Accounting homework help

discussion areas will be provided to facilitate interaction among members. students will develop a marketing plan for a small business (either real or fictional).  each student  will submit a brief introduction (1-2 pages) for their chosen business for instructor approval. The introduction is worth 20 points. The final marketing plan, and should include the following sections:
1. Cover Page
2. Executive Summary
3. Target Customers
4. Unique Selling Proposition
5. Pricing and Positioning Strategy
6. Distribution Strategy
7. Promotions Strategy
8. Contingency Plans

Accounting homework help

Instructions are uploaded.

Accounting homework help

Instructions:Respond to the discussion topic post below.

  • Responses must be substantial (several paragraphs each) Responses should have proper support with at least 1 different source as applicable.

Discussion Topic covered:
This week we covered how companies are using big data and how they can use that data.  Select any company you would like (other than ones listed in the text) and discuss how the company is using big data to analyze trends, predict future trends, and/or make improvements to the company.  Be sure to use specific examples and back up your ideas with current literature.
Respond to post:
As the years go by, the world becomes more and more technological, and innovations surprise us with their creativity and functionality. As a result, companies and organizations are increasingly involved in the automation of their processes and are therefore using big data and artificial intelligence to improve their performance.
If implemented correctly, for sure, Big Data will bring value to your organization. Value can be in the form of faster time bringing a product to market because you know exactly what customers want and what their buying patterns are (perhaps before they even know). Big Data can also help you learn what your competition is doing or provide a better understanding of where the market is heading. Big Data can also offer efficient resource utilization. (Van, 2014).
Starbucks is a good example of a company that makes good use of big data and artificial intelligence. Through their mobile app, in addition to receiving orders from their customers, they collect a large amount of information about the preferences and purchasing habits of their customers. This information is not only useful for them to speed up orders and service times, especially during the busiest hours, but it can also provide keys for more effective marketing campaigns and promotions, as well as suggest locations for new stores.
When people visit a “new” Starbucks location, that store’s point-of-sale system is able to identify the customer through their smartphone and give the barista their preferred order. In addition, based on ordering preferences, the app will suggest new products (and treats) customers might be interested in trying. This intel is driven by the company’s digital flywheel program, a cloud-based artificial intelligence engine that’s able to recommend food and drink items to customers who didn’t even know, yet they wanted to try something new. It’s so sophisticated that the recommendations will change based on what makes the most sense according to the day’s weather if it’s a holiday or a weekday, and what location you’re at. (Marr, 2018)
Big data in the context of customer experience not only means a lot of information storage about customer interactions, but also big calculations, big processing, and big predictions. As corporations become adept at capturing customer experience data, they can utilize the customer experience data through its embedding in their operational data, smartphone tracking, automatic analysis, and data-sharing enabling a better understanding of the customer’s feelings. (Batra, 2017)
In most companies, leveraging the possibilities offered by big data has become a common practice, resulting in a variety of benefits that we have already been discussing. I think that as customers, we also benefit from it because they facilitate, speed, and personalize the process of obtaining products or services. In this busy era, we are grateful for this.
Batra, M. M. (2017). Customer Experience-An Emerging Frontier in Customer Service Excellence. Competition Forum, 15(1), 198-207.
Marr, B. (2018, May 31). Starbucks: Using Big Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence to Boost Performance.
Van, R. M. (2014). Think bigger: Developing a successful big data strategy for your business. ProQuest Ebook Central

Accounting homework help

Instructions: Respond to the discussion topic post below.

  • Responses must be substantial (several paragraphs each) Responses should have proper support with at least 1 different source as applicable.

Discussion Topic covered:
Review the video and using peer reviewed articles, discuss if you agree or disagree with the presenters on the use of big data and data analytics.  To further support your opinion, discuss how you feel data analytics should or could be used in managerial accounting or if you feel data analytics could or should not be used in managerial accounting.  Be sure to provide specific examples including information from professional associations such as the IMA (Institute of Management Accountants) .
Respond to this post:
Modern organizations are increasingly using big data to shape and implement their strategies. I agree with the presenters in PwC (2014) that companies should determine how they can use insights generated from data analytics in making critical decisions. Indeed, data alone is not useful, and organizations need to use analytics to obtain relevant insights related to their business. Efforts to use big data should also include analyzing consumer behaviors. Such an approach will certainly allow firms to determine changes in consumer preferences and align their strategies accordingly.
Moreover, organizations need to create the right environment that supports data analytics in managerial accounting. According to the Institute of Management Accountants (2020), companies need to adopt processes, structures, and incentives designed to foster analytical decision-making. These efforts include providing information to the entire workforce concerning how analytics influences the organization’s performance. Equally important, managers should lead as an example by demonstrating how they can use data analytics to obtain insights from accounting information (Warren Jr, Moffitt, & Byrnes, 2015). The need for modern firms to ensure that their cultures encourage employees to leverage data analytics benefits in managing a company’s operations is essential.
Therefore, more than just having access to big data, companies should invest in data analytics to manage accounting information effectively. This strategy helps organizations to acquire valuable insights regarding consumer behaviors, which can be used in shaping company strategies and making critical decisions. Adopting data analytics within an organization can be more effective if managers take it upon themselves to lead as an example. Such an approach allows business leaders to create an ideal environment that supports big data analytics across the entire organization.
Institute of Management Accountants (2020). How to embrace data analytics to be successful.
PwC US. (2014). PwC’s perspective on big data and analytics. YouTube.
Warren Jr, J. D., Moffitt, K. C., & Byrnes, P. (2015). How big data will change accounting. Accounting Horizons29(2), 397-407.

Accounting homework help

I need an analysis of the last 3 years of a company. The company doesn’t matter as long as it is a popular one. The report should be between 3-5 pages. An also there should be a presentation file that represents that report briefly. The deadline is December 7th and the instructions are below.
1) Topic: Analysis of the latest 3 years’ financial statements of a company or an institution you like or dislike.
2) A report, analyzing financials and what’s missing from the financial statements from the perspective of integrated reporting, to be submitted by the final exam date and make a presentation (3 min).
Here are some tips for your final:
1. What is a Financial Analysis Report:
2. Here’s a sample company analysis report I think excellent. For this financial accounting class, you may just focus on its chapter 9 (page p. 52-53).

Economics homework help

Explain why pricing and production are extent decisions and not decisions that should be tackled with break-even analysis. Does the same apply for investment decisions? Provide a rationale to support your response.

Accounting homework help

Investors look for a balance of risk and reward when deciding whether to buy stock. Any tools that they can use that reflect future values and the risks of  an investment are useful. The benefits of return on equity (ROE) and earnings per share (EPS) are important because they reflect the overall view of business performance (Lasher, 2017, p. 582).
ROE uses the company’s net income and its equity to determine a percentage. It was interesting for me to note that the net income is provided on the income statement, and the equity comes from the balance sheet. Best practice is to use an average of equity over a period of time because the information on the income statement is for a specific fiscal year (Fernando, 2020). Potential investors use this percentage to compare with other businesses in the same field. Without comparison, the percentage is meaningless.
The EPS is determined using the actual stock profit and the number of its common outstanding shares (Nasdaq, 2018). If an investor is looking for a company’s specific stock information, the EPS is important to consider. The nice thing about the EPS formula is its flexibility. An investor can determine the EPS growth rate and the prospective EPS growth rate.
*** at least half page with two minimium references
As an investor you allocate capital with the expectation that in the near future you will have financial return or simply gain an advantage in the industry you are operating within. Being an investor can be a risky business and involves so many elements specifically capital restructuring, this refers to the change in leverage by shifting the mix of debt and equity (Lasher, 2017). What does this mean and how does this happen? This can be done by a firm starting out with about $2 million in equity and zero debt, the firm then borrows $5 million, buy its own stock and saves the rest of the shares – the firm has traded some of its quity earned for debt. Investors can then use ROE and EPS to mearure business performance over time, return on equity (ROE) and earnings per shares (EPS) offer the results of operations and the effects of financing and is the resson it is so important to investors specifically when the investor is considering buy company stock (Lasher, 2017). In addition, EPS is often taken as indictation of the future earning power of the company/firm and it is therefore a major determinant of the stock market price (Lasher, 2017). Hence the reason why investors invest in firms/companies because of the potential future earnings that lie ahead.
*** at least half page with two minimium references
ROE or otherwise known as return on equity offers a gauge of profit-generating efficiency (McClure, 2020). According to McClure (2020), ROE helps investors determine weather a company is a lean profit machine or an inefficient operator. When a company has a high rate of return on equity it makes the company more popular to investors because they know that not only will they get back what they invested but that they can also make a profit. So ROE is very important to investors and should be equally important to the business as well. ROE is calculated by dividing a companies net income by its shareholders equity, thereby arriving at a measure of how efficient a company is generating profits (McClure, 2020).
EPS or otherwise known as earnings per share are important because they measure the net earnings attributable to each share of common stock (Basu, 2020). According to McClure (2020), servicing additional debt cuts into net income, and selling more shares shrinks earnings per share by increasing the total amount of shares outstanding. It is very important for an investor to monitor a companies ROE as it should be updated every year and is important to watch how much the company is bringing in. In addition, earnings per share is important to the investor because it lets the investors known what how well their investment will turn out. Overall, ROE and EPS are measures of business performance in that they include both the results of operations and the effects of financing.
*** at least half page with two minimium references
As the world advances in all aspects and the supply and demand increase many under-developed or non-developed countries have become moer development in the last few years based on their resources that they have been able to provide to other countries. Dealing with these foreign markets comes with currency exchanges and rates that follow up with supply and demand. The foreign exhange market operates much like other financial markets, but it is not just centrally located in a specific place like a stock exchange (Lasher, 2017). It essentially is a network of financial personnels around the world that assist in any and all financial needs. With any foreign exhange of currency or product comes risk, risk politically, in transactions or translations and this is why it is equally important to ensure that when doing business in foreign markets that your business is aligned with what it takes to operate in a foreign place.
The production of consumer electronic equipment, is said to be be done mostly in the Far East which is true. This can range from computers, tvs, tablets or printers, when we think about Asia is the prime hub for all things right about now, clothing, cars and specifically electronics. The projected revenue for consumer electronics is to reach $207.443m by the end of the year. The user penetration is set to increase by over 15% in the next five years and in comparison to the rest of the world, most revenue from this segement is generated in China ( This trend really is not good for Americans or American brands/companies simply because Americans are now conditioned to buy from these foreign countries. Buying from foreign markets is indeed cheaper, you are able to make a good profit off the products sold and the shipping and labor is generally reasonable, with all of the good components to doing business overseas American brands/companies have no reason to be completely sourced domestically. If the trend continues, America will no longer be the hub or the main resource for just about anything.
*** at least half page with two minimum references
The United States has many reasons to retain its standing as the world’s largest economy, approximately 24.9 trillion reasons – in dollars.. According to Focus Economics, the United States will retain its title as the world’s largest economy until 2023 (Focus Economics, 2017, para. 1). At that time it will be behind the Brazil, Russia, India, and China ( BRIC) economies by 10%. Currently, “the United States stands alone as the highest GDP earner in the world, representing about 20% of the total global output” (Focus Economics, 2019). The United States has many positive characteristics that support its growth and status. Some of these include: infrastructure, natural resources, an educated workforce, and a large body of agricultural exports.
However, as we have recently found, our economy and the world can change very quickly. Many countries experienced a stagnation of businesses. As a result of the global pandemic, U.S. citizens have struggled to stay in business, stay employed, and stay healthy. Our discussion prompt asks us to examine the production of consumer electronic equipment and how it has expanded to the Far East. Although this trend seemed worrisome when this question was written, I don’t know if the United States has a choice now. We need to find business and innovate wherever we can develop it.
As the world environment changes, the needs of its citizens will also change. In many respects the United States became a dominant world power in 1898 at the end of the Spanish-American War (US Department of State, n.d.). Since then, the US continued to thoroughly develop its infrastructure and supporting economic systems.  However, the trend for developing global relationships strengthens both partners. Our global partners are getting stronger and trading with other countries. One example of our successful trading partners is China. In 2023, China will have a GDP of 19.5 trillion (Focus Economics, 2019), which will be much closer than any of the other large economies in the top ten.
As Americans develop their lifestyles to fit our circumstances, we may need to refocus on what is important. It looks like very soon we will not be the largest economy in the world. Personally, I believe the United States will need to continue to grow its economy in creative ways, and address its growing debt problem (Duffin, 2020), to assure its survival.
*** at least half page with two minimum references
In this post, I mainly analyze the case of Amazon fires employees for leaking customer email addresses and phone numbers to show the problem and solutions of customer or employee data information leakage in the e-commerce industry.
In this case, the user whose personal information was leaked received a spam email, which interfered with the user’s normal life (Palmer, 2020). Amazon admitted that its employees had accessed customer data and notified customers whose information was leaked. At the same time, Amazon stated that no other user information was shared. Amazon experienced a similar incident in 2018 when it fired an employee who disclosed a customer’s email address to a seller. This is enough to show that there is not one case of information leakage infringing on privacy.
In the process of handling this case, Amazon only took steps to dismiss employees, but it refused to disclose how many employees were fired, the number of customers affected by the incident, or why it shared information with third parties (Palmer, 2020). I think management has not successfully dealt with this situation. Obviously, the same measures as in 2018 cannot solve the root of this problem. This is because, within a company, the management ethics in employee relations is a set of behavioral standards and ethical judgments that help determine right and wrong behavior, focusing on the organization’s ethical values ​​(Snell et al., 2016).
Human resources departments need to make efforts when training employees to comply with policies (Snell et al., 2016). If an organization’s employees do not comply with the organization’s policies and procedures, the organization will not be able to fully comply with the regulations (MetricStream, n.d.). Amazon needs to invest in employee training, and employees need to understand the organization’s culture and its ethical boundaries. In addition, it is worth mentioning that employees also want to maintain privacy within the organization, so they want the company’s direct and indirect protection. The importance that enterprises attach to privacy will directly reflect the image of corporate ethics and culture. And corporate ethical culture is crucial to the development of an organization.
I think risk management policies are effective in managing information leakage. Companies can take active measures to protect confidential information and trade secrets by describing the consequences of violations and dialogue with employees about these risks (MetricStream, n.d.). Legal issues need to be considered first. It is often useful to include some clauses in the employee’s contract documents to remind employees of their obligations (Allthingstalent, 2020). As I mentioned before, the human resources department must conduct ethics training for employees. In order to minimize the possibility of employees leaking confidential data, all members should receive appropriate training on handling company data. Informing in advance that measures such as the need to monitor employee email accounts and Internet usage will help determine where the leak occurred. With the development of technology, technology can play an important role here in the form of a learning or training management system, making it easy to conduct and track multiple training programs.
According to the European Commission’s guidance on data breaches, it is known that if personal data breaches occur in European countries, companies, companies that own personal data must immediately notify the supervisory authority (European Commission, n.d.). In addition, if personal data leakage may bring high risks to your rights and freedoms, you as an individual must also be informed. For individuals, individuals can complain to the National Data Protection Agency (DPA) about the company involved.
*** at least half page with two minimum references
In this case, Apple was accused of inhumane treatment of its employees in China in 2011. Chinese law stipulates that employees can not work overtime for more than 36 hours a month, but Apple has made employees work overtime for about 98 hours, and can only rest one day every two weeks, which seriously infringes on employees’ rights and interests. And before employees can work for apple, they have to sign an anti suicide contract to ensure they don’t try to commit suicide because of the massive deaths in 2011. Even if someone wants to end their lives, Apple has installed suicide nets outside all dorm windows so people can be caught and put back to work. Apple treats Chinese employees unethically for the company’s interests and the number of products. Apple has set standards and started auditing hundreds of companies that produce components for its equipment, threatening to remove business from those who violate labor laws, sent teams to investigate, and reiterated its commitment to “ensure safe and fair working conditions for everyone in our supply chain.”. (Bloomberg, 2018)。 But Apple’s supply chain is huge, and it is difficult to implement the regulations, so it is difficult to change the situation in a short time. Apple should focus on the basic needs of its employees, even if not local. The subsequent standards and supervision of Apple show that apple is beginning to focus on the interests of its employees and will not oppress its employees for the sake of its economic interests. Management defines Apple values as “the quality, customs, standards and principles the company as a whole considers desirable. They are the basis for us to do things and do things. In total, they see Apple as a unique company. ” So Apple’s moral culture may focus on serving customers and product quality.
In recent decades, EU policies have sought to obtain high employment rates and strong social protection, improve living and working conditions, and protect social cohesion. The EU aims to promote social progress and improve the living and working conditions of European people on labor law, which complements the policy measures adopted by EU countries by setting minimum standards. From annual leave, flexible working hours to social security programs, mandatory employee benefits in Europe are the best in the world. So in Europe, Apple employees can sue apple under labor laws.
*** at least half page with two minimum references
Discuss what you think this could do too employee moral and engagement after this has been controlled.
*** at least half page with two minimum references

Accounting homework help

Title of the Paper Goes Here
Student Name
Keiser University
Urgent Medical Device Inc is a health trading company that operates its business through distributers(customers) all over the world. The company has been hit by significant inconsistencies in their financial statements in the recent financial years. This paper presents possible risk factors and inherent assessments that will help company management in their planning especially on revenue and receivables cycle. The research questions guiding this paper are whether financial misstatement associated with revenue recognition reporting fraud significant? The aim of constructing this question was to assess the need of application of SAS and specifically SAS 99 Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit. External indicators, internal fraud indicators and misapplication of SAS were identified as high-risk factors that would affect revenue recognition and account receivable cycle of Urgent company.
Revenue recognition as seen as a simple abstraction but in reality, it is a zigzag as evidenced by many guidelines outlined in GAAP. Many scholars and researchers have found that misapplication of ISAS on revenue recognition and account receivable cycle has led to increased claims on financial fraud reporting. This truncates the effect of financial misstatement to violation of both accounts and audit assertions: Accuracy, completeness, cut-off, valuation, existence/ occurrence, among others. This paper will assess fraud related to revenue recognition and account receivables cycle of Urgent Medical Device Inc. The company and its management need to lay down proper controls and procedures to manage their sales for them to increase productivity. The researcher will walk through Urgent financial 2017 data as presented and perform risk assessment on revenue and receivables cycle. This process will be guided by SAS 99 Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit together with other standards such as SAS 2110, Identifying and Assessing Risks of Material Misstatement, among others. The objectives of this paper are to evaluate possible loopholes within the management and customers(distributers) of Urgent company, identify the risks associated to revenue and receivables account, and finally not limited to suggesting sound recommendation to mitigate the risks and help Urgent company sales to project high devoid of fraud.
Fraud Risk
Auditors are entrusted to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes independent opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of Urgent medical device Inc. taken based on these financial statements. Statement on Auditing Standards no. 99, Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit states that the auditor should ordinarily presume that there is a risk of material statement due to fraud related to revenue recognition. As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, auditors will have the responsibility to exercise professional judgement and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. Additionally, they will Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and suggest recommendation on how to mitigate the risks. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. Also, In accordance with ISA 315, the auditor shall identify and assess the risks of material misstatement due to fraud at the financial statement level, and at the assertion level for classes of transactions, account balances and disclosures.

Fraud Risk Factor Accounts Affected Audit Assertions
(AU Section 326)
Possible issue based on the risk factor identified
1.External Risk Indicators Revenue and Receivables accounts This will affect Accuracy and existence Revenue assertions.
Valuation assertion for AR will be affected.
High expectation on Revenue reporting to satisfy investors may lead to high risk financial reporting fraud
2. Internal Risk indicators Revenue
Accounts receivables
Existence, accuracy revenue assertions will be affected.
AR valuation and existence assertions will be affected
Pressure for having high incentives and promotions among sales agents may cause revenue fraud reporting.
Not segregating duties within the company can also result in revenue and receivables fraud
3. Exaggerated Financial results Revenue
Account receivables
All the assertion maybe affected.
Misapplications of ISAs may lead to revenue/receivables reporting fraud


  1. b) Based on risk factor evaluation for Urgent Medical device Inc. all the risk factors listed above can lead to revenue and accounts receivables fraud. However, in terms of fraud rank having exaggerated financial results indicator is most significant risk withing Urgent company. Misapplication of ISAs will affect all audit and accounting assertions thus increasing chances or revenue and account receivables reporting fraud. This will allow for improper revenue recognition schemes to thrive. These schemes include alteration of shipping documents, having side agreements between the distributors, holding accounting period open, failure to record sales provisions or allowances, fictitious revenue exaggeration through journal entries, among others.
  2. c) Mitigating the significant risk above, the management needs to enhance integrity among its sales agents, IT managers and its accountants’ managers. The company can engage in continuous training on ISAs among its management, full segregation of duties in the accounting department not limited to continuous performance evaluation among the sales agents for timely promotions.

Requirement 2-Test of Controls
Requirement 3-Areas of Risk

Visualizations above provides a quick insight on how Urgent company transact its entire business in terms of sales and demands from its third-party distributers. From the visualization chart on sales per territories we clearly see that territory 2 makes the highest sales followed by 1 and 3 at close range while territory 4 and 5 lags. Urgent company management should lay more stringent measures to control revenue and receivables fraud as the huge sales volumes call for high fraud risk. Additionally, on Distributors visualization urgent company needs to lay out controls and procedures to manage possibility of fraud risk especially in revenue reporting among high trading distributors. This will solve accuracy, cut-off and existence assertions as the company will have a proper and clean record of its sales orders, verify all the shipping documents and at a larger extent ensures approval of the sales order are done exhaustively.
Further tests that the company need to perform includes extensive analytical examination to check and ensure all delivery notes bears signatories of all parties involved i.e. sales agent, distributer, and the transporter. Sales orders unique IDs should be sequential with the dates they were initiated. This translates to the invoices and delivery notes. This will aim at minimizing possible loopholes for manipulating the documents.
Requirement 4-Areas of Risk
Urgent Medical Device Inc is at a moderate risk to encounter fraud relating to revenue recognition and account receivable cycle. This was evident in three-way match control analysis which showed that some of the customers traded more than their credit limit. The company seems to have left the trading period open as seen in the test for transactions beyond 31/12/2017.This affect cut-off assertion hence translation the effect to revenue reporting misstatement. Urgent Company also is trading with distributers who is outstanding are beyond 90 days. This exposes the company to financial misstatement and doubtful debts risk may arise.
Ethical Issues Related to Professional Standards
Revenue recognition is a vital aspect in transparency of financial statements presentation. Application of ISAS among other established GAAP helps to manage revenue recognition of corporate & trading companies. Fraud assessment relating to revenue recognition and account receivable cycle of Urgent Device Inc. was at higher risk as misapplication of these standards were partly or fully ignored. This translated to violation of accounting and audit assertions hence increasing fraud risk. As revenue recognition principle states that revenue or sales should be recognized in the period it is earned, in line with three-way match analysis we saw that this principle was violated by the management of Urgent company. As outlined in IFAC management of every company are bestowed with the responsibility to ensure that financial information reported by the company, Urgent management has still the gap in place and needs to mitigate them in order to avoid future fraud possibilities.
Urgent Medical Device Inc. Needs to ensure that ISAs are applied fully especially on revenue and receivables cycle.

  1. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). “Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Topic 606).” FASB Accounting Standards Update, Financial Accounting Series. April 2016.
  2. Billio, M., Jannin, G., Maillet, B. & Pelizzon, L. (2016). A new generalized utility-based n-moment measure of performance. Working Paper, 83 pages
  3. Amadio, W.J. and Haywood, M.E. (2019), “Data Analytics and the Cash Collections Process: An Adaptable Case Employing Excel and Tableau”, Calderon, T.G. (Ed.) Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations (Advances in Accounting Education, Vol. 22), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 45-70.

Accounting homework help

One of the three pillars of MSU’s Public Affairs Mission is Ethical Leadership. MSU states that it “is preparing students for the future by helping them understand the ethical dimensions of leadership and take what they learn in the classrooms and use it to help solve problems and bring about change.”
MSU’s goal with this pillar is that “Students will articulate their value systems, act ethically within the context of a democratic society and demonstrate engaged and principled leadership.”
This goal was adapted from the Center for Ethical Leadership, whose own Mission and Vision can be found here: Also, on that same page are the four organizational values for the Center.
Chose two of the four values and write a one-page paper detailing how those two values can be put into practice in the business world. You can either detail how they would be used in the Accounting industry or the industry in which you will be working in.