Nursing homework help

Formulate the Discussion section of your selected topic.  In this section, you need to analyze and interpret the Results. THen, go back to your initially stated Hypothesis(es) to compare and contrast with the final Results.

Topic: Influence of Obesity on General Health

Research Question

Could lifestyle change and preventive monitoring by parents and medical professionals help prevent obesity?


The change in lifestyle and preventive treatments is a decisive factor in the fight against obesity.

Thesis Statement

Obesity is a problem that has to be treated and prevented as it can become a quality-of-life problem. In addition, there are several deaths associated with obesity-related diseases.

Comment for you … OK. This is a continuation of the results that you prepared for me, it is on the table that you made of the results, it is an interpretation of the bibliography with the criteria,

Computer Science homework help


Consider the ER diagram shown in Figure 3.22 for part of a BANK database (also below for reference). Each bank can have multiple branches, and each branch can have multiple accounts and loans.

(a) List the strong (nonweak) entity types in the ER diagram.

(b) Is there a weak entity type? If so, give its name, its partial key, and its identifying relationship.

(c) What constraints do the partial key and the identifying relationship of the weak entity type specify in this diagram?

(d) List the names of all relationship types, and specify the (min,max) constraint on each participation of an entity type in a relationship type. Justify your choices.

Discussion 2:

Discuss the characteristics of relations that make them different from ordinary tables and files.

Need 250 words with references for each discussion. No APA format required and the textbook with the figure is attached.

Nursing homework help

Week 4 Discussion


Continue with the theory you chose last week (Jean Watsons theory of Human Caring)

  • Describe two research studies that used your theory as a foundation. Describe how each study used the theory.
  • How were the concepts operationalized? When concepts are operationalized, they are turned from an abstract form to something measurable.

Submission Details

  • In your discussion question response, provide a substantive response that illustrates a well-reasoned and thoughtful response; is factually correct with relevant scholarly citations, references, and examples; and demonstrates a clear connection to the readings.
  • Post your response to the Discussion area by the assigned due date.
  • Be sure to correct any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors before you post.

Article writing homework help

At six minutes into the video interview we get an idea of the theme/purpose of the video.  Why does Anton Kriel want to do this interview?  The video is less about trading and the “narrow issues” of respecting money, assets and liabilities, alternative education, mainstream media, etc. and more about “wider issues”.  What are these “wider issues”?  Which one of the ten “secrets” do you find most useful and how could you apply it to your life?  Please answer these questions and explain your answers.  Also quote from the video.

Watch the video 10 Secrets to Achieve Financial Success on YouTube.  I suggest you watch the interview at least a couple of times before you write your response.  We always miss important and interesting details when we read, watch or listen to something only once.

This is an interview with trading educator Anton Kriel.

Also read article on the power of “no”.  The idea in this short article goes well with the ideas Kriel presents in his interview.

For your composition exercises please write:
1. (format) a 500-word composition.  Use Courier New, 12-point font and double space and MLA style.

2. (content) Your composition needs an answer and specific details for each question in the topic.  Within your 500-word limit you must cite from the material you’ve read and/or watched to support your ideas. As Abraham Lincoln wrote, “It is a pleasure to be able to quote lines to fit any occasion.”  Use two-three quotes from the sources in your composition to “fit” your interpretation of the material.

3. (focus) Stay focused on the topic.  Everything you write should have a connection to the topic and your ideas.

4. (clarity) When you proofread check for common errors like fragments, run-on’s, commonly confused words, tense shift, subject-verb disagreement, spelling, etc.  Try to adhere to the KISS Principle.  This means keep your sentences short and simple and divide your composition into short easy to read paragraphs.

Applied Sciences homework help

 Due to COVID-19, people were asked to practice social distancing and to wear masks when in public in 2020. Many stores required patrons to have on a mask before they enter the store. There were people who opposed these guidelines and suggested they infringed upon their rights.

Create a discussion post in which you support the guidelines for wearing a mask. Try to refrain from giving personal reasons in your post.

Nursing homework help

Select the statement that uses logos as a rhetorical appeal. 

  • If we do not do something about climate change now, it may soon be too late for the survival of many species.
  • I think we can all agree that we have a responsibility to future generations to take care of our planet.
  • As a scientist, I know how climate change will impact our planet and the consequences it will have.
  • Research indicates that the sea level has risen roughly 6.5 inches in the last 100 years due to climate change.
  • Cultural taboos.
  • Climate change.

There are four remaining threats that you did not discuss in your PowerPoint. This assignment will focus on two of those four. Here are the specific tasks you will complete:

  • Review the remaining four threats that you did not use in Presentation on the Threats to the Global Environment.
  • Pick two of the four to focus on in Analysis on the Threats Defense Argument assignment.
  • Identify the reasons why you think these two threats are less critical than the four threats you chose for your PowerPoint presentation.
Step II. Prepare Your Report

The U.N. has given you the following guidelines.


Briefly introduce the topic of the analysis (about 100–150 words):

  1. State the topic and intent of the paper.
  2. Identify the two threats you will discuss in the paper in the order in which they appear in the paper.
Section I. Threat 1
  1. Write an opening statement describing the perception of the threat.
  2. Write one page giving three reasons that explain why you saw this threat as less critical than the four you chose for your presentation in the Presentation on the Threats to the Global Environment assignment.
  3. Support these reasons with at least three credible sources.
Section II. Threat 2
  1. Write an opening statement describing the perception of the threat.
  2. Write one page giving three reasons to explain why you saw this threat as less critical than the four you chose for your presentation in the Presentation on the Threats to the Global Environment assignment.
  3. Support these reasons with at least three credible sources.
  • Offer a summary (one page or less) of your defense of your choices that the United Nations can use to address their prioritization concerns.
Formatting Requirements
  • Your paper may consist of up to four pages (not including the cover or reference pages).
  • Create headings for each section of your paper as follows:
    • Introduction.
    • Threat 1 (include the name of your chosen threat).
    • Threat 2 (include the name of your chosen threat).
    • Conclusion.
  • Use and cite 4–6 credible sources in your analysis. You may use the same source for more than one threat as long as you use a minimum of four different sources. A list of potential resources is available at the end of this course guide.

Information Systems homework help



3HS is an integrated system that spans multiple levels of care across many states.  System leadership is growing frustrated with seemingly contradictory feedback from the field.  Some staff complain of having to use multiple systems that often do the same thing, while others express concerns that one hospital can see another hospital’s data.  As input to the 3HS C-Suite, briefly describe the state of health interoperability, the different levels of interoperability (, and ONC efforts ( to improve HIT interoperability.


Examine the balance between defining HIT needs and applying available HIT solutions.  How do you navigate these sometimes opposing forces?  Describe your recommended method of requirements management and how you would recommend prioritization.



What external influences can you identify that impact HIT design and deployment?

HIT has the potential to support quality improvement processes.  How?  What are the potential and limitations?

English homework help

For this assignment, you will use a guided prompt to write notes that will help you better understand how to approach the persuasive essay. As you follow the guide, remember to apply the information you have learned in Modules One and Two when discussing your issue. In Module Three, you will build upon these writing notes to prepare a more refined Writing Plan, which will help to prepare you to draft your persuasive essay. For this Writing Notes assignment, the following critical elements must be addressed in one fully developed paragraph each: I. Writing Notes: Use these writing notes as a way to gather your thoughts and determine your strategy for writing your persuasive essay. This process will allow you to develop a potential structure for effectively persuading readers to agree with your argument. These notes will be helpful in keeping your thought process on track when you begin writing and revising your essay. 1. Your argument is the main point that you are trying to make in your essay. It should clearly state your opinion on your issue. Describe the argument to be addressed in your persuasive essay, and include how the argument is connected to your major, the major you are considering pursuing, or your field of work. 2. Key points are pieces of evidence that support an author’s main argument. What are three possible key points for your selected issue? How do they support your main argument? 3. Your audience is the person or people you are addressing in your essay. Who is the audience that will be reading your essay? What potential challenges will you encounter in supporting your argument with this audience? 4. Your goal is the end result that you wish to achieve in writing this essay. What goal do you hope to accomplish? What will this essay need to be successful? 5. Potential resources are pieces of evidence that could be used to support your argument. List potential resources that could be used as supporting evidence for your argument, and provide a brief description of each and how it will reinforce your argument. 6. Using the supporting resources you identified above, list each of the points of your argument with the resources that support them. This process will help you begin to form an effective essay structure. 7. Determine aspects of your argument that would be effectively supported with evidence. Defend your choices.

Geography homework help

During the semester in which the student is enrolled in MUL2380, one VIRTUAL musical event will be attended and you will critique the performance you view. Choose from one of the musical events below to watch a virtual concert and write a Virtual Music Event Critique on the concert you watch.

For proof of attendance, provide a screen shot of you watching the event on your device.

Click on links below for some concerts from which to choose:




Pop Music:

Country Music:



  1. Write about your experience to include the following:
    • Include answers to the journalistic questions of “who, what, when, where, and why.”
    • Be specific about when and where the event occurred. Describe the setting for the event and type of venue where the event took place.
    • Describe the performers and include information about the name of the band or performers, instrumentation, setting, costuming, and stage behavior.
  2. Please make sure to answer the following questions in your paper:
    1. Were the musicians “engaged” or did they appear to be just going through the motions of performing?
    2. Did they communicate subtly with each other while performing?
    3. Did they simply provide music, or did they actively communicate with their audience?
    4. Did they seem polished and skilled? Describe in detail two songs that you especially liked.
    5. Were particular musicians featured in instrumental of vocal solos?
    6. What was the style of the music?
    7. What was it that you enjoyed about these songs?
    8. Describe the make-up and behavior of the audience.
    9. Did the audience attend to the music or treat it indifferently?
    10. With regard to the event, was the music the primary or secondary focus?
    11. Did you enjoy the event?
    12. What was it that made it enjoyable or not enjoyable?
    13. What do you recall most vividly about the experience?
  3. Your paper should be three (3) full pages in length (approximately 280 words per page), double-spaced, written in 12 pt font, and must conform to MLA guidelines. Do not use extra spaces between paragraphs. Remember to begin with your thesis statement and purpose and end with a summary that restates your opening statement, using different words. Remember to use your own words–paraphrase all work and cite all sources. Your work will run through SafeAssign to check for plagiarism.
  4. Type your paper into a Microsoft Word document, save the file and then upload the file.