English homework help



Essay 1. How do Langston Hughes’ poems “I, Too” (c. 1925) and “Theme for English B” (c. 1949) show how positive progress is mixed with continued obstacles and challenges in the Twentieth Century African American struggle for equality?  Use quotations from both poems in your answer.

Essay 2: How does the encounter with the raven deepen the narrator’s depression in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven,” and is this the raven’s fault?  Use quotations from the poem in your essay.

Essay 3.  What makes Edna St. Vincent Millay’s description of her love affairs so provocative for her time?  Use quotations from two or three of her poems in your essay.

Essay 4. How does close reading change the meaning of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado”?  Use quotations from this story in your essay.

Essay 5.  How does an understanding of literary irony help a reader expand their understanding of Kate Chopin’s “A Story of an Hour”?  Use quotations from this story in your essay.

Essay 6.  How is Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Birth-Mark” similar to Marge Piercy’s “Barbie Doll”?   Use quotations from both the story and the poem in your essay.

Management homework help


This project is to be about Falls

Practice Experience: Applying Measurement Tools to a Practice Problem

Conduct a collaboration interview with two or three key leaders in your practice setting to determine the measures for your practice problem and associated challenges impacting measurement for your practice problem (include confidentiality, anonymity, access issues, etc.). Perform an existing evidence review on your practice problem and search for evidence that demonstrates how your practice problem is measured across the country.

For this week, Post a description of the measures identified from the interviews, the challenges to obtaining the data that were discussed, and a summary of how this quality indicator is measured in the literature. Discuss any gaps in the data that were identified and additional sources that might be needed to obtain this data. Be sure to support your practice problem with the literature that indicates the relevance of this problem for nursing practice. Provide evidence from practice and data that is available.

Grading creteria:

Conducts a collaboration interview with two or three key leaders in the practice setting to determine the measures for the practice problem and associated challenges impacting measurement. Performs an analysis of existing evidence that elicits how this problem is measured across the country. Uses 5 evidenced based resources including 2-3 research articles.

Capstone Paper final project will be 5 pages, (each week apply new steps)

In each week of this course you will apply the steps of the quality improvement process to a real practice problem. This Capstone Paper will provide the comprehensive discussion of your Practice Experience Quality Improvement Project.

This week you need 5 cited references with at least 3 of those references being EBP research articles.

Management homework help


How would you explain the correlation between the amount of corruption in a country and economic development?

Economics homework help


For college writing, originality is a critical component. When you carry out a piece of academic work you will be expected to research your subject thoroughly. It will be necessary for you to show an understanding of the contributions of other researchers and practitioners to your field of study. Keep in mind that plagiarism isn’t simply inadequate use of citations, it represents inadequate thinking. The purpose of this project is to generate insights and thoughts that builds on past findings, as well as shed new light on the problems being investigated. It means that you need to have your own perspective and use your own words instead of copying and pasting sentences and paragraphs from various websites. 

Once you submit your paper using the Turnitin link below, you will be able to view the similarity report. For this particular project, since there are lots of facts that need to be cited, a returned percentage of below 25% would probably indicate that plagiarism has not occurred.

If a student has copied someone else’s work, be it another student’s paper or taken material directly from some other source and made it appear to be their own; this is plagiarism. 

A submission with a similarity score above 40% and a Turnitin report indicating evidence of plagiarism will result in a 0 grade for the project and potentially an F grade for the course. 


This is your end-of-semester project. It can be done individually or as a team (up to three students per team).

Shanghai Disney.jpg

As organizations search for new and better ways to compete, global business strategies will continue to receive increasing attention. Areas in which globalization can move from concept to practice include global sourcing and marketing, an advanced approach to sourcing and supply management that involves integrating and coordinating common materials, processes, designs, technologies and suppliers across worldwide buying, design and operating locations. Since most organizations do not have well-developed global sourcing and marketing strategies in place, improvement opportunities in this area are attractive and as yet largely unrealized.

In this project, you may work individually or you may work with up to two other members from the class. If working as a team, please list all names on the first page of the project and have only one member submit the work.

The Executive Chairman of The Walt Disney Company, Bob Iger, sparked the imaginations of theme park fans around the world in March 2018 when he confirmed that the Walt Disney Company would be looking for new sites around the world to build theme parks (Links to an external site.). Picking the site for a new theme park demands sharp research and attention to global and local markets and political trends, and a poor choice could cost the company billions of dollars, not to mention the opportunity cost of developing a park in a better location elsewhere.

  1. Research Disney’s international operations. How many Disney Parks are there in the world? Which ones are more successful? Which ones are not as successful? Why some are not as successful as others?
  2. Where should the next Disney Park be? Pick a location (non-U.S.) and explain your reasons.
  3. Write a summary of the chosen location’s history, geographic location, and population growth trend. Analyze important characteristics of local culture and customs.
  4. How should Disney design and operate its new Park in the location you choose?

Your writing should be clear, concise, and originalPlease use proper citations when using other people’s work, as plagiarism is not tolerated at Cerritos College. Submit your final project as a Word/PDF document, 500 words minimum. 

Nursing homework help

Formulate the Discussion section of your selected topic.  In this section, you need to analyze and interpret the Results. Then, go back to your initially stated Hypothesis(es) to compare and contrast with the final Results.

Selected Topic: : – Strategies for detecting elderly abuse in nursing homes

Results- Strategies for detecting elderly abuse in nursing homes

Formulation of the results

The strategies for detecting elderly abuse in nursing homes differ with the data that researchers aim to collect. For instance, this social aspect can be determined using daily cases, annual cases, and how it affect different genders. This study formulates the results from different databases such as EBSChhost, by selecting the MEDLINE complete and CINAHL complete. The visuals below reflects the results of elderly abuse in nursing homes between 2015 and 2020. The objective of this formulation is represented in the table below:

Table 1: Assessment of elderly abuse in nursing homes

https://www.dovepress.com/cr_data/article_fulltext/s261000/261877/img/CIA_A_261877_t0001_1.jpgFigure 1: (Stein, 2017); (Thomas, 2019)

Graph 1: A graphical representation of the trend elderly abuse in nursing homes 2015- 2020

Table 2: Representation of population and its proportion of elderly abuse in nursing homes 2015-2020

Education homework help


Your topic should be addressed in sufficient detail to fully describe the properties of the concepts involved and should be at least three paragraphs with four (4) to five (5) sentences each. The posting should be in your own words with a minimal use of quotes.

  1. Compare the technique of identifying chemicals by their spectral line patterns with that of identifying people by their fingerprints.

Anatomy homework help

Essay Questions Exam II

1. Describe the process of endochondral ossification. Discuss how bone growth is regulated from the fetus to complete ossification. Mention where cartilage remains in the adult.

2. Identify THREE examples of skeletal system disorders. Your response can include disorders of the spinal column, nutritional deficiencies, genetic conditions, and conditions of growth and development. Describe possible causes of each of these conditions. Your answer may not include traumatic conditions (i.e., broken bones).

3. Distinguish the mechanisms of injury and the affected anatomy in a shoulder dislocation versus a shoulder separation.

4. Distinguish the mechanisms of injury and the affected anatomy in a broken ankle versus a sprained ankle.

5. Describe the mechanism of injury and results of an “Unhappy Triad” injury to the knee joint. Be sure to diagram the mechanism of injury and identify all relevant anatomical landmarks.

6. A synovial joint (diarthrosis) has three major structural components. Identify each of these components. Be sure to discuss the structure and function of each of the components. Your answer should include a sketch of a typical synovial joint.

Literature homework help

This Reading Response Journal is based on your readings from
Chapter 7: Why Not Immortality?
e.e. cummings: Two Poems
Murasaki Shikibu, Sôku, and Dogen, Three Japanese Poems

Cherry Tree in Morning Sun by Hashimoto Meiji (Color on paper, 1970)

The eastern passageway leading to the Imperial Palace’s seiden (state hall) has cedar sliding doors with two works called Sakura and Kaede (Maples). Hashimoto Meiji was the painter of Sakura which he based on his sketches of Miharu Takizakura, the thousand year old weeping blossom in Tamura, Fukushima.

Read about the history of cherry blossoms in the Washington, DC area. (Links to an external site.)

Watch the video Sakura 4:16 (Links to an external site.)

1. Why is death a “rhythmic” lover? Why is the earth his couch? How is spring an answer “true” to death?2. Do either of these naturalistic accounts of the cycle of life and death adequately address the fear of death, the loss of a loved one, or the desire for immortality? What does your answer imply for the meaning of any individual’s life?3. Why might Skikibu see in the example of the mountain cherry an explanation of our own suffering? Does this make sense?4. Sôku finds in the same image a model for noble self-sacrifice. How does this differ from Shikibu’s vision? Are the two poems at odds with one another or do they share a common understanding?5. Does having the painting for illustration improve the experience of reading the poems?6. How does the music for Sakura fit with or enhance the poetry? What mood does it represent to you?

Management homework help

What changes would be required in following existing supply chain capabilities of iPhone to support strategic objective of diversifying from its dependence on the iPhone and expand its services and wearables segments?

  1. Retail Network



1 Slide

120 words speech