Accounting homework help

Assignment Content

  1. Purpose
    MBA Business Plan component
    One of the most important elements in a business plan is the market analysis. A market analysis is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of a market. It includes data collection and estimation in reference to the market size and value, characteristics of the intended customer base, in-depth evaluation of the competition, barriers to entry, and the regulatory environment. An accurate and detailed market analysis allows entrepreneurs to determine whether the market is sufficiently large to build a sustainable, profitable business. In this assignment, you will complete a market analysis for your proposed organization and create a report that can be included within a business plan.
    Write a 525-word report that includes the following sections:

    • Section 1: Business overview, mission, and vision
    • Section 2: A Market analysis that includes the following components:
    • Market overview/needs analysis
    • Target market
    • Competitive analysis
    • Value proposition
    • Section 3: Recommendation
    • Use the Market Analysis Research document for details on what to include in each section.
      Cite references to support your assignment.
      Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Accounting homework help

Add another three citations to the paper, and make the plagiarism rate lower. The due date is tomorrow morning.
The requirements of the paper:
1. Pick two publicly traded companies for two fiscal years. You will use (Securities and Exchange Commission) website to obtain information regarding the annual reports and the related material.
2. These publicly traded companies should be in the same industry (Example – Manufacturing, Financial, Utilities, etc.).
3. On the SEC website students will look for the following fillings:
a. Annual Report (10-K Report)
b. Proxy Statements (DEF filings). These proxy statements are filed generally within 2 or 3 months after the Annual Report.
4. From the Annual (10-K) report you will provide the following information:
a. Company profile and history.
b. Financial information – Net Income, Total Assets, and other financial information for calculating various financial ratios. Students have a choice in selecting these ratios (use any 5 financial ratios). Students are required to use the same ratios for both companies.
c. You are required to report the current stock price for the companies.
d. Independent Auditor’s Report. You will determine the type of audit opinion presented in the Audit report (Unqualified, Qualified, Disclaimer, or Adverse).
5. From the Proxy (DEF) filings you will provide the following information:
a.You can find information related to Audit Fees and background information of the Key Officers of the company.
b. You will report any changes in the Auditor from the prior year and report any reason given for such a change.
6. After providing the aforementioned information you will finally provide their analysis regarding the better company to invest in.
7. If you use the information on the website, the citation should be noted.
8. Required number of pages: at least 6 pages

Accounting homework help

1) Which variable declaration format is correct?

  1. favBand let = “Linkin Park”;

b.let favBand = “Linkin Park”;

  1. let favBand: “Linkin Park”;
  2. favBand let: “Linkin Park”;

2) Which declaration is a constant for minimum wage?

  1. let MIN_WAGE;
  2. var MIN_WAGE = 10;

c.const MIN_WAGE = 10;

  1. const MIN_WAGE;

3) What is rainbow’s data type?
let rainbow = [“red”, “orange”, “green”, “purple”];

  1. Array
  2. Boolean
  3. String
  4. Object

4) x = 4 ** 4is the same as _____.

  1. x = 44
  2. x = 4 * 4
  3. x = 4 + 4 + 4 + 4
  4. x = 4 * 4 * 4 * 4

5) Which compound assignment operator assigns numbers with 9?
let numbers = 3;
numbers _____ 3;

  1. +=
  2. -=
  3. *=
  4. /=

6) In JavaScript,5 + “5”evaluates to a _____.

  1. string
  2. number
  3. error
  4. object

7) IfparseInt()cannot return a number, _____ is returned.

  1. 0
  2. isNaN()
  3. Error
  4. NaN

8) Which if-else statement correctly conveys the following information?
If age is at least 16, “You can learn to drive.” is output.

  1. if (age >= 16) {
    console.log(“You can learn to drive.”);
    else {
    console.log(“You need to wait a little longer.”);
  2. if (age > 16 = true) {
    console.log(“You can learn to drive.”);
    else {
    console.log(“You need to wait a little longer.”);
  3. if (age = 16) {
    console.log(“You can learn to drive.”);
    else {
    console.log(“You need to wait a little longer.”);
  4. if (age <= 16) {
    console.log(“You can learn to drive.”);
    else {
    console.log(“You need to wait a little longer.”);

9) Which statement evaluates to true?
let score = 10;

  1. score == “score”
  2. score == “10”
  3. score === “10”
  4. score === “score”

10) An example of a falsy value is _____.

  1. if (“cats”)
  2. if (“”)
  3. if (5)
  4. if (” “)

11) What is output to the console?
num = 5;
console.log(num > 10 ? “Iron Man” : “Hulk”);

  1. true
  2. Iron Man
  3. false
  4. Hulk

12) What is the last number output by the loop?
i = 5
while (i >= 0) {

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 5
  4. 6

13) _____ loops never stop executing.

  1. While
  2. For
  3. Do-while
  4. Infinite

14) Which loop executes once before the condition is tested?

  1. Infinite
  2. While
  3. For
  4. Do-while

15) What is the correct format for calling the function and using 1 and 2 as arguments?
function multiplyNums(a, b) {
return a * b;

  1. multiplyNums(1);multiplyNums(2);
  2. function multiplyNums(1, 2);
  3. call multiplyNums(1, 2);
  4. multiplyNums(1, 2);

16) Which code snippet uses an anonymous function?

  1. function subNum(a, b) {
    return b – a;
  2. let subNum = function(a, b) {
    return b – a;
  3. let subNum(a, b) {
    return b – a;
  4. subNum function(a, b) {
    return b – a;

17) Which return statement is correct if the return value is “I will make an apple and blueberry pie.”?
let fruitPie = function (a, b) {
return _____;
fruitPie(“apple”, “blueberry”);

  1. “I will make an ” + “a” + ” and ” + “b” + ” pie.”
  2. “I will make an ” + (a, b) + pie.”
  3. “I will make an ” + a + ” and ” + b + ” pie.”
  4. “I will make an (a) and (b) pie.”

18) Which array is correctly structured?

  1. let countries: [“England”, “Brazil”, “Cuba”];
  2. countries = [England, Brazil, Cuba];
  3. let countries = [“England”, “Brazil”, “Cuba”];
  4. countries [“England, Brazil, Cuba”];

19) How does theunshift()method change the following array?
let colors = [“red”, “orange”, “yellow”];

  1. Replaces red with blue
  2. Adds blue to end of array
  3. Adds blue to beginning of array
  4. Replaces yellow with blue

20) What does the following code snippet output to the console?
let names = [“Mike”, “Belinda”, “Jonny”, “Sophie”];
for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {

  1. “Mike”,
  2. 0Mike
  3. Mike
  4. [“Mike”,

21) Which statement changes the puppy object’s name from Daisy to Darth?
let puppy = {
name: “Daisy”,
breed: “husky”,
color: “black”

  1. puppy = “Darth”;
  2. name = “Darth”;
  3. puppy name = “Darth”;
  4. = “Darth”;

22) Which code defines a setter for the breed property, such that assigning
let person1 = {
firstName: “Sophie”,
lastName: “Hernandez”,
age: 25,
pet: “”,

  1. set breed(value) { = value;
  2. set breed(value) {
    this.breed = pet;
  3. set breed(value) {
    pet = breed;
  4. set breed(value) {
    breed = pet;

23) What is output by the following code?
let message = “I choose you!”;

  1. e
  2. o
  3. s
  4. e you!

24) What is the final output?
let quote = “Talk and they will listen.”;
quote = quote.replace(“talk”, “Speak”);
quote = quote.replace(“they”, “I”);
quote = quote.replace(“LISTEN”, “be heard”);

  1. Talk and I will listen.
  2. Speak and I will listen.
  3. Talk and I will be heard.
  4. Speak and I will be heard.

25) What is output to the console?
let myPhrase = “Are you talking to me?”;

  1. [“re you t”, “lking to me?”]
  2. [“Are”, “talking”]
  3. [“re you tlking”, “to me?”]
  4. [“Are you t”, “lking to me?”]

26) What is the date?
let day = new Date(2020, 9, 30);

  1. Mon Nov 30 2020 03:00:00 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
  2. Sun Aug 30 2020 03:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
  3. Wed Sep 30 2020 03:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
  4. Fri Oct 30 2020 03:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

27) Which code segment changes the year to 2021?
let changeYear = new Date (2020, 6, 20);

  1. changeYear = 2021;
  2. changeYear.setYear(2021);
  3. changeYear.setFullYear(2021);
  4. changeYear = setFullYear(2021);

28) Which method changes 10.2 to 11?

  1. Math.abs(10.2);
  2. Math.floor(10.2);
  3. Math.ceil(10.2);
  4. Math.round(10.2);

29) What is output forMath.pow(4,4);?

  1. 4
  2. 16
  3. 8
  4. 256

30) What is output?
function findError() {
try {
let message1 = “No errors here”;
catch (error) {
console.log(“There is an error”);
console.log(“Done searching”);

  1. There is an error
  2. No errors here
    Done searching
  3. Done searching
  4. There is an error
    Done searching

31) What is missing to complete the following code segment?
let places = {
woods: “Guam”,
beach: “PR”,
mountains: “Switzerland”
try {
_____ “There might be an error”;
catch (error) {
_____ {

  1. throw, error
  2. throw, try
  3. throw, finally
  4. finally, try

32) Which error is thrown by this code block?
let num = 13;

  1. Error
  2. InternalError
  3. RangeError
  4. TypeError

33) What default object is used when no object prefix is utilized to access a property or call a method (example: alert method)?

  1. document
  2. window
  3. console
  4. navigator

34) What JavaScript object and method is used to write HTML to the web page?

  1. document.println()
  2. document.writeln()
  3. window.write()
  4. window.print()

35) How many DOM nodes are created from the paragraph?
<p>Feed the dog.</p>

  1. None
  2. One for the p element
  3. One for the p element and one for the paragraph text
  4. One for the p element, one for the paragraph text, and one for the whitespace within the paragraph text

36) Which statement changes the Pinterest link to a YouTube link?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”en”>
<meta charset=”UTF-8″>
<title>DOM example</title>
<a href=””>Pinterest</a>
let para = document.querySelector(“p”);
let link = document.querySelector(“a”);

  1. para.href = “”;
  2. link.href = “”;
  3. para.innerHTML = “”;
  4. link.innerHTML = “”;

37) What is the preferred way to register an event handler that allows multiple handlers for the same event?

  1. myButton.addEventListener(“click”, clickHandler);
  2. myButton.onclick = clickHandler;
  3. <button onclick=”clickHandler()”>Click Me</button>
  4. <button onclick=”clickListener”>Click Me</button>

38) An event that occurs when someone enters their name in an input field is a(n) _____ event.

  1. click
  2. load
  3. input
  4. submit

39) On a given keypress event, the event object’s  _____ property is used to access the object where the keypress event occurred.

  1. event
  2. click
  3. target
  4. element

40) The _____  is required to cancel the interval:
let timerId = setInterval(repeatMe, 1000);

  1. clearInterval(repeatMe)
  2. clearInterval(timerId)
  3. stopInterval(timerId)
  4. setTimeout(timerId)

41) What code would be used to call a function called repeat every 3 seconds?

  1. setTimeout(repeat, 3)
  2. setInterval(repeat, 3000);
  3. setInterval(repeat, 3);
  4. setTimeout(repeat, 3000)

42) How many times isshowMe()called when the following code is executed?
let timerId = setTimeout(showMe, 3000);
function showMe() {
let div1 = document.getElementById(“div1”); = “block”;
let timerId = setTimeout(showMe, 3000);

  1. indefinitely
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3

43) In the following JSON, the datatype associated with friends is _____.
{“friends”: [{ “name”:”Bobby”}, {“name”:”Celia”},{“name”:”Judy”}]}

  1. string
  2. object
  3. array
  4. char

44) How is the age field accessed after the following is executed:
let obj = JSON.parse(‘{“name”:”Bobby”, “age”:20}’);

  1. this.age
  2. age
  3. obj.age

45) What doesstringify()return?
JSON.stringify({“friends”: [{ “name”:”Bobby”}, {“name”:”Celia”},{“name”:”Judy”}]});

  1. single string
  2. string array
  3. JSON object
  4. undefined

46) A(n) _____ allows older browsers to function with newer features by providing missing functionality.

  1. trifill
  2. backfill
  3. polyfill
  4. altfill

47) A polyfill is engineered to:

  1. Use JavaScript to implement a feature whenever possible
  2. Replace HTML to implement a feature after checking if a feature exists
  3. Use JavaScript to implement a feature after checking if a feature exists
  4. Use Ajax to implement a feature whenever possible

48) The _____ website shows what features are supported by major browsers and frequency of use.

  1. W3C
  2. Tiobe
  3. CanIUse
  4. W3Schools

49) Which strings match the regex?
let words = [“dapper”, “paper”, “cat”, “flack”];
let re = /pa|ac/;

  1. dapper, paper
  2. paper, flack
  3. flack, cat
  4. dapper, flack

50) Which regular expression matches only the words burp, dirt, and right?
let randomWords = [“burp”, “try”, “dirt”, “right”];

  1. let re = /[a-i]/
  2. let re = /[e-i]/
  3. let re = /[i-u]/
  4. let re = /[r]/

51) Which string inwordNumsmatches the regex?
let wordNums = [“blahblah!!”, “yea”, “N()P3”, “H!”];
let re = /\wa\S!/;

  1. blahblah!!
  2. yea
  3. N()P3
  4. H!

52) Which line of code instantiates Adele and the album 21?
function PlayList(artist, album) {
this.artist = artist;
this.album = album;

  1. Adele.PlayList = (“Adele”, “21”);
  2. Adele = new PlayList(“Adele”, “21”);
  3. Adele new PlayList = (“Adele”, “21”);
  4. Adele = PlayList (“Adele”, “21”);

53) Which line of code creates a prototype method for PlayList called showCollection?
function PlayList(artist, album) {
this.artist = artist;
this.album = album;

  1. PlayList.prototype.showCollection = function() {
    console.log(“My playlist so far: ” + this.artist + ” : ” + this.album);
  2. prototype.PlayList.showCollection = function() {
    console.log(“My playlist so far: ” + this.artist + ” : ” + this.album);
  3. this.prototype.showCollection = function() {
    console.log(“My playlist so far: ” + this.artist + ” : ” + this.album);
  4. PlayList.showCollection.prototype = function() {
    console.log(“My playlist so far: ” + this.artist + ” : ” + this.album);

54) In strict mode, _____ variables must be declared.

  1. most
  2. some
  3. all
  4. no

55) Which function is in strict mode?

  1. function abc123() {
  2. function abc123() {
    “use strict”;
  3. function abc123() {
  4. function abc123() {
    “strict mode”;

56) and are _____.

  1. different origins
  2. the same
  3. data sharers
  4. web storage objects

57) Which line of code deletes all data fromlocalStorage?

  1. localStorage.clear();
  2. localStorage.delete();
  3. localStorage.remove();
  4. localStorage.clearAll();

58) What does this line of code do?

  1. Removes the “name” key and associated value from storage
  2. Removes the “name” key from storage
  3. Removes all values from storage
  4. Deletes a local variable named “name”

Accounting homework help

Systems analysts are accountable for identifying, studying, and developing solutions to business problems. As a result, a systems analyst will collaborate with the stakeholders in the definition of systems requirements. Also, systems analysts are involved in managing the implementation of information systems that address business problems.
Consequently, this class’s final project focuses on delivering a system analysis of a business scenario (real or hypothetic) that can be addressed with the implementation of an information system. Hence, you will use the systems development life cycle (SDLC) as your project’s core methodology.
At a minimum, the project will have the following deliverables:
1. Title Page
2. Table of contents and page numbers indicating where the content it
3. Abstract (Executive Summary / Project Scope) (200 to 300 words)
It contains a summary of the project, including the conclusions and recommendations. Several paragraphs are generally used and should not exceed 500 words
4. Project Plan
a. Company Background (real or hypothetical). It must include a mission statement and the description of the organization or scenario under analysis
b. System Description
i. Problem Statement
ii. Describe the Purpose of the System
iii. Describe the Objectives and Scope of the System[JC1]
iv. Proposed Alternatives, [JC2]
v. Recommended solution (explain the rationale for choosing it) and conclusion
c. Feasibility Statement
i. Economic feasibility (Calculations in Excel/summary figure included in the written report)[JC3]
ii. Technical feasibility[JC4]
iii. Operational feasibility[JC5]
iv. Legal and contractual feasibility
d. Management Plan
i. Team setup
ii. Communication plan
iii. Resource requirements (time, personnel, tools, budget)*
iv. Risk Analysis
1. Type of Threats and quantitative or qualitative evaluation/classification or risk. A chart summarizing the risk analysis (Impact vs. Likelihood of unmitigated risk)
2. Events that can generate those threats
3. Actions that will be taken to mitigate or eliminate threats
e. Requirements & Analysis
i. Plan for requirements definition (interviews, surveys, meeting sessions)
ii. High-level functional and non-functional requirements described
f. Modeling
i. data flow diagrams context, and level 0, and additional level(s) (only if required by the instructor) and data dictionary description of functional primitives
ii. Use case and written description of the main system
iii. BPMN[1]  diagram of the process
iv. Decision table(s) and description of the table if needed (processes that apply / at least one)
v. Sample design of user interface (at minimum, assume you are designing for a desktop/notebook device). Wireframes and storyboards will be used
vi. Sample Design of output(s), report(s)
g. Implementation plan
i. Description of the implementation plan
ii. Gantt chart illustrating the project that supports your development
iii. Network Diagram and Critical path (CP)
iv. A description of how you will manage the CP
v. Test/conditions that you will need to include in a testing plan
vi. Security Considerations
vii. Maintenance activities that will be required
You will upload:
1. Word document with the project info
2. Excel file with economic feasibility
3. MS Project or ProjectLibre file with Gantt and Network Diagram
4. MS Visio or Draw.IO files
Please use MS-Word and format your document using Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman font, 12 pts, 1-inch margins on all sides, and two spaces between lines. APA citation style will be employed
[1] Business Process Management Notation
[JC1]I changed the word goals for objectives to make it more specific.
Scope description
Use a high level perspective and list what is this project supposed to achieve.  If there are things that are closely related describe why you did not include them in the scope.
Then list and describe the specific objectives to achieve and the functionalities of your project that will have to support those objectives
[JC2]For the given scenario there might be different alternatives. If that is the case describe what are those alternatives
[JC3]What tangible and intangible benefits are we getting?
What tangible and intangible costs are we incurring?
Present an economic analysis
[JC4]Do we have the know how of
Programming Languages
Database management Sysems
Web Development
Things that we will have to do to overcome.
· Do we get training, do we hire consultants?
· Is this intended to be outsourced for development or are we to  hire cloud services.
· Is our current software and hardware platform adequate>
If cloud services are going to be hired, what type of services IaaS, PaaS, SaaS? Provide and explanation for our choices
[JC5]Is the project supported by management?
Will we reduce our headcount? How do we manage the affected employees?
How will we organize training fo the users>
Do we have users involved in the development process? In what stages?
Do we need to change our operating procedures to implement the new system?
Will there be negative effects that could be experienced by users?
What risks are going to face? Make a matrix with the most important risks and impacts. (Included in section D)

Accounting homework help

8 parts to be delivered by 10/12

  1. A) Write short note with one word or one sentence for the following – Ratio, Fractions, Proper Fraction, Improper Fraction, Mixed Fraction, Proportion, Simplifying Ratio, Equivalent Fractions


  1. At a certain high school there are 1275 female students and 1125 male What is the ratio of female students to male students? Based on your reduced ratio in part theoretically in a classroom of 96 students, how many should be female? What is the ratio of female students to the total student population?


  1. Candice drove her hybrid vehicle 1440 miles on 30 gallons of gas. What is the ratio of miles to gallons for Candice’s hybrid?


  1. A friend is painting the inside walls of a garage. So far she has used a 6 litres tin of emulsion paint and covered an area of 27 m2. She needs some more paint. How much more would you advise her to purchase if she intends to paint all the walls and ceiling, which is a total area of 225 m2.


  1. Adam’s grandfather ran a mile in minutes. Adam took 780 seconds. Which is greater, 780 seconds or minutes? Did Adam run faster than his grandfather?


  1. A local shop sells ready-made custard at £4.35 for a special offer pack of three 1275 g tins. It also sells the same brand of custard in 1 kg cartons costing £3.87 each. Which is the better bargain?


  1. Ahmed earns RO 84,000 per month. His brother Saeed earns RO 108,000 per month. Find the ratio of (a) Ahmed’s earnings to their total earnings (b) Saeed’s earnings to their total earnings


  1. Three sales staff (A, B & C) sold a total of 36,000 units of a product during March If the ratio of sales among the three is in 2:3:5, how many units did each sell?


  1. Adel is preparing for a trip to UK. Before his trip, he researched on the exchange rate between Omani Rial and Pound Sterling (₤). He learned that 1 ₤ equals to RO 0.510. How much will Adel receive if he exchanges RO 15,000? How much ₤22,500 worth in RO?


  1. A) Write short note with one word or one sentence for the following – Trade discount, Single discount, Multiple discount, Discount series or Chain discount, Single equivalent rate, Cash discount, Ordinary Dating, End of Month (E.O.M.), Receipt of Goods (R.O.G), The list price of a product is RO 37.500 per unit. The wholesaler offered a trade discount of 10%. If the retailer bought 300 units, calculate Total Trade Discount & Net


  1. If a product is sold at a trade discount of RO 225, , 30% of the list price, Calculate the list price of the product.


  1. If a retailer paid RO 450 after a discount of RO 150 on the list price, calculate the list price and rate of


  1. The selling price of a smart phone is RO The manufacturer offers its dealers a 25% trade discount. What are the amount of trade discount and the net price?


  1. The list price of equipment is RO 45,000. The chain discount is 20/15/10. Calculate the Net


  1. The list price of a product is RO 60,000. The product is offered a chain discount 20/10/5. Find the net


  1. A shop has advertised a product at RO 4500 and a series of discounts was given, less 20%, 10% and 5%. Find the single discount equivalent and the net price


  1. A product is sold for RO 15,000 dated June 10, and terms of payment 4/10, n/30 has been received. Find the amount if the bill is paid on June 21? Find the amount if the bill is paid on June 18?


  1. An invoice for RO 4,200 and dated June 10 with the terms 3/10 EOM is received. The bill is paid on July 9. Find the amount


  1. A Product is sold for RO 105,000 dated on October 12, And the terms of payment 2.25/12, ROG has been received. The goods are received on October 18, 2020. The amount is paid on October 29, 2020. Find out the amount paid.


  1. A) Write short note with one word or one sentence for the following – Markup, Selling price, Value added tax, and Find the selling price of an item that costs RO 156, if the markup is 40% on the cost?


  1. If a product that costs RO 270 is sold for RO 360, find The rate of markup on cost & The rate of markup on selling


  1. A retailer buys an article from the wholesaler at RO 240 and the wholesaler charges a sales tax at the rate prescribed rate of 8%. The retailer fixes the price at RO 300 and charges sales tax at the same rate. Apply VAT system of sales tax calculation to answer the following. What is the price that a consumer has to pay to buy the article? Find the input tax and output tax for the retailer. How much VAT does the retailer pay to the government?


  1. Ahmed, the retailer, purchased 300 units of a stationary item from the wholesaler, costing RO 6 per unit (excluding VAT). The wholesaler, on the other hand, bought the same item from a manufacturer, paying RO 5 per unit. VAT is paid extra. The VAT is 20%. How much does Ahmed paid as VAT? How much does the wholesaler pay as VAT? & how much does the government received as VAT?


  1. A shopkeeper sells an article whose listed price is RO 4500 and charges sales tax on it at the prescribed rate of 12% from the If the shopkeeper pays a VAT of RO 108 to the government, what was the price inclusive of tax at which the shopkeeper bought the article from the wholesaler?


  1. A manufacturer printed the price of his goods as RO 360 per article. He allowed a discount of 30% to the wholesaler who in his turn allowed a discount of 20% on the printed price to the retailer. If the prescribed rate of sales tax on the goods is 10% and the retailer sells it to the consumer at the printed price, then find the VATs paid by the wholesaler and the


  1. A) Write short note with one word or one sentence for the following – Hourly Rate of pay, Overtime allowances, and Salim works in a construction company. He is paid RO 5 per hour based on hourly rate, for 35 hours per week. According to the agreement, he is eligible for overtime (time-and-a-half pay 100% (5) + 50% (2.5) = 7.5). If Salim worked for 50 hours in a week, calculate his gross pay?


  1. Jill Foster worked for 55 hours in one week for Delta Jill earns RO 12 per hour, for regular 7 hours’ x 6 days’ schedule. What is Jill’s Gross pay, assuming overtime is at time-and-a-half?


  1. During the last week, Salim produced 1200 dolls. The company pays employees on a piece rate basis, RO 6 per doll. Calculate the gross pay?


  1. The total units produced by five employees in the production unit are provided herewith. Salim 1 produced 1000 dolls, Salim 2 produced 1200 dolls, Salim 3 produced 1500 dolls, Salim 4 produced 1550 dolls, and Salim 5 produced 1600 dolls. They are paid on piece rate basis, RO 7 per unit. Calculate their total pay?


  1. A) Write short note with one word or one sentence for the following – Straight piece rate pay, Differential pay schedule, Straight Commission with Draw, Variable Commission Scale, Salary Plus Commission, BMY Company pays its employees based on differential piece rate, as shown in the following with Units produced and Amount per unit: 0 – 10 Units for RO10; 11 – 20 Units for RO15; 21 – 30 Units for RO20; Over 30 Units for RO30. During the last week, Salim produced 90 units and Saeed produced 100 units. Calculate their gross pay?


  1. Logan Company pays Okamoto a straight commission of 15% on the net (Net sales means sales – sales return). In May, Okamoto had net sales of RO 86,000. The company gave Okamoto a RO 800 draw in May. What is Okamoto’s gross pay?


  • Last month, the net sales of Javed were RO 215,000. What is Mr. Javed’s gross pay if it is based on the variable commission scale, as shown below – Up to RO 35,000 @ 4%; Excess of RO 35,000 to RO 45,000 @ 6%; Over RO 45,000 @ 8%


  1. Logan Company pays Okamoto a $9,000 monthly salary plus a 4% commission for sales over $60,000. Okamoto’s net sales for January were $80,000. Calculate the Gross Pay?


  • Robin earns RO 400 per week plus a 3% of sales over RO 52,000. During the last month, Robin’s sales were RO 76,000. Calculate the Gross Pay?


  1. Roja earns RO 250 per week plus a 15% commission of sales over RO15,000. During the last month, Robin’s sales were RO25,000. Calculate the Gross Pay?


  1. MMM Company pays its employees on a graduated commission scale: 5% on the first RO 10,000 sales, 6% on sales from RO 10,001to RO 20,000, 7% on sales from RO 20,001 to RO30,000. During the last month, Saeed’s and Ameer’s sales were RO 35,000 and RO 38,000 respectively. Calculate their gross pay?


  1. SSS Company pays its employees on a graduated commission scale: 4% on the first RO 10,000 sales, 7% on sales from RO 10,001to RO 20,000, 10% on sales from RO 20,001 to RO 30,000. During the last month, Sami’s and Ajeer’s sales were RO 60,000 and RO 69,000 respectively. Calculate their gross pay?


  1. A) Write short note with one word or one sentence for the following – Depreciation, Capital Assets, Straight−line depreciation, Sum of the Year’s Digits, Fixed Declining Balance, General Declining Balance, Variable−Declining Balance, Book Value, Written down value method, A company purchased a machinery that costs RO 100,000 with an estimated salvage value of RO 25,000. It is expected that the asset will be useful for 5 years. Assume that the company use straight line method for calculating depreciation, Calculate annual depreciation of the


  1. On 1st of July 2018, Sohar Printing Company purchased printing machinery that costs RO 25,000 with an estimated salvage value of RO 3,000. It is expected that the asset will be useful for 7 years. Assume that the company use straight line method for calculating depreciation, Calculate the depreciation expense for printing machinery during 2018 and 2019.

(b) On 1st of July 2015, a construction company in Oman purchased ready-mix concrete truck at a cost of RO 55,000. With an estimated salvage value of RO 5,000. It is expected that the asset will be useful for 8 years. Assume that the company use straight line method for calculating depreciation, Calculate the depreciation expense for printing machinery during 2015 and 2016. Also, calculate the book value of the asset at the end of 2016?

  1. KFC purchased a new low-fat chicken cooker at a cost of $53,000. The estimated life of the fryer is 6 years, with a salvage value of $7000.

(a) The annual rate of depreciation,
(b) The annual amount of depreciation, and
(c) The book value at the end of the first year.

  1. On 2010 January 1, Jackson Company purchased equipment for USD 600,000, and installation and testing costs totaled USD 60,000. The equipment has an estimated useful life of 10 years and an estimated salvage value of USD 60,000. If Jackson uses the straight- line depreciation method, the depreciation expense for 2010 is:


  1. Calculate the rate of depreciation and the depreciation to be charged at the end of year, using written down value method? Life of the asset (n) 5 years; Scrap value at the end of 6 years RO 15,000; Original Investment RO 120,000


  1. Machinery is bought for RO 70,000 with an estimated useful life of 5 years. The expected scrap value at the end of its useful life is RO 12,000. Required Calculate the WDV Rate. Prepare a Depreciation Schedule for 5


  1. A) Write short note with one word or one sentence for the following – Installment, Mortgage, and Amount financed, Finance charge, deferred payment price, Annual Percentage Rate, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Adel bought a Land Rover for RO 72,500. He made a down payment of RO 25,000 and paid RO 1187.5 monthly for 60 months. What are the total amount financed and the total finance charge that Adel paid at the end of the 60 months?


  1. If RO 9,000 is financed for two years at 6% interest rate, Calculate the total interest and total amount


  1. A homebuyer approached the bank for a home loan of RO 87,000. The bank has approved the loan application for a 30-year fixed-rate loan at 7% annual interest. If the client makes a 25 % down payment, calculate; what is the monthly payment? How much will be total payment?


  1. Write short note with one word or one sentence for the following – Insurance, Life Insurance, Property Insurance, Motor Insurance, Policy, Premium, Face Value, and Subair has approached the insurance company, for an insurance policy with the face value of $ 125,000 for 10 years. He is aged 20 years now. You are required to calculate the annual premium, considering; (a) a 10-year fixed rate policy and (b) a straight life policy.


  1. Estimate the annual premium of an insurance policy with a face value of $125,000 for a 30-year-old female (a) a 20-year fixed rate policy and (b) a straight life


  1. Estimate the annual premium of an insurance policy with a face value of $125,000 for a 20-year old male for (a) a 10-year fixed rate policy and (b) a straight life policy. Also, find premium if paid monthly, quarterly and annually


  1. Mohammed deposited RO 50,000 in a savings account at 9% interest compounded semi-annually. At the beginning of year 5, Mohammed deposited an additional RO 70,000 at 10% rate of interest compounded semi-annually. What is the balance in Mohammed’s account after 7 years?


  1. Ahmed wants to retire when he is 60 years He is aged 40 now. He believes that he will require RO 70,000 to retire comfortably. If Ahmed gets 7% interest compounded semi-annually, how much Ahmed should invest today to meet the RO 70,000 goal?


  1. A) Write short note with one word or one sentence for the following – Costs, Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, Semi-Variable Costs, If the fixed costs for producing 200 units of a product is RO 20,000 and the variable costs are RO400 per unit, Calculate the total cost of producing 200 units?


  1. The fixed costs for producing 1500 units of a product is RO 36,000 and the variable costs are RO37.500 per unit, Calculate the total cost of producing 1000 units?


  1. Video Productions sells DVD for $60. The variable cost per DVD is $36, and the fixed costs per month are $ 120,000. You are required to; calculate the total costs if Video Productions produces 18,000 DVDs? Calculate the total profit earned by Video Productions if they produce and sells 18,000 DVDs


Accounting homework help

Module 4 Discussion Forum

Discussion: Activity-Based Costing (ABC) and Master Budgeting
Read at least 2 academically reviewed articles on ABC and 2 articles on Master Budgeting and complete the following:
A. Write an annotated bibliography of each article.
B. Based on the articles you reviewed, discuss what you learned
C. In addition, discuss how a manager would use the concepts in the articles you reviewed in managerial decisions.
Use APA throughout. Please organize your discussion as listed above.

Accounting homework help

Must use Cardinal Health Inc 10k link below, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020.
Review the company’s MD&A as well as financial statements and the accompanying footnotes. Use this information to prepare your “analytic” results. The SEC 10-K report and the materials from our class are the only resources you should use. Avoid a copy and paste approach except for the presentation of financial statements.
The content of your paper should focus on accounting issues and include words used in our accounting class, including financial accounting as well as managerial accounting.  Include details you learned this semester.
Use terms from our class along with the research and financial analysis completed for your SEC 10-K company. The use of headings will label the sections in your paper. You should present inventory turnover, days sales in inventory, days sales in accounts receivable, and other financial ratio analysis from our course, both for the current year and as they relate to changes in accounts from one year to the next. Your goal is to explain the financial statements and the information of the SEC 10-K with the knowledge you learn from our class. While not explaining every item in the SEC 10-K, your paper should tell a story and illustrate your mastery of accounting terms and concepts. No more than one page should be devoted to your company’s history and non-financial information.
Your paper should consist, at a minimum, of the following:

  • 3 – 4 pages single spaced, double space between paragraphs. Page count does not include title page, tables and exhibits, table of contents, and works cited list
  • title page
  • bibliography or works cited (business classes use APA format)
  • in-text citations (business classes use APA format)
  • tables, and appendixes if you wish to copy and paste financial statements or materials you did not write (these will not be part of the ‘page count’)
  • Your paper should use one-inch margins on the left, right, top, and bottom of each page, and font set at 12 points.

Accounting homework help

Assignment 3
Principles of Finance (FIN101)
Deadline: End of Week 14 (5/12/2020 @ 23:59)

Course Name: Principles of Finance Student’s Name:
Course Code: FIN101 Student’s ID Number:
Semester: 1st CRN:
Academic Year: 1441/1442 H, 1st Term

For Instructor’s Use only

Instructor’s Name:
Students’ Grade:   /5 Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low


  • This assignment is an individual
  • The Assignment must be submitted only in WORD format via the allocated folder on Blackboard.
  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
  • Students are advised to make their work transparent and well presented. This also includes filling in your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answers.
  • Late submitted assignments will NOT be entertained.
  • Avoid plagiarism. The work should be in your own words; copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Assignment Question(s):                                                        (Marks 5)
Q1. American​ Exploration, Inc., a natural gas​ producer, is trying to decide whether to revise its target capital structure. Currently it targets a 50​-50 mix of debt and​ equity, but it is considering a target capital structure with 70​% debt. American Exploration currently has 6​% after-tax cost of debt and a 12​% cost of common stock. The company does not have any preferred stock outstanding. (2 Marks)
a.  What is American​ Exploration’s current​ WACC?
b.  Assuming that its cost of debt and equity remain​ unchanged, what will be American Exploration’s WACC under the revised target capital​ structure?
 c.  Do you think shareholders are affected by the increase in debt to 70​%? If​ so, how are they​ affected? Are the common stock claims riskier​ now?
d.  Suppose that in response to the increase in​ debt, American​ Exploration’s shareholders increase their required return so that cost of common equity is 16​%. What will its new WACC be in this​ case?
Q2. What is the significance of voting rights to the ordinary shareholders? What is a proxy? Why do proxy fights occur? (1 Mark)
Q3. Briefly explain the factors that influence the planning of the capital structure in practice. (1 Mark)
Q4. ‘Bonus shares represent simply a division of corporate pie into a large number of pieces.’ Explain. (1 Mark)

Accounting homework help

Assume that you are purchasing an investment and have decided to invest in a company in the smartphone business. You have narrowed the choice to Best Digital Electronics or Zone Network Electronics and have assembled the following data.
Selected income statement data for the current year follows:

Income Statement
Best Digital      Zone Network      
Net sales (all on credit) $467,200 $569,400
Cost of goods sold $203,000 $242,000
Interest expense $0 $19,500
Net income $72,800 $95,400

Selected balance sheet data at the beginning of the current year follow:

Balance Sheet
Best Digital      Zone Network      
Current receivables, net $45,060 $53,780
Inventories $73,000 $73,000
Total assets $262,000 $274,000
Common stock
 $1 par (13,000 shares) $13,000  
 $1 par (18,000 shares)    $18,000

Selected balance sheet and market price data at the end of the current year follow:

Best Digital      Zone Network      
Current assets
Cash $ 27,000 $ 18,000
Short-term investments $ 38,520 $ 15,400
Current receivables, net  $37,500 $ 44,500
 Inventories $ 72,000  $ 103,000
Prepaid expenses  $ 4,980  $ 6,100
Total current assets $180,000  $ 187,000
Total assets $300,000  $ 325,000
Total current liabilities  $102,000  $95,000
Total liabilities  $102,000  $ 143,000
Common stock    
 $1 par (13,000 shares) $ 13,000  
$1 par (18,000 shares)   $ 18,000
 Total stockholders’ equity $198,000  $ 182,000
Market price per share of common stock  $ 98.00 $ 100.70

Your strategy is to invest in companies that have low price/earnings ratios but appear to be in good shape financially. Assume that you have analyzed all other factors and that your decision depends on the results of ratio analysis.
Compute the following ratios for both companies for the current year and decide which company’s stock better fits your investment strategy. Assume all sales are on credit.

  1. Acid-test ratio
  2. Inventory turnover
  3. Days’ sales in average receivables
  4. Debt ratio
  5. Gross profit percentage
  6. Earnings per share of common stock
  7. Price/earnings ratio

Please use the library for your research. Do not use sites such as Wikipedia or Investopedia as your sources. If you use a website, make sure you review APA guidelines as to how to properly format websites as a source. Minimum word requirement: 400; include a cover page and a separate reference page listing your sources in proper APA style. Minimum 2 sources; your textbook can be one of your sources.