Applied Sciences homework help

TOPIC: Ethical Issues in the workplace

You take a new hire on a sales call and meet with an executive at company X, your most important client. While your back is turned to grab something out of your briefcase, the executive fondles the back side of your new employee. What do you do to protect the employee yet preserve the relationship with the client?

Your paper must explore a current ethical issue in your workplace. It can be a current or former employer, or someplace where you have volunteered.  Ideally, the issue that you explore is something related to your current or future career.

Nursing homework help


 In this written assignment, identify one specific contemporary issue or trend that you are interested in learning more about. Choose from the categories below. For example you might want to learn more about why it is more difficult for some groups to receive care than others, which would fall under Client Access to Care. Or, you might want to compare nursing practice in the U.S. with how nurses practice in Japan, which would fall under the category of Global Healthcare and Nursing.

Environmental science homework help


Research a carcinogen that can be classified as either an environmental or occupational toxicant that has had relevance in the news within the last five years.

In your paper, analyze and briefly summarize the situation that brought the carcinogen to newsworthy status. Discuss the exposure limits of this carcinogen, and how individuals were exposed. Also, discuss the toxicological effects that were not only observed, but all of the possible effects of this agent. In referencing Chapter 23 from your assigned reading, briefly discuss the models used for assessing cancer risks.

Your analysis should be at least three pages in length. The title page and reference page are not included in the required paper length. Your paper must contain at least three references and may include reliable internet sources, books, and professional journals or resources related to the profession. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Applied Sciences homework help

  • Pick one of the following roles from the 2007-9 financial crises described in the articles below.
  • Why only one top banker went to jail for the financial crisis?
  • Discuss:
  • – Your chosen role in the title of your post.
  • – The ethical dilemma, or values conflict, your role faced in the 2008 crisis.
  • – The values lacking in your role’s organization that would have led to a comprehensive analysis of the risks associated with the bad practices.
  • – Identify the stakeholders from your point of view, and the way those stakeholders will influence your decisions on how to resolve any dilemma.
  • – Talk about the role of conformity bias in your chosen organization and other external influences on your role in decision making in your organization.
  • – Be sure to provide a citation at the end of your initial post.

Management homework help


Discussion Question 1

According to Thiel (2015, p. 73), “Governments, corporations, and local communities have the potential to impact each other positively and negatively in CSR and sustainability.”

● Give an example of when three had a positive impact. (cite)

● Then, give an example when the three had a negative impact. (cite)

● Then, describe the basic reasons for the difference impact outcomes..

Nursing homework help






Week 2: Displaying Data Results

For verification purposes of the General Social Survey (GSS) dataset, the mean of ‘age’ has been determined as 48.62 (Walden University, 2014). For this discussion board assignment, the variable ‘Have a Gun in the Home’ is being compared with the ‘Respondent Sex’.

Visual Display of a Categorical Variable(s)

A bar graph is one of the most commonly used graphical techniques used by social scientists when they are attempting to provide visualization of nominal or ordinal variables (Frankfort-Nachmias et al., 2021; Laureate Education, 2016). The variables chosen both represent nominal variables that have no intrinsic ordering (Frankfort-Nachmias et al., 2021). The bar graph can be used to illustrate the difference in frequency or percentage of nominal or ordinal variables. This particular bar graph allows for easy recognition of the number or male versus female respondents and their indication of having a gun in their home.

Social Change

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] (2020), gun violence remains a serious concern for citizens of the United States. It is estimated that in 2018, nearly 40,000 firearm-related deaths were reported. Suicides accounted for six of every ten deaths, while homicides are attributed to three of ten deaths (CDC, 2020; Durkin et al., 2020). The analysis of the variables is comprised of (n=342) respondents. Gun violence is a serious issue and it is essential to have both reliable and accurate information regarding usage and possession of firearms in order to promote positive social change through policy changes, educational initiatives and laws that surround this topic (Walden University, 2020). The data is displayed in a bar graph with labels to indicate the sex of the respondent(s) and the number of response(s). The bar graph allows for an easy comparison of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ with respect to the sex of the respondents.



English homework help



  have to submit a minimum of a 5 page on any topic, and any chapter from the text book Substance Abuse an the Family, by Michael D. Reiter, 2nd Edition, the topic should be have references and in text citation according to APA 7Th Edition

Article writing homework help


You will be expected to provide one annotation report for each week’s chapter reading assignments; that is, all reading should be summarized within one report.



  1. What did you learn (key chapter highlights/concepts)? Summarize the main themes within each assigned chapter and integrate these themes within this annotation report. The first section should simply identify the main themes.
  2. The second section should Integrate the main themes among the chapters. What do they have in common (tip: read the chapter objectives as a beginning framework)? Do you see any connections with previous chapter readings? Explain. What is your takeaway?
  3. The final section should take what you learned from the readings and make direct connections with the videos and instructor notes. Are there clear connections? What are they?
    Think of the final section as a conclusion. Summarize your report and offer a final statement that explains how you see yourself applying these new insights within the context of your learning and/or profession.


Pharmacology homework help


  1. Give an explanation of Premack’s principle and what it states?
  2. Explain cross-cultural studies?
  3. Explain the possible chromosomal abnormalities that can cause a child/adolescent to have aggressive/agitated behavior.
  4. Explain the attachment theory in detail.
  5. Explain NOS (not otherwise specified) when making a diagnosis and when it can be used.
  6. What is assessed in the Assessment of Negative Symptoms?
  7. Explain some of the diagnostic laboratory tests that are most likely to impact the ultimate psychiatric diagnosis.
  8. Explain personality tests on children and how they work.
  9. What are some neurological soft signs in children?
  10. What test would be the most appropriate for this child? The patient is an 8-year-old highly aggressive male that becomes very angry when things do not go his way. He has severe tantrums and is difficult to manage in the school setting. Fortunately, it is easier to manage him at home. He does have a short attention span at this time. When given gifts/toys, he always breaks them right away. He is always fighting with his peers, so he never plays with them.



Please provide appropriate references for each questions.