Accounting homework help

Note 6
1:Use suitable Reference
2:APA style
3:1 day down
Week 6 Discussion Topic
What are your thoughts after viewing the Eigen video that is in the multi Media section of the syllabus?  Did you learn anything new?  Were you surprised that the concept of corporate social responsibility has been ignored by many corporations in the past?Do most companies have good corporate social responsibility? Please explain. Thanks!

Accounting homework help

Currently congress is in the process of trying to pass a second Covid-19 Bill.  One of the sticking points holding up the passage of the bill is protection from liability for businesses.  According to the The Conversation, “Senate Republicans’ push to grant companies sweeping immunity from civil liability for failure to adequately protect workers and customers from infection has been one of the key sticking points in negotiations over another coronavirus relief bill. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has warned of an “avalanche” of lawsuits that will stymie economic recovery efforts if Congress does not act quickly. McConnell said he won’t let another bailout pass the Senate unless it also shields companies from coronavirus-related liability.”
Discuss what this law will mean from the perspective of a business, a customer, and an employee.
** two pages and 4 references
Discuss what you have learned in this class and how it will assist you in achieving further professional goals. ( Managing Human Capital )
What was the most valuable concept you learned about in this class?
What enhancements could be made to this class?
**one page two references
Understand the effects of globalization on human resources to better equip organizations for the increasingly global business environment. B. Apply theoretical and practical aspects of human resource management to formulate strategies that will enable organizations to achieve both operational and strategic goals related to the organization’s human capital. C. Understand ethical decisions in human resource management that are in the best interest of the individual, the business, and society as a whole.

Accounting homework help

Currently congress is in the process of trying to pass a second Covid-19 Bill.  One of the sticking points holding up the passage of the bill is protection from liability for businesses.  According to the The Conversation, “Senate Republicans’ push to grant companies sweeping immunity from civil liability for failure to adequately protect workers and customers from infection has been one of the key sticking points in negotiations over another coronavirus relief bill. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has warned of an “avalanche” of lawsuits that will stymie economic recovery efforts if Congress does not act quickly. McConnell said he won’t let another bailout pass the Senate unless it also shields companies from coronavirus-related liability.”
Discuss what this law will mean from the perspective of a business, a customer, and an employee.
** two pages and 4 references
Discuss what you have learned in this class and how it will assist you in achieving further professional goals. ( Managing Human Capital )
What was the most valuable concept you learned about in this class?
What enhancements could be made to this class?
**one page two references
Understand the effects of globalization on human resources to better equip organizations for the increasingly global business environment. B. Apply theoretical and practical aspects of human resource management to formulate strategies that will enable organizations to achieve both operational and strategic goals related to the organization’s human capital. C. Understand ethical decisions in human resource management that are in the best interest of the individual, the business, and society as a whole.

Accounting homework help


I’m taking finance exam now it s one question I have one 1 more if you can help plz let me now I will upload the question

Section A
Answer Question 1 (compulsory question)
Question 1

  • Estimate the following:


  • the duration of a 8-year £100 par bond with a 6% annual coupon yielding 3% p.a.
  • the convexity of the bond
  • the percentage change in the bond price and also the new bond price if the yield increases to 5% p.a.
  • the duration of the bond after the increase in the yield

(40 marks)
The percentage change in the bond price is estimated:


  • Identify the factors that determine the duration of a bond. Use these to explain the change in duration estimated in (a) above.

(150 words maximum, 10 marks)

  • Explain how the following bond management strategies can be used to immunise a portfolio against risk: (i) buy and hold (ii) laddering (iii) duration matching (iv) horizon matching. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of each.

(750 words maximum, 50 marks)
Note. For the 2-rate growth model the intrinsic value may be estimated as:
For the H-model:
For the 3-stage model:
Question 3: Technical Analysis
Answer BOTH parts

  • With the use of examples describe and explain how the following tools of technical analysis can be used to make stock buy/sell decisions:
  • MACD
  • RSI

(50 marks)

  • Theory tells us that if the weak-form of the efficient markets hypothesis holds technical analysis should not be profitable. In the light of this discuss whether or not investors should use technical analysis when making their investment decisions

(50 Marks)
Present Value Factors:
where n is the number of periods and r is the interest (discount) rate as a decimal
Present Value of an Annuity:
Compound Sum factor:
Compound Sum of Annuity Factor:
Table 1a: Compound (Future) Value Factors for £1 Compounded at R Percent for N periods
Table 1b: Compound (Future) Value Factors for £1 Compounded at R Percent for N periods
Table 2a: Present Value Factors (at R per cent) for £1 received at end of N periods
Table 2b: Present Value Factors (at R per cent) for £1 received at end of N periods
Table 3a: Compound Sum Annuity for £1 Compounded at R percent for N periods
Table 3b: Compound Sum Annuity for £1 Compounded at R percent for N periods
Table 4a: Present Value Annuity Factors (at R percent period) for £1 received per period for each of N periods
Table 4b: Present Value Annuity Factors (at R percent period) for £1 received per period for each of N period

Accounting homework help

It may not have occurred to you at the time, but you already made a huge decision in your life that was ideally suited to both incremental analysis and capital budgeting. No, it’s not your choice of whether to have pizza or Chinese food at lunch today. I am referring to your decision to pursue a post-high-school degree. If you weren’t going to college, you could be working full-time. School costs money, which is an expenditure that you could have avoided. Also, if you did not go to college, many of you would avoid mountains of school-related debt. While you cannot go back and redo your initial decision, we can look at some facts to evaluate the wisdom of your decision.
Some Facts

  1. Over a lifetime of work, high-school graduates earn an average of $1.2 million, associate’s degree holders earn an average of $1.6 million, and people with bachelor’s degrees earn about $2.1 million.
  2. A year of tuition at a public four-year college costs about $8,655, and a year of tuition at a public two-year college costs about $1,359.
  3. There has also been considerable research on other, less-tangible benefits of post-high-school education. For example, some have suggested that there is a relationship between higher education and good health. Research also suggests that college-educated people are more optimistic.
  4. About 600,000 students drop out of four-year colleges each year.

About the Numbers
Tuition is very expensive. As a result, many students have high “unmet needs”-the portion of college expenses not provided by family or student aid. Students with high “unmet” financial needs will decide not to pursue any form of post-high-school education. This has obvious implications for their long-term personal financial well-being. It also has significant implications for the well-being of the United States as a society. Research shows that people with post-high-school degrees pay more in taxes. Also, without adequate educational training of its citizenry, the United States will be less able to compete in a high-tech world.
What Do You Think?
Each year many students decide to drop out of school. Many of them never return. Let’s suppose and assume that you are working two jobs and going to college and that you are not making ends meet. Your grades are suffering due to your lack of available study time. You feel depressed. Should you drop out of school?

Accounting homework help

It may not have occurred to you at the time, but you already made a huge decision in your life that was ideally suited to both incremental analysis and capital budgeting. No, it’s not your choice of whether to have pizza or Chinese food at lunch today. I am referring to your decision to pursue a post-high-school degree. If you weren’t going to college, you could be working full-time. School costs money, which is an expenditure that you could have avoided. Also, if you did not go to college, many of you would avoid mountains of school-related debt. While you cannot go back and redo your initial decision, we can look at some facts to evaluate the wisdom of your decision.
Some Facts

  1. Over a lifetime of work, high-school graduates earn an average of $1.2 million, associate’s degree holders earn an average of $1.6 million, and people with bachelor’s degrees earn about $2.1 million.
  2. A year of tuition at a public four-year college costs about $8,655, and a year of tuition at a public two-year college costs about $1,359.
  3. There has also been considerable research on other, less-tangible benefits of post-high-school education. For example, some have suggested that there is a relationship between higher education and good health. Research also suggests that college-educated people are more optimistic.
  4. About 600,000 students drop out of four-year colleges each year.

About the Numbers
Tuition is very expensive. As a result, many students have high “unmet needs”-the portion of college expenses not provided by family or student aid. Students with high “unmet” financial needs will decide not to pursue any form of post-high-school education. This has obvious implications for their long-term personal financial well-being. It also has significant implications for the well-being of the United States as a society. Research shows that people with post-high-school degrees pay more in taxes. Also, without adequate educational training of its citizenry, the United States will be less able to compete in a high-tech world.
What Do You Think?
Each year many students decide to drop out of school. Many of them never return. Let’s suppose and assume that you are working two jobs and going to college and that you are not making ends meet. Your grades are suffering due to your lack of available study time. You feel depressed. Should you drop out of school?

Accounting homework help

The following describes the cash receipts process for a company: The mail room staff consists of 35 clerks who receive and sort the general mail. Included in the mail are envelopes containing customer checks and remittance advices, which the clerks open to verify that the checks are signed and are constant in amount with the remittance advice. The checks and remittance advices are organized into batches and sent to the AR department where the AR clerk reviews them for correctness, posts to the AR sub ledger. The clerk then prepares two copies of a remittance list. One of these is filed in the department along with the remittance advice and the other is sent to the cash receipts department with the checks. Upon receipt of the checks and remittance list, the cash receipts clerk reconciles the documents and post the checks to the cash receipts journal. At the end of the day, the clerk prepares a deposit slip and sends it along with the checks to the bank. Finally, the clerk summarizes the batch of cash receipts transaction and posts to the general ledger AR control account and the cash account.
a. Describe the risks, if any that are inherent in the current system configuration.
b. Describe the controls, if any, that are needed to reduce or eliminate the risks identified in (a).

Accounting homework help

I want you to do a research on why one should invest money in Pharma company stocks, real estate stocks, vegan company stocks and at the end suggest me some stocks of these 3 categories were I can invest money in

Accounting homework help

I want you to do a research on why one should invest money in Pharma company stocks, real estate stocks, vegan company stocks and at the end suggest me some stocks of these 3 categories were I can invest money in