History homework help

1200 words.
1. Topic: Tales of the Heike, about Sanemori, Kiso, Atsumori and Charge Down Hiyodori Ravine (l2c. events in 14c. text)
2. Reflect on how the different Japanologists you’ve read in this course, working from their various disciplinary perspectives, have discussed the texts they treat.  How does an Itō, a Fawcett, a Ferris, a Lie, a Sugimoto, or a Batten come up with arguments?  When are they more persuasive to you as reader?
3. Ask yourself some pointed questions about the piece you have chosen.
a. What does the text tell us about Japanese civilization?  Consider both direct and indirect evidence.  (Assume that the writer believes what he or she is saying, unless it is clearly satire.)
b. Using what you have learned in class, factor in the social background of the author and readership. Who was the audience for this text?  What does the text tell us about the attitudes and allegiances of the person who produced it?  What constraints was the producer subject to, and how do these elements affect the attempt at communication that the text represents?
c. Closely consider the type of material, narrative, or characterization the text presents.  Is there an aesthetic appeal?  How does the author manipulate details?  What does that say about her or his perspective?   About the way he or she hopes the audience will respond?
4. After analyzing the text, choose a main point that you would like to argue about some picture of Japanese civilization that the text provides, and organize your supporting ideas.  Write after consulting the requirements and suggestions below.
5. Revise your paper.  Double-check any quotations for accuracy.
Organize your paper well, with an introduction of the thesis, paragraphs that each express a main idea in the development of the thesis, and a conclusion that is not simply a restatement.
You may draw on information from lectures, sections, and readings to provide context, but this is not a research assignment.  Close attention to the text is most important.  Aim to interpret the text on its own terms.  List full bibliographic information for the document you use at the end of your paper (bottom of the page is fine).  It is not necessary to use secondary sources, but if you do, give proper credit.  Lack of citation, incorrect, and incomplete citation are all forms of plagiarism.
Any research you choose to do must rely on academic journals or books, or academic sources on the Internet prepared by bona fide Japanologists (not Wikipedia or other encyclopedias).
Remember to write your paper for an interested, but uninformed audience, not your instructors (this means include definitions, dates, etc.).  Draft your paper as early as you can; you may want to show the draft to fellow class members or Critical Writing Center staff.
Focus on how the author writes (analysis), rather than what he or she writes (summary). Tell how the author organized the material, or used some evidence, or included other things.
Signs of how/analytic style are such phrases as “mindful of the audience,” “in a contradictory move,” “using inflammatory rhetoric such as,” “arguing counter-factually,” “by way of this example,” “with an eye to potential counter-arguments,” etc.  If you find words or statements to be “normative,” “serious,” “objective,” “moving,” “uninformed,” “over-generalizing,” “tendentious,” “ethnocentric,” etc., tell us “how” or “why” they seem this way, and to whom.  It is not necessary to “know” that the author intended the meanings that you uncover–you are dealing with the document as it exists, using clues that you find.
Signs of what/summary style are the phrases “the author said,” “the author tells us,” “the article reports,” etc.  You are also doing “what” style if you paraphrase the author’s argument and then, at the end of the paragraph, conclude “this means that” or “this is because.” Analysis works best point-by-point, with specific details of how the effect is achieved, or why you conclude certain choices were made.
Until certain kinds of technology improve, it is not possible to meet a dead author and ask what he or she was thinking.  The “author” of which we speak is an effect that the text itself creates for (and with) us as we read.  Avoid implying that you have peeked into the author’s brain.
Your paper must have a thesis, and it must have a title.  You must argue for something, not simply recite facts or interpretations.
Base your argument on evidence and examples.  Be sure to focus on concrete details.  It is better to use fewer pieces of evidence with more attention to implications and interconnections of what you use.  N.B. It is not your task to simply repeat information in the text.  Analyze it.
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History homework help

1200 words.
1. Topic: Tales of the Heike, about Sanemori, Kiso, Atsumori and Charge Down Hiyodori Ravine (l2c. events in 14c. text)
2. Reflect on how the different Japanologists you’ve read in this course, working from their various disciplinary perspectives, have discussed the texts they treat.  How does an Itō, a Fawcett, a Ferris, a Lie, a Sugimoto, or a Batten come up with arguments?  When are they more persuasive to you as reader?
3. Ask yourself some pointed questions about the piece you have chosen.
a. What does the text tell us about Japanese civilization?  Consider both direct and indirect evidence.  (Assume that the writer believes what he or she is saying, unless it is clearly satire.)
b. Using what you have learned in class, factor in the social background of the author and readership. Who was the audience for this text?  What does the text tell us about the attitudes and allegiances of the person who produced it?  What constraints was the producer subject to, and how do these elements affect the attempt at communication that the text represents?
c. Closely consider the type of material, narrative, or characterization the text presents.  Is there an aesthetic appeal?  How does the author manipulate details?  What does that say about her or his perspective?   About the way he or she hopes the audience will respond?
4. After analyzing the text, choose a main point that you would like to argue about some picture of Japanese civilization that the text provides, and organize your supporting ideas.  Write after consulting the requirements and suggestions below.
5. Revise your paper.  Double-check any quotations for accuracy.
Organize your paper well, with an introduction of the thesis, paragraphs that each express a main idea in the development of the thesis, and a conclusion that is not simply a restatement.
You may draw on information from lectures, sections, and readings to provide context, but this is not a research assignment.  Close attention to the text is most important.  Aim to interpret the text on its own terms.  List full bibliographic information for the document you use at the end of your paper (bottom of the page is fine).  It is not necessary to use secondary sources, but if you do, give proper credit.  Lack of citation, incorrect, and incomplete citation are all forms of plagiarism.
Any research you choose to do must rely on academic journals or books, or academic sources on the Internet prepared by bona fide Japanologists (not Wikipedia or other encyclopedias).
Remember to write your paper for an interested, but uninformed audience, not your instructors (this means include definitions, dates, etc.).  Draft your paper as early as you can; you may want to show the draft to fellow class members or Critical Writing Center staff.
Focus on how the author writes (analysis), rather than what he or she writes (summary). Tell how the author organized the material, or used some evidence, or included other things.
Signs of how/analytic style are such phrases as “mindful of the audience,” “in a contradictory move,” “using inflammatory rhetoric such as,” “arguing counter-factually,” “by way of this example,” “with an eye to potential counter-arguments,” etc.  If you find words or statements to be “normative,” “serious,” “objective,” “moving,” “uninformed,” “over-generalizing,” “tendentious,” “ethnocentric,” etc., tell us “how” or “why” they seem this way, and to whom.  It is not necessary to “know” that the author intended the meanings that you uncover–you are dealing with the document as it exists, using clues that you find.
Signs of what/summary style are the phrases “the author said,” “the author tells us,” “the article reports,” etc.  You are also doing “what” style if you paraphrase the author’s argument and then, at the end of the paragraph, conclude “this means that” or “this is because.” Analysis works best point-by-point, with specific details of how the effect is achieved, or why you conclude certain choices were made.
Until certain kinds of technology improve, it is not possible to meet a dead author and ask what he or she was thinking.  The “author” of which we speak is an effect that the text itself creates for (and with) us as we read.  Avoid implying that you have peeked into the author’s brain.
Your paper must have a thesis, and it must have a title.  You must argue for something, not simply recite facts or interpretations.
Base your argument on evidence and examples.  Be sure to focus on concrete details.  It is better to use fewer pieces of evidence with more attention to implications and interconnections of what you use.  N.B. It is not your task to simply repeat information in the text.  Analyze it.
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Accounting homework help

I’m taking finance exam now it s one question I have one 1 more if you can help plz let me now I will upload the question
Section A
Answer Question 1 (compulsory question)
Question 1

  • Estimate the following:


  • the duration of a 8-year £100 par bond with a 6% annual coupon yielding 3% p.a.
  • the convexity of the bond
  • the percentage change in the bond price and also the new bond price if the yield increases to 5% p.a.
  • the duration of the bond after the increase in the yield

(40 marks)
The percentage change in the bond price is estimated:


  • Identify the factors that determine the duration of a bond. Use these to explain the change in duration estimated in (a) above.

(150 words maximum, 10 marks)

  • Explain how the following bond management strategies can be used to immunise a portfolio against risk: (i) buy and hold (ii) laddering (iii) duration matching (iv) horizon matching. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of each.

(750 words maximum, 50 marks)
Note. For the 2-rate growth model the intrinsic value may be estimated as:
For the H-model:
For the 3-stage model:
Question 3: Technical Analysis
Answer BOTH parts

  • With the use of examples describe and explain how the following tools of technical analysis can be used to make stock buy/sell decisions:
  • MACD
  • RSI

(50 marks)

  • Theory tells us that if the weak-form of the efficient markets hypothesis holds technical analysis should not be profitable. In the light of this discuss whether or not investors should use technical analysis when making their investment decisions

(50 Marks)
Present Value Factors:
where n is the number of periods and r is the interest (discount) rate as a decimal
Present Value of an Annuity:
Compound Sum factor:
Compound Sum of Annuity Factor:
Table 1a: Compound (Future) Value Factors for £1 Compounded at R Percent for N periods
Table 1b: Compound (Future) Value Factors for £1 Compounded at R Percent for N periods
Table 2a: Present Value Factors (at R per cent) for £1 received at end of N periods
Table 2b: Present Value Factors (at R per cent) for £1 received at end of N periods
Table 3a: Compound Sum Annuity for £1 Compounded at R percent for N periods
Table 3b: Compound Sum Annuity for £1 Compounded at R percent for N periods
Table 4a: Present Value Annuity Factors (at R percent period) for £1 received per period for each of N periods
Table 4b: Present Value Annuity Factors (at R percent period) for £1 received per period for each of N period

Accounting homework help

Part 1: Case Report (70%)
– Introduction/Overview
– Case Issues
– Analysis
– Calculations
– Recommendation
– Conclusion / Final Recommendations
You will also be graded on the professional appearance/format/grammar of the report.
Please submit the finalized version in a Microsoft or PDF document, along with the excel calculations.
Part 2: Powerpoint Presentation (30%)
You will be graded on the following:
– Completeness of content (Overview of case/Analysis of each issue/effective recommendations)
– Communication (Each team member to provide recording)
– Creativity
ACCT 621: Group Case Study
Liquid Fuel company produces specialty water bottles and sells them to retailers who sell them directly to consumers. The water bottles are high quality bottles produced for outdoor activities such as camping. In December 2019, Jackson Triggs, the president of the company, was considering an alternative marketing plan for 2020 that was presented to her by Stephanie Terril, the marketing manager. Based on sales from January through December 2019, Jackson expected that 2020 sales would amount to 300,000 units. The alternative marketing plan is presented below:
2020 Marketing Plan: “At the present time, we sell the product to retailers for $8.00 per bottle. Retailers generally charge the consumers between $9 and $9.50. If we cut our selling price to retailers to $7.50, I expect that the product will do much better. Their increased markup will give them the incentive to display our product more prominently and to promote it more vigorously to customers. We should support this strategy by supplying more promotional materials to retailers, which I expect would be an increase of $4,600 in Advertising and Promotion costs.  Based on the price cut and the increase in advertising and promotion, I expect that we will be able to boost our sales volume by 18 percent to 348,100 units in2020.”
Jackson received cost data from the company’s CFO, Ken Choi. Ken expects that the cost data below are also reliable estimates for 2020 for a production volume up to 400,000 units. Beyond 400,000 units, the company would have to rent additional machines (with a capacity of 100,000 units each), which would increase fixed manufacturing overhead costs by $50,000 per machine.
2019 Cost Data
Manufacturing Costs for water bottles (based on production volume of 295,000 units):
DirectMaterials:                                  $0.85 perunit
DirectLabor:                                        $9.75 per hour (each worker can make 20 units in 1hour)
Packaging:                                           $0.70 perunit
VariableManufacturingOverhead:      $1.45 per unit FixedManufacturingOverhead:           $550,000

Accounting homework help

IRS Coronavirus Tax Relief and Economic Impact Payments
Description of the tax provisions of public law 116-136, the coronavirus aid relief, and economic security (cares) act, prepared by Committee of Taxation
Congress.gov S.3548-CARES Act
Miami Herald. PPP loans saved 1 million jobs in South Florida

Accounting homework help

Subject:Legal, Ethical, & Social Envn 
Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection. Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

Accounting homework help

BA Business Plan component


One of the most important elements in a business plan is the market analysis. A market analysis is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of a market. It includes data collection and estimation in reference to the market size and value, characteristics of the intended customer base, in-depth evaluation of the competition, barriers to entry, and the regulatory environment. An accurate and detailed market analysis allows entrepreneurs to determine whether the market is sufficiently large to build a sustainable, profitable business. In this assignment, you will complete a market analysis for your proposed organization and create a report that can be included within a business plan.


Write a 525-word report that includes the following sections:

  • Section 1: Business overview, mission, and vision
  • Section 2: A Market analysis that includes the following components:
  • Market overview/needs analysis
  • Target market
  • Competitive analysis
  • Value proposition
  • Section 3: Recommendation

Use the Market Analysis Research document for details on what to include in each section.
Cite references to support your assignment.
Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Accounting homework help


Assignment Content

  1. René Alverez knew she was in over her head soon after she took the job. Even so, the opportunity for promotion comes along rarely and she believed that she would grow into it. Ms. Alverez is the cost accounting specialist assigned to the finishing department of Standard Tool Company. Bill Sawyer, the manager of the finishing department, knows exactly what he is doing. In each of the three years he has managed the department, the cost per unit of product transferred out of his work in Process Inventory account has declined. His ability to control cost is highly valued, and it is widely believed that he will be the successor to the plant manager, who is being promoted to manufacturing vice president. One more good year would surely seal the deal for Mr. Sawyer. It was little wonder that Ms. Alverez was uncomfortable in challenging Mr. Sawyer’s estimate of the percentage of completion of the department’s ending inventory. He contended that the inventory was 60 percent complete, but she believed that it was only about 40 percent complete. After a brief altercation, Ms. Alverez agreed to sign off on Mr. Sawyer’s estimate. The truth was that although she believed she was right, she did not know how to support her position. Besides, Mr. Sawyer was about to be named plant manager, and she felt it unwise to challenge such an important person. The department had beginning inventory of 5,500 units of product and it started 94,500 units during the period. It transferred out 90,000 units during the period. Total transferred-in and production cost for the period was $902,400. This amount included the cost in beginning inventory plus additional costs incurred during the period. The target (standard) cost per unit is $9.45. Required a. Determine the equivalent cost per unit, assuming that the ending inventory is considered to be 40 percent complete. b. Determine the equivalent cost per unit, assuming that the ending inventory is considered to be 60 percent complete. c. Comment on Mr. Sawyer’s motives for establishing the percentage of completion at 60 percent rather than 40 percent. d. Assuming that Ms. Alverez is a certified management accountant, would informing the chief accountant of her dispute with Mr. Sawyer violate the confidentiality standards of ethical professional practice in Exhibit 1.17 of Chapter 1? e. Did Ms. Alverez violate any of the standards of ethical professional practice in Exhibit 1.17 of Chapter 1? If so, which ones? f. Discuss the components of the fraud triangle that affected Ms. Alverez’s behavior.
    Read the scenario and complete the activity below.
    Compute the equivalent cost per unit, assuming the ending inventory is considered to be 40 percent complete.
    Compute the equivalent cost per unit, assuming the ending inventory is considered to be 60 percent complete.
    Write a 350-word summary of your calculations and findings. Comment on Mr. Sawyer’s motives for establishing the percentage of completion at 60 percent rather than 40 percent.
    Submit calculations and summary.