Accounting homework help

Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut has adopted agile development methodologies. The insurance field can be competitive, and Travelers wanted to have the shortest “time to implement” in the field. Travelers set up development teams of six people—two systems analysts, two representatives from the user group (such as claim services), a project manager, and a clerical support person. In the agile approach, the users are physically assigned to the development team for the project. While at first it might seem that the users are just sitting around drinking coffee and not doing their regular jobs, that is not the case. The rapport that is developed within the team allows for instant communication. The interaction is very deep and profound. The resulting software product is delivered quickly—and, generally, with all the features and nuances that the users wanted.
1. Could this be done differently, such as through JAD sessions or having the users review the program on a weekly basis, rather than taking the users away from their real jobs to work on development?
2. What mind-set does an analyst need to work on such an approach?

Accounting homework help

Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut has adopted agile development methodologies. The insurance field can be competitive, and Travelers wanted to have the shortest “time to implement” in the field. Travelers set up development teams of six people—two systems analysts, two representatives from the user group (such as claim services), a project manager, and a clerical support person. In the agile approach, the users are physically assigned to the development team for the project. While at first it might seem that the users are just sitting around drinking coffee and not doing their regular jobs, that is not the case. The rapport that is developed within the team allows for instant communication. The interaction is very deep and profound. The resulting software product is delivered quickly—and, generally, with all the features and nuances that the users wanted.
1. Could this be done differently, such as through JAD sessions or having the users review the program on a weekly basis, rather than taking the users away from their real jobs to work on development?
2. What mind-set does an analyst need to work on such an approach?

Accounting homework help

Impact of Cultural Values on Consumer Behavior Paper
Choose The following changes in Cultural Values to review and discuss: Gender-based marketing
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which the interrelationship between consumer behavior and changes in cultural values is reviewed.
Find three specific examples of organizations marketing to these changes in cultural values. Examples may be mission/value statements, print advertising, web site content, press releases, among others.
Using these examples, what is your opinion of how the company uses the understanding of changing cultural values to create and implement its marketing strategy?
Discuss each example you found using specific information.
Include screenshots or copies of the marketing pieces you examined.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.

Accounting homework help

  • Student name:
    Exam version MID TERM EXAM A
    MCO103 Managerial Accounting Alain Berger
    Fall AY 2020-2021
     The first 10 minutes of the exam session will be used to review the exam before commencing; a Q&A session is allowed during these 10 minutes. Students can ask their question and the professor’s response will be shared with the entire class. No disrupting the class after the first 10 minutes after the exam has been distributed.
     No student will be allowed in the exam session after 10 minutes.
     Students may only have a pen and calculator (if specified) on the desk. No extra paper, books, mobile phones, or electronic device is allowed. Any extra paper needed will be brought to you by the administration department upon request. All mobile phones should be switched off and students belongings on the floor at the front of the class; any person found with an unauthorized device, concealed or otherwise, will receive a zero on the exam.
     If a calculator has been authorized by the professor, then this must be a calculator. No cell phones, smart-phones or any electronic device of any sort will be permitted. In the case that a student has forgotten their calculator, they will be requested to do the calculations by hand or obtain one before the start time of the exam.
     Students may not leave the exam for any reason, should they insist of doing so they will not be allowed to return to the exam. Toilet issues should be addressed before the start of the exam; exams over 2 hours in duration, please leave your exam with the professor and ask to be escorted by an administration member to the bathroom.
     You may not leave the exam session during the last 15 minutes.
     Speaking is not allowed under any circumstances. Should a student be seen or heard communicating with another student, they will be disqualified for the session and awarded a zero for the exam.
     If a student is caught or suspected of cheating he or she will be sent to the administration department immediately and a disciplinary file will be opened. Cheating of any kind will result in a 0 and no retake will be allowed.
     If formulas are allowed in the exam, only professors may give the necessary information to the student either by writing on the board or handing them directly to the students. Students may not use their own notes unless specified ahead of time.
    By signing this document, I verify that I have read the above rules and am aware of the consequences of not abiding by them. My exam will only be valid when signed.
    Signature of Student Date
    Page 1 v1
     Exam Structure: written  Material allowed: an independent calculator  Time: 90 minutes
    Sample:  Weights of exercises mentioned
    Problem 1 (35%) (every question worth 7%)
    Shown below is information relating to the stockholders’ equity of Topaz Inc., at December 31, 2020:
    10% cumulative preferred stock, $100 par, 100,000 shares authorized, 8,000 shares issued………………………………………… $ 800,000 Common stock, $3 par, 1,000,000 shares authorized, 700,000 shares issued and outstanding……………………………………………………. 2,100,000 Additional paid-in capital: preferred stock………………………………………………….. 600,000 Additional paid-in capital: common stock…………………………………………………… 700,000 Retained earnings…………………………………………………………………………………… 500,000
    From the above information, compute the following:
    1 The average issue price per share of common stock: $_____ per share
    2 The total amount of paid-in capital: $__________
    3 The average issue price per share of preferred stock: $_____ per share
    4 The book value per share of common stock (assume current-year preferred dividends have been paid) $_____ per share
    5 The balance in Retained Earnings at the beginning of the year was $650,000, and there were no dividends in arrears. Net income for 2020 was $475,000. What was the amount of dividend declared on each share of common stock during 2020? $_____ per share
    Page 2 v1
    Problem 2 (35%) (every question worth 7%) Shown below are data taken from a recent annual report of, Topaz, Inc. (Dollar amounts in millions.) Beginning End
    of Year of Year
    Balance sheet data: Current assets……………………………………………………. $ 825 $900 Total assets……………………………………………………….. $1,075 $1,325 Current liabilities……………………………………………….. $475 $375 Total liabilities…………………………………………………… $500 $600 Total stockholders’ equity……………………………………. $575 $725
    Income statement data: Net sales…………………………………………………………… $1,900 Gross profit……………………………………………………….. $700 Operating income………………………………………………. $450 Net income……………………………………………………….. $100
    . Instructions Compute the following: a Current ratio at beginning of the year(round to nearest tenth) ________ to 1
    b Working capital at year-end (in millions) $____________
    c Gross profit rate for the year (round to the nearest 1 percent) ______%
    d Return on average total assets for the year (round to the nearest 1 percent) ______%
    e Return on average total equity for the year (round to the nearest 1 percent) ______%
    Page 3 v1
    Problem 3 (30%) (every question worth 7.5%) On May 5, 2019, Lloyd purchased a machine for $114,000. The estimated life of the machine was 10 years,
    with an estimated residual value of $10,000. The service life in terms of “output” is estimated at 12,000 hours of operation.
    1 Refer to the above data. Assume Lloyd uses straight-line depreciation with the half-year convention. Depreciation expense to be recognized in 2019 and 2020 (the year of purchase and the following year) is:
    2 Refer to the data above. Assume Lloyd uses 200%-declining-balance depreciation with the half-year convention. Depreciation expense to be recognized in 2021 (the third year of ownership) is:
    3 Refer to the data above. Assume Lloyd uses 150%-declining-balance depreciation with the half-year convention. Depreciation expense to be recognized in 2020 (the second year of ownership) is:
    4 Refer to the data above. Assume Lloyd uses the units-of-output method and that the machine was in operation for 1,000 hours in 2019 and 1,800 hours in 2020. The book value of the machine at December 31, 2020 is:
    Page 4 v1

Accounting homework help

Write a 5- to 8 page double-spaced paper that summarizes how an accounting and/or financial manager might apply auditing and assurance concepts discussed in this course to non-audit applications/roles. Please develop an audit plan to audit sustainability and corporate social responsibility for a company reported on the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) website.
Post your company in the discussion thread posted by your facilitator.
Submit your completed assignment to the Week 7 assignments folder by the date specified by your facilitator.
Here is information that you can use to develop this audit plan:

  1. What are assurance services that CPAs provide?
  2. The most recent annual report for the company you chose: SAP, Coca Cola, Starbucks, or BP.
  3. AICPA. (2012). AT 101: Attestation Engagements. 
  4. IFAC. (2011, March 22). IFAC Sustainability Framework 2.0: Professional Accountants as Integrators. 
  5. Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements. 
  6. Price, R. W. (2012). What is a corporate social responsibility audit? Global Entrepreneurship Institute. 

Accounting homework help

Write a 5- to 8 page double-spaced paper that summarizes how an accounting and/or financial manager might apply auditing and assurance concepts discussed in this course to non-audit applications/roles. Please develop an audit plan to audit sustainability and corporate social responsibility for a company reported on the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) website.
Post your company in the discussion thread posted by your facilitator.
Submit your completed assignment to the Week 7 assignments folder by the date specified by your facilitator.
Here is information that you can use to develop this audit plan:

  1. What are assurance services that CPAs provide?
  2. The most recent annual report for the company you chose: SAP, Coca Cola, Starbucks, or BP.
  3. AICPA. (2012). AT 101: Attestation Engagements. 
  4. IFAC. (2011, March 22). IFAC Sustainability Framework 2.0: Professional Accountants as Integrators. 
  5. Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements. 
  6. Price, R. W. (2012). What is a corporate social responsibility audit? Global Entrepreneurship Institute. 

Accounting homework help

ACC 410– Advanced Tax Accounting
Fall 2020
Partnership Tax Return Project
Using the information below, prepare Gold Star HVAC LLC’s 2019 partnership Federal income
tax return (Form 1065), including all needed supporting statements, schedules, and forms. Unless
otherwise noted, assume Gold Star HVAC follows the policies of making all elections to
minimize its current income taxes and, to the extent possible, of conforming procedures for
financial and tax accounting. Round amounts to the nearest dollar. If additional information is
needed, make realistic assumptions and fill in all required data.
While this assignment is not designed to be “tricky,” it may be difficult for many students, and it
will most certainly require a significant input of your time. The purpose of this project is
twofold. First, your ability to examine the receipts, disbursements, and situation of taxpayers,
identify the relevant tax issues, and determine the appropriate tax treatment, as covered explicitly
in the text, lectures, and homework, will be gauged. Second, completion of the project will
require you to use forms and publications from the Internal Revenue Service to actually prepare
the documents the taxpayer would be required to submit. As ACC 410 is largely focused on a
more theory-based approach, rather than a practitioner-based approach, most of you have little or
no experience completing actual tax forms. Completion of the project will aid in your
understanding of the translation of theory and concepts into practice and returns.
Students must individually or in groups of no more than four students complete the final project
using resources from, lecture notes, tax texts, etc. As this is a project, and not
a homework assignment, I will be providing less guidance in office hours, etc. for students,
although I will strive to point everyone in the right direction. Forms downloaded from
are in the PDF format and, using Adobe Reader software, students MUST type their answers into
the blanks. Students may opt to instead prepare the return using the software provided via
Connect on Canvas.
For the entire project, students must assume that the taxpayers are interested in the taxminimizing
followed by
what you
put on
ACC 410 Partnership Tax Return Project Fall 2020 page 1
The only submission required for grading is a complete 2019 U.S. Partnership Income Tax
Return, which will consist of the following forms:
Form 1065 (and attached schedules)
Schedule B-1
Form 4562
Schedule K-1 (quantity 2)
To ease in grading, I require that the forms be TYPED and printed, that any line with an
entry of -0- be left blank, and negative numbers should be indicated in parentheses. Please
round all numbers to the nearest whole dollar and omit “00” in the cents column.
You may work in groups of 2-3 students. Please only submit one return for each group. For
your final submission, due at the scheduled time of your Final Exam, you MUST include a
cover sheet to the entire return with the full names of each group member.
Good luck!
Form 1065, Line 22: $245,652
Form 1065 Schedule M-1, Line 5 $349,692
Form 4562, Line 22 $852,823
ACC 410 Partnership Tax Return Project Fall 2020 page 2
Mitchell Ruiz and Sam Mason have been life-long friends. Both Mitchell and Sam started to
work for the same national HVAC repair company immediately after graduating from technical
college. After nearly a decade of working for that same company, Mitchell and Sam decided to
venture out on their own and form their own HVAC company called Gold Star HVAC (GSH).
They formed their business entity as a limited liability company (LLC). Mitchell and Sam each
own 50% of the company. The company has been successful primarily based upon reputation
and the fact that GSH is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Although GSH charges a
premium for after normal business hour calls, most of its competitors will not perform services
past 9 p.m. and, as a result, GSH finds itself often as one of the only available choices for middle
of the night emergencies.
GSH has several employees and, as a result of implementing technology solutions to aid in its
call dispatch program, GSH has been able to expand its service area to now include a threecounty
Information relating to GSH and its owners is as follows:
Name of Company:
Gold Star HVAC, LLC
1456 East Buena Vista Blvd.
Fresno, CA 93650 (has not changed since inception)
Company formed and started:
January 1, 2009
Accounting Method:
Tax-year end:
December 31
Employer Identification Number: 34-7652143
Members’ Information:
Mitchell Ruiz
1515 West Indiana Street
Fresno, CA 93650
SSN- 585-30-4060
Profit/Loss/Capital membership interest is 50%.
Sam Mason
19 West Fuschia Circle
Fresno, CA 93650
SSN: 397-19-9119
Profit/Loss/Capital membership interest is 50%.
ACC 410 Partnership Tax Return Project Fall 2020 page 3
Other relevant information:
• GSH is a domestic limited liability company
• Mitchell and Sam are not related.
• Mitchell and Sam are both U.S. citizens.
• Both Mitchell and Sam are managing members.
• GSH has not and did not file a Form 8893 or anything similar to it this year or in the past
• GSH is not a publicly traded partnership
• During the year no debt was cancelled or forgiven in relation to GSH.
• GSH is not required to file a Form 8918
• GSH did not have or control a foreign bank account or have authority over any such
financial account
• GSH was not the grantor of or a transferor to a foreign trust
• GSH has never made a Section 754 election
• GSH has never entered into a like-kind exchange or distributed a tenancy-in-common or
other undivided interest in partnership property
• GSH has never been required to file Form 8858
• GSH was required to file Form(s) 1099 related to certain payments it made during the
year and those forms were filed on a timely basis
• GSH was not required to file any Form(s) 5471 during the year
• Mitchell is the Tax Matters Partner (TMP)
• Both Mitchell and Sam are active in the business and work full-time for GSH
• The debt owed to First National Bank is a non-recourse obligation and neither Mitchell
nor Sam have guaranteed its repayment (see balance sheet below). This debt is not
directly tied to any specific asset but is rather a debt secured against all of the assets of
the company. with neither Mitchell nor Sam personally responsible for its repayment.
• During the year, Mitchell and Sam each contributed $20,000 to the capital of GSH
• GSH does not maintain any inventory. GSH purchases supplies and has a policy of
expensing such purchases as paid for tax and book purposes
• During the year, Mitchell and Sam each received a $75,000 distribution from each of
their respective capital accounts
• GSH’s tax depreciation on assets acquired in tax years prior to 2019 is $409,960
• During the year, GSH acquired the following assets (all assets were placed in service on
the acquisition dates as indicated below):
o Service vans-new (not Luxury Automobiles) July 1, 2019 $500,000
o HVAC machinery/equipment-new
July 1, 2019 $250,000
GSH did not claim Section 179 expense for any of the current year asset additions but it
did claim available bonus depreciation.
ACC 410 Partnership Tax Return Project Fall 2020 page 4
Balance Sheet
December 31, 2019
$ 30,000
$ 45,000
Tax-exempt Securities
Less: Acc. Depreciation
Less: Acc. Depreciation
Total Assets:
Liabilities and Capital:
Note Payable-First National Bank
Note Payable-Mitchell Ruiz
Note Payable-Sam Mason
Capital Account-MR
Capital Account-SM
Total Liabilities and Capital:
ACC 410 Partnership Tax Return Project Fall 2020 page 5
Income Statement
December 31, 2019
Service Revenue-Cash
$ 343,565
Service Revenue-Credit Cards
Consulting Revenue-Cash
$ 50,950
Consulting Revenue-Credit Cards
$ 155,005
Interest Income-First National Bank
$ 1,540
Municipal Bond Interest Income
$ 2,500
Total Income:
Employee Salaries
$ 515,735
Guaranteed payment-MR
$ 50,000
Guaranteed payment-SM
$ 50,000
Repairs and Maintenance-Trucks
$ 113,415
$ 35,000
Payroll Taxes
$ 41,260
Licensing Fees
$ 1,750
Property Taxes
$ 77,000
Interest Expense
$ 235,000
$ 852,823
Office Supplies
$ 3,420
Employee Training
$ 5,675
$ 18,850
HVAC supplies
$ 15,125
Meals (prior to disallowance)
$ 13,740
$ 4,210
$ 158,675
$ 24,940
$ 16,830
Total Expenses:
Net Income:
$ 242,822
ACC 410 Partnership Tax Return Project Fall 2020 page 6

Accounting homework help

Students are required to create a fictitious company (preferably a manufacturing company). The company will have the following details:
1) A brief description about the company, including industry information and products.
2) An organizational chart showing clearly the corporate structure.
3) Clearly explain your business cycles (Revenue, Expenditure, HR, Conversion) that you will use for your business.
4) Clearly define the fraud triangle and explain how you could prevent/reduce fraud from happening in your business.

Accounting homework help

Students are required to create a fictitious company (preferably a manufacturing company). The company will have the following details:
1) A brief description about the company, including industry information and products.
2) An organizational chart showing clearly the corporate structure.
3) Clearly explain your business cycles (Revenue, Expenditure, HR, Conversion) that you will use for your business.
4) Clearly define the fraud triangle and explain how you could prevent/reduce fraud from happening in your business.