyances also need consideration.


In a written memo to Mark Hammel, address the following issues in regards to your site research.

  • Appraise valid sources of data in regards to sustainable energy (if any), skilled labor, raw materials, utilities, and shipping conveyances in the Atlanta area. You must cite the source(s) of the data you use.
  • Discuss the relationships between the sustainable energy, skilled labor, raw materials, utilities, and shipping conveyances for a manufacturing facility in the Atlanta area.
  • Evaluate potential gaps or issues with the identified datasets. Share how you plan to go about closing these gaps, including identification of further sources of data or research that might be necessary.
  • Using Excel, organize your sources of data into datasets. Include as part of your submission.

Data Files

For this deliverable, please reference the following data files as necessary:

Accounting homework help

Please read the question carefully before making a bid. I would need 200-250 words for each of the four points. Please break the answers in four separate sections, as required below.
Question: is the largest retailer on the planet, with Walmart not far behind.  The third-largest retailer on the planet is Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba.

  1. Amazon and Walmart follow somewhat different strategies. Suggest reasons for these differences in operating profitability.
  2. Amazon and Alibaba follow somewhat similar strategies.  Suggest reasons for the differences in operating profitability.
  3. Rank-order these firms in terms of their short-term liquidity risk. Do any of these firms appear unduly risky as of the end of fiscal 2018? Explain.
  4. Rank-order these firms in terms of their long-term liquidity risk. Do any of these firms appear unduly risky as of the end of fiscal 2018? Explain.

Accounting homework help

Present the reasons that could explain an increase or decrease in gross profit margin. In your discussion, explain how a company could have a decreasing gross profit margin but an increasing operating profit margin. Give examples whenever possible to illustrate your point and reference credible sources as appropriate to support your statements.
-Two sources must be used
-300 word minimum

Accounting homework help

Present the reasons that could explain an increase or decrease in gross profit margin. In your discussion, explain how a company could have a decreasing gross profit margin but an increasing operating profit margin. Give examples whenever possible to illustrate your point and reference credible sources as appropriate to support your statements.
-Two sources must be used
-300 word minimum

Accounting homework help

Select one type of creditor or investor from the list below:

  1. vendor (supplier of goods or products)
  2. bank providing short-term financing
  3. bank providing long-term loan (10 years or more)
  4. bond investor
  5. investor in common stock

Discuss at least three specific financial ratios that creditors or investors would be most interested in when analyzing financial statements, and why.

Accounting homework help

Select one type of creditor or investor from the list below:

  1. vendor (supplier of goods or products)
  2. bank providing short-term financing
  3. bank providing long-term loan (10 years or more)
  4. bond investor
  5. investor in common stock

Discuss at least three specific financial ratios that creditors or investors would be most interested in when analyzing financial statements, and why.

Accounting homework help

Course Project Deliverable # 3 Assignment
Course Project – LDC Cloud Systems
With a plot centered on a bribery allegation and questionable accounting oversight within the company, LDC Cloud Systems provides the reader a better appreciation of how fraud situations can unfold and then addressed, including the importance of strong board oversight. The case study explores actions of management and the board, along with the timeline of decisions after they uncover potential problems within the company. It also illustrates how complex accounting practices common in today’s fast-changing business environment can make a company susceptible to fraud.
Resources: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
In this scene, CFO Filippe Arizmendi is expressing concern to General Counsel Ross Trela that the accounting team is working extremely hard to make sure that the accounting department will be able to correctly recognize revenue on the myriad terms and conditions that the sales function is offering to close deals in order to meet growth targets.
Respond to the following questions ensuring you provide examples and concepts from our lessons.
1) Revisit the fraud triangle. How does the cascading effect on other departments that aggressive growth targets can have on the company?
2) How are accounting and legal departments are impacted by the sales function? What could go wrong? Why did the CFO say that the team feels like they’re playing goalie?
3) Comment on how the sales “deals” put pressure on the accounting function, which is tasked with determining how to recognize revenue for these different arrangements.
The three men are prepping for the upcoming board meeting where they will discuss the accounting information discovered in the email that has the potential to result in a restatement of prior period financial statements. CEO Shep LeDuc has been asked to sit out this board meeting so that the board can have a candid discussion about the situation at LDC.
Respond to the following questions ensuring you provide examples and concepts from our lessons.
1)What are the key decisions facing the Board of Directors (for example: do they need to restate financial statements from prior periods?)
2) What does “governance” mean when it comes to fraud detection, prevention and investigation? Is LeDuc a good chief executive for LDC? How about CFO Arizmendi? What responsibility does Arizmendi have in these events? Why is the CEO being asked to sit out this board meeting?
3) Should the company delay filing the quarterly financial report until there is a determination about the materiality of the questionable accounting estimates highlighted in the email attachment?

  • Be careful. Make sure you avoid plagiarism by using quotation marks and proper citation as required.
  • Use APA format for citations and (required) the References page. Remember that the significant portion of your analysis should be in your own words.


Accounting homework help

Essay – Global Finance and Free Trade—Limits and Possibilities   
Considering  the readings, video presentations, and your own research, draft a  quality  6 pg. research paper on the logic, rationale, and effectiveness  of Global Economic Governance in accordance with the following prompts, answering in a separate or integrated manner as you wish.

  • Reasoning with clear ideas and examples, explain at least 3 reasons for the authority and legitimacy of the IMF and World Bank?  According to their defenders, what is their stated role and rationale?  In reverse, mention at least 3 criticisms of these institutions. Is  there a particularly Christian approach to international finance or  micro-finance, or might Christians split left to right on this issue?  Explain.
  • Reasoning with clear ideas and examples, discuss the pros and cons of the free trade  regime established after WWII. Most Western economists defend free  trade as a religious mantra, believing it a partial remedy for the ills  of inequality between peoples, states, and regions like the North-South  divide for example. Many Christians endorse free trade as one of the  only ways to reconcile capitalism, freedom, and Christian faith.  Providing 3 pros and 3 cons, offer a more balanced view of free trade.