Human Resource Management homework help


It may sound intuitive, or commonplace, that the promotion of teams should be a prominent component of an organization’s strategic plan. However, when created and managed ineffectively, the utilization of teams can be met with indecision, incessant delays, conflict, dissention and eventually a dramatic loss in productivity. Compose an essay that address the following in relation to the formation and utilization of teams within an organization. Assume you have been appointed as the Plant Manager of a new 5,000 employee production facility to be opened in Saudi Arabia by a long-established European firm:

  • First, as there are cultural, societal, and economic differences between European and Saudi Arabian firms, briefly summarize the key differences between operating a business/organization in Europe and Saudi Arabia.
  • Second, the formation and utilization of teams is seen as central to the operational success of this new production facility in Saudi Arabia. As the leader of the endeavor, suggest a team model/theory you would implement to create and sustain a team-oriented culture in the production facility. Briefly define/describe the model/theory and its particular relevance in this endeavor.
  • Finally, assess—in particular—how the use of this model will result in a more efficient and effective production facility (for instance, identify cites/sources that showcase how the use of teams results in a more efficient and effective operation).


  • Write an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions. Do not address the questions using a question-and-answer format.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 4 pages in length, which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Current articles are those published in the last five years.

Nursing homework help

Write a detailed report describing the legal and ethical responsibilities of community service providers and their staff. (Report will include the summary and table of contents for 1200 words)

Include, in your report, the following:

  1. Explain why documented policies, procedures and protocols are necessary.
  2. List the legislation and regulations and ethical conditions that apply to community service operations.
  3. Describe the systems that might be put in place to ensure legal rights of clients are upheld and to make certain cultural, linguistic and religious diversity are responded to appropriately.
  4. Explain the actions that should be taken if client rights are not properly upheld.
  5. Explain how you can contribute to the improvement of policies and procedures.

Nursing homework help

Health Education Teaching Activity


The purpose of this activity is to help you understand the process of health teaching of patients/clients by engaging in effective assessment; identification of learning needs/issues associated with the learning experience; planning and implementing interventions and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions with a target client (using a family member or friend).


Note that this clinical activity is meant to facilitate the application of course content about health education/teaching—a common and significant Public Health intervention. Most clinical experiences in the Community/Population Health course typically involve some type of client contact which includes formal or informal teaching of minor to complex content.


Using course content sources at minimum, you will be able to:

  1. Construct a health teaching/lesson plan for a single client, based on the following:
  • a thorough assessment of a client’s learning needs and barriers/facilitators of their learning,
  • appropriate selection of relevant and effective teaching/learning strategies, and
  • application of concepts using a common health promotion model and/or learning theory.
  1. Demonstrate implementation of the plan in video format.
  2. Evaluate the success of implementing the plan.
  3. Document this activity in a formal written paper.


Course Outcomes: 

This activity aligns with several of the course outcomes as stated below:

  1. Demonstrate critical thinking through analysis and interpretation of assessment data and the development of individualized health education solutions.
  2. Demonstrate the use of culturally appropriate and effective communication techniques.


Directions for parts 1-4 of this assignment:

Part 1: Preparation:

  • Review Course Lecture PPTS and readings for Chapter 5: Frameworks for Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Risk Reduction.
  • Review the “Diabetes: Teaching Patients Self-Care” Module by Tracey Long RN, PhD, APRN (see attachment in Bright Space).
  • Complete the Pre-Brief activity questions

Part 2: Design a teaching module to help educate a client about a health-related topic. 


  1. Complete this grid for your education session:
Client: Describe client (no names please): Age, gender, health risk-factors
Learning Style:
Learning Theory:
Learning Objectives * Content Outline Strategies ** & Materials*** Evaluation

Was the learning objective met? If not, why? Suggestions for future?



*   At least 2 objectives are required. What do you want your client to know by the end of your teaching? (Objectives can be cognitive, affective and/or psychomotor in type – usually a combination is best). Note that achievement of the objective is part of the Evaluation column.

** What strategies did you plan to use to facilitate your client’s learning?  Visuals?  Demo? 

 *** Materials like visuals used, handouts, etc. can be appended to this paper

[Feel free to adjust column widths as needed]


B: Summarize your teaching plan in an APA formatted word document, 3-4-pages (not including the reference page and appendices)


Sections of the Paper (copy bolded titles here as subheadings in your paper to enhance organization and clarity).


  • The Client: Describe the client (initials only), including:
    • at least 3 demographics that are related to learning (e.g. age, language etc);
    • any “red flags” for low health literacy (for this exercise, it will be useful to assume low health literacy for your client)
    • any contributory/relevant health history (e.g. physical or cognitive limitations)


  • Analysis of Learning Needs: Including:
    • clearly identify the topic of focus for the plan
    • barriers to learning that need to be considered (e.g. developmental stage, special learning needs)
    • individual learning style(s)
    • facilitators of learning (e.g. willingness to learn; education level etc)


  • Teaching/Lesson Plan: This section will be written in narrative format as a summary of the teaching plan in table format (see above).
  • Application of a Behavior Model/Theory. Select ONE “Behavior Model/Theory” cited in your textbook or the pre-briefing material.  (An example would be the Health Belief Model or one of the Learning Theories).  Consider how this model/theory may apply/did apply to this teaching activity? Comment in at least 2 paragraphs.


  • Reference list. Format in APA. Include any class content you used.


  • Appendices. Append any visuals you used during your teaching session (links are ok).

Part 3:  Implementation of the Teaching Plan (Videotape)

Create a short (7 to 10 minute) video of your Plan-based teaching session with your client. It should have adequate light and sound quality to allow for evaluation by your instructor.  Your session may be shared among your clinical group as well.

Avoid conducting a monologue.  There must be some evidence of your interaction with the client using various methods and materials other than simply talking.

Please post the tape to the appropriate folder under ASSIGNMENTS in the course shell. Clearly label it with your name and that it’s a health education session.  If it’s a large file, it needs to be compressed, so consult w/ IT if you don’t know how to do this or if you are having any other issues. 

Parts 1-3 to be completed first.

Part 4:  Evaluation of the Teaching Plan

  • Evaluation: How do I know your client learned anything?
    • Were stated objectives met? Provide some detail as to how you know the objective was met (for example, did the client repeat back the information to you (teach-back method?) or do a return demonstration? If the objective was NOT met, reflect on why it was not and propose a different approach.


  • Summary Reflect on this activity. Include at least 1 paragraphs of comments that include a balanced assessment of how things went!


Part 4 to be completed at the end of the term.




Hints for Success!

Teaching well takes time!  Do NOT leave this assignment to the last minute!!

Choose a topic with your client that’s fairly simple, but not too simple-like hand hygiene! This activity is mostly about seeing how you engage in teaching based on thoughtful consideration, including application of class content pertaining to effective health education.  Recall that health education is one of many significant primary or tertiary prevention strategies in Public Health.  So, this is NOT about detailed content about a complex medical problem as much!


See grading rubric below:











Grading Rubric_Health Education Activity

Criteria graded on a 4-point scale reflect the following distribution:  0=no response provided; 1=poor response; 2 =adequate response; 3=good response; 4=excellent response..




Potential Points*
Part 1: Preparation  
Pre-Briefing Activity completion

·         On time completion/submission (2)

·         All questions addressed thoroughly (8)


Part 2: A. Teaching Plan (Table Format)  
Plan in Table Format

·         At least two objectives were noted. (2)

·         Objectives were specific and relevant to the topic chosen (2)

·         Content matched the objectives (2)

·         Content included some details to be covered during the videotaped session (2)

·         Active teaching-learning strategies were named and some detail about how they would be used during the teaching session was included (2)

·         An evaluation of whether each objective was met was noted (yes/no). Note that how each was met (or not) will be described in more detail in the narrative section of this paper.  described. (2)










Part 2: B. Narrative Format  
The CLIENT was described according to:


·         demographics that are related to learning (2)

·         any “red flags” for low health literacy (4)

·         any contributory/relevant health history (4)





The client’s LEARNING NEEDS were identified and analyzed in a comprehensive way, including assessment of his/her:


·         Developmental state/stage (2)

·         Special learning needs and/or other barriers to learning (4)

·         Dominant or preferred learning style (1)

·         Facilitators of learning (2)


ONE health-care topic was clearly selected as the focus for the teaching plan and taping.  (1)













·         All components of the tabular plan were well summarized (NOTE:  This narrative should follow the tabular plan closely)

o   Objectives (2)

o   Content (4)

o   Teaching Materials/Methods (4)

o   Evaluation (4)




A BEHAVIOR MODEL/THEORY was Applied to the Teaching Activity.


·         In at least two paragraphs (2), a single model/theory was considered in terms of how it applied to this activity (2).



Part 3: B. Implementation of Teaching Plan (Videotape)  
The VIDEOTAPE (with adequate sight and sound for evaluation purposes) included:


·         An introduction of self and client (first name only) and the reason for the session was spoken clearly and succinctly (1)

·         The actual teaching session:

o   Reflected the Teaching/Lesson Plan (content and materials/methods) well. (2)

o   Included content that was accurate and organized well. (2)

o   Showed that the student spoke clearly and was respectful. (1)

o   Showed that the student addressed the client’s questions and other behaviors appropriately. (2)

o   Showed that the student used visuals and/or other relevant materials during the session to enhance his/her verbal commentary.  (2)

o   Provided evidence that the client understood the teaching was emphasized. (2)

·         Wrap-up with the client. (1)


The videotape was about 10 (+/_ 3) minutes in length. (2)











·         included at least two references other than the course textbook or Unit 2 ppt content (2)

·         Note that references must be written in proper APA format (2) and match in-text citations (1)




Your WRITING demonstrated:


·         organization according to the directions (2)

·         overall clarity of thought (2)

·         fewer than 2 unique errors of basic writing mechanics (including spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure) (one point deducted from six total for more than 2 unique writing errors) (6)






Part 4: Evaluation of the Teaching Plan  


·         In at least one paragraph (1) state whether objectives were met or unmet (2)

·         If unmet, suggest improvements (2)






·         Reflect on this activity, including the videotaped session.  Include at least 1 paragraphs of comments that include a balanced assessment of how things went!




Total 100



*Note that instructors have the option of embedding points/comments in the word doc instead.

Points may be given in fractions such as 0.5.     

 [This clinical activity is worth 20 clinical hours]

Environmental science homework help


Research a carcinogen that can be classified as either an environmental or occupational toxicant that has had relevance in the news within the last five years.

In your paper, analyze and briefly summarize the situation that brought the carcinogen to newsworthy status. Discuss the exposure limits of this carcinogen, and how individuals were exposed. Also, discuss the toxicological effects that were not only observed, but all of the possible effects of this agent. In referencing Chapter 23 from your assigned reading, briefly discuss the models used for assessing cancer risks.

Your analysis should be at least three pages in length. The title page and reference page are not included in the required paper length. Your paper must contain at least three references and may include reliable internet sources, books, and professional journals or resources related to the profession. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

American history homework help


This should be a formal, academic paper : writer can a topic you find interesting, the writing of the topic needs to be done in a formal, academic tone. This paper is designed to be an analysis/synthesis of your topic, not a “passion project”, “personal essay”, or “rant”. Essays that are written in a style not appropriate to a historical essay will earn a grade of a “0”, and be returned to the student for correction.

You may choose any thematic topic related to US History and trace that topic through three of the four periods we’ve discussed so far in this class. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT

It is not a research paper.

Please make sure you pick a topic that you have enough material within the assigned sources to support your topic. Midterms that include materials from sources outside this course will earn a zero.

Article writing homework help

Answer each of the questions below. You can add as much detail as you wish. Be sure your answers are clearly understood by the reader. Remember, you choose the correct words, you choose the number (NOT amount!) of words to use. Your goal is to make your ideas clear and communicate your understanding of the questions to the reader. This is good practice using a couple of key ideas explored in the reading from today’s lecture.

Make sure your homework LOOKS GOOD! Creating a visually appealing DOCUMENT should be a concept you are familiar with from other writing classes. A clear, easy to follow document will always aid in communication and understanding.

1. Explain what this cartoon is saying about persuasive communication:

2. One day at a golf tournament, a friend and I were convinced to drink several Red Bull energy drinks. We both knew the negative effects energy drinks have, yet we drank several. The Red Bull booth was a large, colorful, booth advertising free cans of Red Bull in a variety of new flavors. The booth workers were several young, attractive, women, dressed in shorts and tank tops. Looking back, it seems this is a perfect example of “peripheral route” persuasion. Have you ever experienced this type of persuasion? Provide an example from your own life.

3. One of the toughest choices any speaker makes is how to use “ethical persuasion.” The author of our textbook claims speakers should always do this. But is this possible? Is it wise? Answer each of these questions with an interesting example. Your answers do not have to be based on personal experience. They can be hypothetical.

Ethical behavior: do not break the law – do not speed :  Give me an example when unethical behavior might be necessary and beneficial.

Ethical behavior: always tell the truth – do not lie:  Give me an example when unethical behavior might be necessary and beneficial.

Ethical behavior: be forthcoming – do not keep secrets:  Give me an example when unethical behavior might be necessary and beneficial.

Ethical behavior: be kind and gentle – do not harm others (this might be hard) Give me an example when unethical behavior might be necessary and beneficial.

(The point of this last question is NOT to convince you to behave unethically. It is to point out that being ethical is not always easy.)

Management homework help


1. What is the Constantinople city? Please provide a historical information, architectural & planning explanation about the city?

2. Mention the famous building utilized or used the Byzantine architectural style as the main design? Then choose one of them and provide architectural drawings about the building.

Please make sure to use a powerpoint format. Follow attached file as a guide of how the assignment should be completed

Management homework help

According to Bazerman and Moore (2013) “Being too sure that you will succeed—whether at mountain climbing, taking your company public, or getting a good grade—can set you up for failure” (p. 29).  Using your course text and two additional approved resources (e.g., periodical, academic journal, and so forth from the LIRN resource), write a 3–5-page paper discussing the pitfalls of overconfidence in business. Provide at least two real-world examples.

Nursing homework help



Module 03 Humanities Credit by Assessment


Formulate, express, and support individual perspectives on diverse works and issues.

For this assessment task, you are asked to act as a critic for one of the various subjects under the umbrella of the subject Humanities. Through a series of critiques, you will be demonstrating your background knowledge on these subjects and the themes studied in the Humanities. In general, a critic evaluates a work or piece based on a common language of a subject. For example, certain terminology is used in the film industry for aesthetic, whereas other terminology is used in architecture. Aside from a common language of art, each subject usually includes a history of influence-how a work was influenced by other works and how a work influence aspects of today’s art and culture. Critics use this common body of history and aesthetic to offer critiques, or judgements on the validity of the importance of aesthetic (it’s representation of beauty).

Please watch the video below (02:33 – 16:32) as a refresher on this deliverable’s content. The video will not tell you everything you need to know to pass this test-out, but it should serve as a refresher.

Deliverable 03 – Humanities (Test-Out Replacement)


Formulate, express, and support individual perspectives on diverse works and issues.


You will act as a critic for some of the main subjects covered in the humanities. You will conduct a series of short, evaluative critiques of film, philosophy, literature, music, and myth. You will respond to five different prompts, and each response should include an analysis of the topics using terminology unique to that subject area and should include an evaluation as to why the topic stands the test of time. The five prompts are as follows:

  1. Choose a film and offer an analysis of why it is an important film, and discuss it in terms of film as art. Your response should be more than a summary of the film.
  2. Imagine you had known Plato and Aristotle and you had a conversation about how we fall in love. Provide an overview of how Plato would explain falling in love, and then provide an overview of how Aristotle might explain falling in love.
  3. Compare and contrast the two poems below:


I find no peace, and all my war is done;
I fear and hope, I burn and freeze likewise
I fly above the wind, yet cannot rise;
And nought I have, yet all the world I seize on;
That looseth, nor locketh, holdeth me in prison, And holds me not, yet can I ’scape no wise;
Nor lets me live, nor die, at my devise,
And yet of death it giveth none occasion.
Without eyes I see, and without tongue I plain;
I wish to perish, yet I ask for health;
I love another, and yet I hate myself;
I feed in sorrow, and laugh in all my pain;
Lo, thus displeaseth me both death and life,
And my delight is causer of my grief.


After great pain a formal feeling comes—
The nerves sit ceremonious like tombs;
The stiff Heart questions—was it He that bore?
And yesterday—or centuries before?

The feet mechanical go round
A wooden way
Of ground or air or ought
Regardless grown,
A quartz contentment like a stone.

This is the hour of lead
Remembered if outlived
As freezing persons recollect
The snow—
First chill, then stupor, then
The letting go

Emily Dickinson

  1. Compare and contrast these two pieces of music:

    Beethoven’s Violin Romance No. 2 (
    Scott Joplin’s Maple Leaf Rag (

  2. Explain in classical terms why a modern character is a hero. Choose from either Luke Skywalker, Indiana Jones, Bilbo Baggins, Harry Potter, Katniss Everdeen, or Ender Wiggins.

Grading Rubric







Not Submitted

No pass





Not Submitted-0

Provides an explanation of the topic but doesn’t use terminology common to the subject.-1

Provides an explanation of the topic using terminology common to the subject.-2

Provides a detailed explanation of the topic using terminology common to the subject.-3

Explains in great detail the topic using terminology common to the subject and references other ideas/works in that subject.-4


Not Submitted-0

Provides an evaluation of the topic, but offers no explanation and doesn’t explain why it is still relevant today;-1

Provides an evaluation of the topic, explaining why it is still relevant today.-2

Provides a detailed evaluation of the topic, explaining why it is still relevant today.-3

Explains in great detail an evaluation of the topic, explaining why it and other famous examples are still relevant today.-4


Not Submitted-0

Does not identify the topic/piece as an important example of the subject.-1

Explains why the topic/piece as an important example of the subject.-2

Explains in detail why topic/piece as an important example of the subject.-3

Explains in great detail why topic/piece as an important example of the subject.-4


No pieces discussed.-0

Pieces discussed, but not enough detail provided.-1

Pieces discussed, and details provided.-2

Pieces thoroughly discussed, and insightful details provided.-3

Pieces thoroughly discussed, and insightful details provided, making reference to additional works.-4