Accounting homework help

Hypothesis testing is used in business to test assumptions and theories. These assumptions are tested against evidence provided by actual, observed data. A statistical hypothesis is a statement about the value of a population parameter that we are interested in. Hypothesis testing is a process followed to arrive at a decision between 2 competing, mutually exclusive, collective exhaustive statements about the parameter’s value.
Consider the following scenario: An industrial seller of grass seeds packages its product in 50-pound bags. A customer has recently filed a complained alleging that the bags are underfilled. A production manager randomly samples a batch and measures the following weights:
Weight, (lbs)
45.6     49.5
47.7     46.7
47.6     48.8
50.5     48.6
50.2     51.5
46.9     50.2
47.8     49.9
49.3     49.8
53.1     49.3
49.5     50.1
To determine whether the bags are indeed being underfilled by the machinery, the manager must conduct a test of mean with a significance level α = 0.05.
In a minimum of 175 words, respond to the following:

  • State appropriate null (Ho) and alternative (H1) hypotheses.
  • What is the critical value if we work with a significant level α = 0.05?
  • What is the decision rule?
  • Calculate the test statistic.
  • Are the bags indeed being underfilled?
  • Should machinery be recalibrated?

Accounting homework help

I need someone good in Financial Accounting class if you stupid asking me how many page you think this is essay please save your time Im tired of these dummies

Accounting homework help

Differential analysis, managers are responsible for making decisions. The ability to make good decisions requires that managers assess the alternatives. Six key concepts for decision making are listed on page 571 of your Garrison text; they are:
Every decision involves choosing from among at least two alternatives.
Identify criteria for choosing among alternatives by distinguishing between relevant and irrelevant costs and benefits.
Focus on the future costs and benefits as you evaluate the alternatives.
Remember that sunk costs are always irrelevant when choosing among alternatives.
Remember that only future costs and benefits that differ are relevant. Future costs and benefits that do not differ are irrelevant.
Opportunity costs for the future should be considered.
Making decisions can be challenging. Managers spend much time and energy in making decisions, such as whether to make or buy components, relocate plants to new locations, even abroad, close plants or segments, accept special orders or offers, etc. How well the organization makes decisions determines an organization’s profitability and success.
In the Unit 8 Discussion, you should begin to understand how decisions are made before working in an organization. You should appraise the decision making process that occurs in organizations similar to SAS above wherein the company chooses to invest in its workforce by providing work-life balance for employees, libraries, use of green technology, etc.
As you formulate your initial post, select another company to research similarly. Perhaps select a company in which you hope to obtain a job. What characteristics about the company’s organizational culture and corporate philosophy appeal to you? What alternative companies did you consider and why? Can you identify whether the company’s decision making is more quantitative or qualitative? Are any costs or benefits for the resulting culture in the organization shown in their financial statements? Or if you found another source for relevant information, please identify and cite sources. Where did you conduct the research?
For decision-making purposes, distinguish the purpose of the two areas of accounting (financial and managerial accounting). Appraise each area and explain where relevant information for the company can be obtained for decision-making purposes. In your post, provide and cite any reports with relevant differential information in the Unit 8 Discussion forum.

Accounting homework help

The following questions deal with using the FASB Accounting Standard Codification (ASC) to answer accounting questions. Given the following scenarios below, where would you look within the ASC to find guidance? Use the appropriate ASC citation format (i.e. ASC Topic Number – Subtopic Number – Section Number – Subsection number). Explanations of the guidance are not required.
1. You have been assigned to audit a cable television company. You are unsure of whether the company has correctly recognized some of its deferred revenues (i.e. hookup revenues).
2. You are reading the footnotes of a company’s financial statements, and they note that within the revenue number recognized, they include sales of a product where the buyer has the right to return the product. You are unsure whether the company has met the appropriate conditions to recognize the revenue from those sales.
3. You have been hired to help keep accounting records for a film entertainment company. You are unsure whether and how to measure the value of a liability already recognized on the firm’s financial statements.
4. You have been tasked with accounting for the income taxes related to a business combination. A colleague of yours hands you some papers with guidance on how to complete the task. Unfortunately, you see some terminology that you are unfamiliar with.
5. A friend from a software company calls you and asks how to treat the following situation: His company is exchanging a license of its software to a customer in exchange for a license to the customer’s technology (i.e. a non-monetary transaction). He wants to know how to record this accounting transaction.
Please follow the instructions to log in.
2. Click on the green button that says ‘FASB User Login’. Do not click on the ‘Login’ button at the top right-hand side of the screen.
3. Input the username and password. The password is case sensitive.
Username: AAA50943
Password: X8q9gFS

Accounting homework help

Due date is morning at 09 december. Please contact if you can give early by tonight.
`                                                             UCW – ACCT 621
Class Assignment #2
Criteria Guidelines

  1. Project Assignment


  • The intent of the assignment is to apply the concepts discussed in the Chapter 11 readings, specifically, cost-volume-profit.
  • Due Date – beginning of class, one week from the date of issuance (via email addressed to myself through the UCW portal)
  • Required:

Put together a recommendation/ set of changes to the Chow business plan introduced in class.  Identify areas that the plan was weak and introduce items that you believe would enhance the viability of the business.  When you are complete, identify the number of the customers that the restaurant would need to serve in order to break even.   As discussed in class, you may want to change the theme of the restaurant, introduce a new menu and/ or identify areas of cost containment.  Each of these areas will have an impact on your break even analysis and I will be looking at how these changes are reflected in your final conclusion – number of customers required.
Ideally, the assignment will have an executive summary, a couple pages for your insights and analysis, and an appendix, possibly with the updated financial statements.  Marks will be earned with originality, attention to detail, consistency of thought and focus, and level of professionalism (ie., writing quality/ font/ graphs, etc.) in communicating your findings.
While not required, you may introduce assumptions if the information within the business case incomplete.  The assumptions made should be identified and included in the written submission.  Grading of the assignment will consider the plausibility, detail and basis of the assumptions.
Based on your analysis, highlight areas that you believe the entity may pursue in order to expand/ grow its operations.  You may also consider areas that it may consider to minimize exposure to various risks. Grading will be based on the realism of your strategy.  This is optional, though an opportunity to score additional marks.

  1. Marking scheme


  • Written report = 10% of the overall class grade – will be graded based on logic/ realism, originality and ability to incorporate class concepts.
  • Up to 5 pages in length, but could be greater if charts, pictures, etc. are included
  • The appendix may include a new set of financial statements based on your assumptions
  • Formatting will be considered, including a title page, executive summary, consistency in font, standard currency format (eg., $1,000 and not 1,000$), correct table alignment/ fit within pages, no abbreviations (except where previously defined, proper references (eg., APA or Chicago style)
  • The course rubric is also provided below and will provide guidance for the overall marking scheme of this assignment.

Assessment Rubrics

Written Communication Assessment: Guideline
Did not meet expectations
Met expectations
Exceeded expectations
Writing Conventions (grammar, word use, punctuation, mechanics) Frequent grammatical errors and misspellings inhibit readability, Informal language, abbreviations and
slang are used
Few grammatical errors and misspellings (e.g. three or fewer per page) Correct verb tense used Paragraphs flow from one to another Active voice pervasive Free of grammatical errors and misspellings
Effective verb tense used Uses phrases and construction that delight as
well as inform the reader
Primarily active voice
Overall Effectiveness of
Piece (professional appearance, expression
and format)
Not formatted to
Specifications, Lacking professional appearance
Formatting is generally correct, acceptable
professional appearance.
Assigned format followed explicitly: Exceptional
professional appearance

Critical Thinking and Written Analyses Rubric – Scale Description/Guideline

Criteria 1
Did Not Meet Expectations
Met Expectations
Exceeded Expectations
Clarity Writing is not clear. It is difficult to understand points
being made. The writing lacks
transitions, and few examples and/or illustrations are provided to support explanation or recommendations.
Writing is generally well organized and understood.
Transitions are used to facilitate
clarity. Some examples and/illustrations are used to support explanation or recommendations.
Writing is succinct, precise, effectively organized and
without ambiguity.
Transitions, explanation and elaboration are extensive to elucidate points. Detailed illustrations
and/or examples are used to support explanation or
Relevance Critical issues/questions are omitted or ignored in the
Most of the critical issues/questions are addressed in the writing. All critical issues/questions are addressed completely in the writing
Depth of
Ignores bias; Omits arguments
Misrepresents issues; Excludes data; Includes but does not detect inconsistencies of information; Ideas contain
unnecessary gaps, repetition
or extraneous details; Sees no arguments and overlooks differences
Detects bias; Recognizes
arguments; Categorizes content; Paraphrases data;
Sufficient detail to support conclusions and/or
Analysis includes insightful
questions; Refutes bias; Discusses issues thoroughly; Critiques content; Values Information ; Examines inconsistencies; Offers extensive detail to support conclusions and recommendations; Suggests solutions or implementation
Breadth of
Omits arguments or perspectives; Misses major
content areas/concepts;
Presents few options
Covers the breadth of the topic without being superfluous Considers multiple perspectives;
Thoroughly delves into the
issues/questions; Thoroughly discusses facts relevant to the issues
Integration of all Elements of
Fails to draw conclusions or
conclusions rely on author’s
authority rather than strength of presentation; Draws faulty conclusions; Shows intellectual dishonesty
Formulates clear conclusions with adequate support Assimilates and critically reviews information, uses
reasonable judgment, and provides balanced, well
justified conclusions
There is little integration across the sections of the
paper. Several inconsistencies or contradictions exist. Few of the issues, recommendation and explanations make sense
and are well integrated.
Sections of the paper are generally well linked/connected.
Only minor contradictions exist. Most of the issues,
recommendations and explanations make sense and are well integrated.
All sections of the paper are linked. There are no contradictions in the writing. All issues,
recommendations and explanations make sense and are well integrated

Values:  Level 1:  10%, Level 2:  50% and Level 3: 100%

Accounting homework help

I need a budget sheet that will account for every dollar on an excel spreadsheet.  I have the numbers already I just need it to account for items such as utilities, if we will need to rent a building, investors, staff members, payroll, etc.

Accounting homework help

Please answer each of the following questions in detail. Provide in-text citations and include examples whenever applicable.
Explain departmental income statement and the criterion for division of indirect costs among departments. Provide a hypothetical example in which at least 3 indirect costs are divided among departments.
1. Define the words in the own words. Do not directly quote from the textbook.
2. Need to include hypothetical examples.
2. Need to write at least 1 pages (2 paragraphs) of the written part. (Exclude hypothetical example)
3. Need to include the information from the textbook as the reference.
4. Need to include at least 2 peer reviewed article as the reference.
5. Provide in-text citations and include examples whenever applicable. 
5. Please find the related power point and textbook in the attachment

Accounting homework help

Contingent liability
WBM Motorworks is a manufacturer of high-end touring and off-road motorcycles. On November 30, the company was sued by a customer who was injured when the front shock absorber on the WBM Series 3 motorcycle cracked during use. The company conducted a preliminary investigation into the matter during December and found evidence of a manufacturing defect in the shock absorber. While it is uncertain whether the manufacturing defect is the source of the product failure, the company has voluntarily recalled the front shock absorbers on the Series 3 motorcycles. The company is uncertain how the lawsuit will be resolved. Similar lawsuits against other manufacturers have been settled for approximately $2,000,000.
Write a brief memo to the president of WBM Motorworks, U. D. Mach III, discussing how the lawsuit might be reported in the financial statements.
The memo should be at least one and a half pages but no more than two (2) pages ; double spaced lines. Be sure to cite your sources, using APA format. Avoid plagiarism.

Accounting homework help

It’s a short Accounting report. I want 1-2 pages answer some accounting questions base on ASC website below. I attach the ASC username and password to log in.
The following questions deal with using the FASB Accounting Standard Codification (ASC) to answer accounting questions.  Given the following scenarios below, where would you look within the ASC to find guidance?  Use the appropriate ASC citation format (i.e. ASC Topic Number – Subtopic Number – Section Number – Subsection number).  Explanations of the guidance are not required.
    The following questions deal with using the FASB Accounting Standard Codification (ASC) to answer accounting questions.  Given the following scenarios below, where would you look within the ASC to find guidance?  Use the appropriate ASC citation format (i.e. ASC Topic Number – Subtopic Number – Section Number – Subsection number).  Explanations of the guidance are not required.

    1. You have been assigned to audit a cable television company. You are unsure of whether the company has correctly recognized some of its deferred revenues (i.e. hookup revenues).


    1. You are reading the footnotes of a company’s financial statements, and they note that within the revenue number recognized, they include sales of a product where the buyer has the right to return the product. You are unsure whether the company has met the appropriate conditions to recognize the revenue from those sales.


    1. You have been hired to help keep accounting records for a film entertainment company. You are unsure whether and how to measure the value of a liability already recognized on the firm’s financial statements.


    1. You have been tasked with accounting for the income taxes related to a business combination. A colleague of yours hands you some papers with guidance on how to complete the task.  Unfortunately, you see some terminology that you are unfamiliar with.


    1. A friend from a software company calls you and asks how to treat the following situation: His company is exchanging a license of its software to a customer in exchange for a license to the customer’s technology (i.e. a non-monetary transaction). He wants to know how to record this accounting transaction.