Marketing homework help

Thread: Explain and discuss a major concern (of your choice) in marketing to children that the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU),, deals with. Provide an example of various marketing activities aimed at children that might be considered controversial.


650+ word minimum


Must include and integrate 1 bible verse| 3 scholarly resources less than 5 years old

plagiarism report required

due in 12 hrs.

Marketing homework help


Assignment Content

  1. This internship is turning into a great hands-on learning opportunity for you. Your manager has tasked you with proposing a talent management plan for pilots at Southwest Airlines. Your proposal will be considered by the Director of HR to make a formal plan.

    Develop a 3- to 4-page proposal that include the following:

    • A recommendation of 3 recruitment sources that are best suited to recruit pilots. Consider the quantity of resumes generated, the percentage of resumes likely to result in accepted offers, the time to fill a position, and the cost to fill a position.
    • An evaluation of common methods used to select a candidate
    • Recommend 3 methods for selecting new pilots.In your evaluation, consider reliability, validity, utility, and legality.
    • An evaluation of common methods used to train and develop employees
    • Recommend 3 methods for training pilots at Southwest Airlines. Consider learning and development outcomes, cost of training and development, effectiveness of training and development, and risks.
    • An evaluation of common performance management systems
    • Recommend 1 method for performance management of pilots at Southwest Airlines. Consider strategic congruence, validity,reliability, acceptability, and specificity.
    • An evaluation of common methods to minimize voluntary turnover
    • Recommend 1 approach to retain pilots at Southwest Airlines. Consider methods for retaining employees, meeting pilot needs, and cost.
    • Cite all sources.

      Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

      Submit your assignment.

Marketing homework help



Choose a DB topic that you have written about this term (in this class) that you would like to further explore and write a 900 – 1000 word paper on the topic. The paper will have 5 scholarly articles, which have been published within the previous 4 years; you may use articles used in the original DB, however, each of the articles must be a narrative on the results of a study/research.  The paper is not a restatement of the original DB post, but is a review of all 5 of the scholarly articles.  Some of the questions that must be addressed in the paper are:

What are the common themes among the findings all 5 of the research articles?

What are the differences among the findings of all 5 of the research articles?

What is unique in each article regarding the author’s approach to the concept?

According to the authors of the articles, why is the concept important to an organization’s leadership?

Paper Requirements:

  • The paper is to be your original work and written solely for this course. Although past papers can be minimally referenced, papers previously submitted or work from previously submitted assignments cannot be used to fulfill this assignment.
  • The paper must be written using current APA format and include a title page, an abstract, and a references list.
  • The paper must have a minimum of 900 words and a maximum of 1000 words. The word count does not include the cover page, abstract, or reference pages.
  • It must be submitted as a Word document (.doc).
    • The finished paper must be uploaded, as an attachment, by the published deadline.
  • Any charts, graphs, pictures, etc. must be put in an appendix and do not count toward the word count.
  • Block quotes cannot be used and will not count toward the word count requirement.
  • References must be as follows:
    • A minimum of 5 peer-reviewed references must be used.
      • Each reference must be from a different peer-reviewed journal published within the past 4 years.  Each of the articles chosen must be a narrative on the results of a study/research.
      • Textbooks, books, web blogs, abstracts, dissertations, magazines, and other ancillary materials cannot be counted as one of the required references.
      • All references must be cited somewhat equally in the narrative with no references over- or under-represented.
      • Quotations must not be more than 15% of the paper – paraphrase and properly quote the citations.
  • The following should be used as headings:
    • Introduction to the concept (definition and overview of the paper)
    • What were the differences and similarities in the research done regarding the concept?
    • What was unique in each article regarding the author’s approach to the concept?
    • What are the similarities in the research findings?
    • What are the differences in the research findings?
    • Conclusion

Applied Sciences homework help

Explain how individuals can make healthier choices if they choose to eat at fast food outlets. Where are the “hidden calories” in typical fast food menus? What options exist at fast food restaurants for making healthier choices? Do you think it is possible to have a well-balanced diet made up of primarily fast food and why do you feel this way or not? What tools are available for consumers today to learn about the nutrient content of fast food menu items?

Article writing homework help


Have you ever watched a desktop documentary before? if so, which one (and feel free to share a link in your post)?  In the review of Lee’s desktop film, Transformers: The Pre-make, Steven Boone writes “Without voiceover narration, the barbed satire in Lee’s “voice” is all in the choice and timing of his juxtapositions, and a precise use of the desktop environment as frame. However scholarly its origins, this video is pure cinema.”  ( It’s an odd but also interesting assessment.  Reflect upon your experience of watching Transformers: The Pre-make (Kevin Lee, 2015). Do you agree that Lee’s film is cinematic? If so, why? If not, why not?

Management homework help

1.                   Assessment

The assessment for this module consists of one form of assessment. Submission date is as indicated.


Part Type of assessment Word or time limit Mark Submission Method Submission Date
1 Written Assignment 10,000 words 100% Online submission NO LATER THAN:

___________; 5pm



Written Assignment – 100%

Purpose of the Assessment

The purpose of this assignment is to report on an independent piece of research based upon an actual business case situation.


Assessment Task

In the current international economic environment, entrepreneurs and managers are frequently required to undertake business planning, project and consultancy work in addition to their core responsibilities. Frequently, these projects are focused upon investigating new business opportunities or potential strategic changes in order to create, retain and extend competitive position. Furthermore, they may also be required to undertake consulting assignments.


The assessment task is to design and deliver a 10,000 words research report, through the application of appropriate research methods to a consultancy project, provided by the module team.


It is essential that all sources of information are correctly referenced using the Harvard system.


Suggested Format for the Project Report

The format below is recommended. You may also wish to refer to this in the design stages of your project as it includes lots of prompts that you may find useful.



The following details should be stated on your Cover Page:

  1. Name of University / Partner
  2. Name of Module
  3. Research Title
  4. Name of Student
  5. University ID Number
  6. Name of Adjunct Lecturer / Supervisor
  7. Word Count



1st Thank your supervisor for guiding you to complete the dissertation.

2nd Other related people that have assisted/contributed to your project.



Provide a list of the sections of your project with page numbers.


Management homework help

Reflection #1

What business-level strategy are you pursuing?  Explain why.

Provide at least three examples of how that strategy influenced decisions you made.

Reflection #2

Tell me about the most important thing that you spent money on in this round.  Why is that investment so important?  How do you expect it to pay off by Year 15 (three years from now)?

Did you have to give up spending on something else in order to accommodate this?  If so, what?  Are you concerned about the implications of that?

Final Presentation Instructions

Final Presentation:  This assignment requires a minimum of 5 slides plus your script.  Your presentation should be posted as a PPT or PDF.  Your script should be separate – either an MS Word or PDF file.   You need to post both attachments at the same time using the same submission link.

All presentations must feature:

Identification and explanation of your strategy and if/how that strategy evolved throughout the simulation.

A visual depiction of results/progress over the course of the simulation.  You select the metric.  Explain the decisions that contributed to this result.

Description of one or more key decisions that did NOT work out for you.

Description of one or more key decisions that DID work out for you.

Ideas for remaining slide(s):

How did your treat your employees?  Explain those decisions.

Describe your image ratings and the activities that contributed to those ratings.

Describe a key element of your marketing strategy – this could include product (branded v. private label, number of models, enhanced features), price, distribution (wholesale, internet, private label) or promotion (celebrity endorsements, internet marketing) decisions.

Describe your approach to international markets.  How important was this to your success?

Identify an special awards achieved during the simulation.  Was this a strategic target?  Which decisions contributed to those awards?

Nursing homework help

Please go to website ( and review prescriptive authority requirements. Once reviewed, please answer the following questions:

  1. How did prescriptive authority originally undergo revision in Florida?
  2. Discuss the arguments for and against prescriptive authority for controlled substance in Florida?

Computer Science homework help

Assignment Content

  1. Consider a large health clinic with a dozen doctors and approximately 80 nurses and support staff. The building houses a small computer room with 4 servers to support the clinic’s patient database, email services, file storage and medical applications and all laptops and desktops have a specialized medical client application and are encrypted with licensed full disk encryption software. As an IT consultant supporting this clinic, you need to develop part of a Disaster Recovery plan covering 4 keys areas.

    You need to specifically address how to quickly accomplish the following to enable operations within 24-48 hours:
    • An alternate location to operate from
    • Replacement of damaged/lost servers, workstations and laptops and business applications installed on them.
    • Backup, Security and Restoration of office and patient information
    • Methods of communicating with staff during the disaster
    • Be sure to be proactive in your plan, that is what a plan is for.