Nursing homework help

Must select the theorist (Florence Nightingale – Environment theory), include a theory, mission, vision, and purpose.

·         3 to 5 pages not including title page and reference page.

Minimum of two references (the course textbook can be one of the references, as well as the organizational website) in APA format. If additional articles chosen, they must have been published within last 3-5 years.

(3 pages)

Article writing homework help

Free Write and Outline for an Informative Paper

This week, we will be moving from narrative writing to informative writing. Your assignment this week will consist of a freewrite and outline similar to those you did for W2; however, this freewrite and outline will help you brainstorm your “How-to” Informative Essay.

Some examples of recent how-to essays for this class include:

  • How to prepare campfire coffee in an easy and affordable way
  • How to prepare for a driver’s test
  • How to make Kahlua rum-flavored buttercream
  • How to build a weatherproof shooting house for hunters
  • How to prepare yourself for going to a protest
  • How a first-time buyer can negotiate with a car salesman
  • How to make your own customized wig
  • How to save money while living in a college dorm
  • How to care for a person who has dementia

As you can see, the topics vary widely, yet each focuses on a specific task and targets a narrow audience. Likewise, your topic can be unusual and off-the-wall or it can be somewhat common. Either way, it must target an audience that does not know the information you possess but wants or needs to know it.

There are three parts to this assignment:

Part 1: Complete all of the following statements and questions:

The audience for my paper is ____________.

I want to teach them how to _____________.

What details will I need to accomplish this purpose?

What issues or obstacles might I encounter?

What is my working title?

Part 2: Freewrite

As before, your freewrite should reflect about 10 to 15 minutes of brainstorming about your topic. Write down everything you can think of. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or punctuation for this part of the assignment.

Part 3. Outline

The outline should be similar to the one you used in Week 2 and contain an introduction, body, and conclusion, as well as enough details to show how your essay might be structured. Again, outline in three to five parts, summarize, and use complete sentences (not fragments or phrases).

Your outline should be similar to the one used for Week 2. It will also contain an introduction, body, and conclusion, each with topic sentences and supporting points. Here is a link to the sample outline for Week 2.


English homework help

Theory Paper Content

  1. You will write a 6-page (1 cover page, 4 pages of content, 1 page of references) paper that discusses theory application to health behavior and cite research on how well it has worked.

    Content Instructions
    You will write about how one health behavior (for example: condom use), has been explained and/or modified using two behavioral theories or concepts. The paper should focus on how the chosen theories have been used to examine or intervene upon the chosen behavior, and include an assessment of how well each theory fit the behavior.
    For this assignment, please refrain from choosing the Social
    Ecological Framework.
    Please follow these guidelines for organizing your paper:
    The length should be no more than 7 double-spaced pages
    (including cover page and references).
    The number of sections and the number of pages
    allocated to each section are at the discretion of the student.

    Format Instructions
    Use a Times New Roman 12-point font with 1” margins.

    Cover page: Paper title, student name, course number, date, running head.

    This paper does not require an abstract. On the first page
    of text, state the rationale and purpose of the paper, and describe the structure or organization of the paper.

    Please use several subheads to break up the paper into logical sections.

    You might want to spend 1-1.5 pages describing each theory you selected, but the bulk of the paper should be how theory is applied to specific health behaviors.

    Identify why each of the two theories is applied to your chosen specific health behavior and populations. You are required to use a minimum of 6 current sources, 4 of which must be peer reviewed journal articles.
    Use the studies from the journal articles to support and identify how theory is applied to the specific health behavior.
    Make clear, tangible evidence-based recommendations about future program interventions that are needed or describe solutions to the problem you are addressing. For this part of the paper be sure to utilize study findings (from the journal articles) to support your evidence-based recommendations.

    As with all writing, please use clear topic sentences at the beginning of each paragraph to guide the reader.

    Be sure to attribute all ideas that are not your own to appropriate sources.

    For cited references, the paper must adhere to the American Psychological Association Style Manual (see “APA Style Guidelines)


Sociology homework help

As an astute social worker and professional policy advocate, you must be adept at identifying social problems that exist in your community or in an agency or organization with which you are acquainted. Once you have selected a social problem, you begin the process of creating and implementing a policy that addresses that social problem.

In this assignment, you identify and describe a current social problem. You also identify a policy created and implemented to address the problem. This is the first part of your Social Change Project final assignment.

Address the following items in a 4-page paper:

  • Describe a current social problem. How might this problem be incongruent with social work values/ethics?
  • How/when has this problem been identified historically, and what were the actions taken to address this concern?
  • How have the groups affected by this concern changed over time?
  • Describe the policy area related to this social problem.
  • Is the policy identified by you dictated by local, state, or federal statute—or a combination thereof?
  • What are the different aspects of the policy?
  • How long has the current policy been in place?
  • Who supports and who opposes the policy?
  • What changes/amendments have been made to the policy?
  • Explain how this policy affects clients you might see in a clinical setting and why, as a clinical social worker, it would be important to advocate for change.

English homework help

Before starting this assignment, please make sure to review pages 302-311 from the text, as well as the following

In at least 500 words, what is the importance of ANOVA when comparing several means? Why is it needed? What is at least one published experiment where it was used? Use at least one example from a scholarly source found in the Monroe Online Library to assist with these definitions.    

Make sure to site your sources. Please see the Source Guides in the “Start Here” folder of our course. 

Criminal homework help

Week 9 Assignment 2 – Juvenile Versus Adult Court Systems


In this assignment, you will choose a criminal case study from your own research or use one from the crime section of The Daily Chronicle website to examine the differences between the juvenile and adult court systems. You will read and summarize a case involving an adult. Then you will consider how this case would unfold differently had a juvenile committed the crime.


Read the case information and write a 2–3 page paper in which you:

  1. Summarize the facts of the case.
  2. Examine how the procedure would differ if the defendant or defendants were underage when the offense was committed.
  3. Identify and discuss how juvenile proceedings differ from adult criminal proceedings as well as the differences in charges for the same crime.
  4. Define the waiver process of transferring a juvenile into the adult court system.
  5. Make and support recommendations for disposition based on the assumption that each defendant in your selected case is a minor being tried as a juvenile.
  6. Use at least three sources to support your writing.

Management homework help


Evaluate the importance of aligning strategy among the levels of an organisation. In your evaluation, critically examine how the strategic lenses of an organisation may or may not affect the degree of alignment among levels. Be sure to support your claims with specific references to the Learning Resources and your prior experience.

In formulating your answer, consider the following questions:

  • What challenges do organisations face when crafting strategy?
  • How do operational and strategic issues manifest themselves at different levels of an organisation?


Use two dimensions of the PESTEL (political, economic, sociocultural, technological, environmental, and legal) framework and in a 500 words post, evaluate the macro-environment of a company you are familiar with.


By using the Bowman’s Strategy Clock critically analyse the competitive position of a company of your choice.

Submission by Friday, 12 March, 2020 by 11:59 pm (23:59 hours) time on the due date at the latest.

ANSWER EACH QUESTION in an approximately 500-word response (+/- 10%)

Computer Science homework help

 What is active threat in terms of network security? Provide an example

Political Science homework help

The Pledge of Allegiance

Religion and politics have traditionally been highly debated topics in our society. Recently, the Pledge of Allegiance has added to this debate.

American citizens have generally recited the Pledge of Allegiance at important ceremonies ranging from presidential inaugurations to the beginning of the school day. The pledge has a great deal of sentimental value to many Americans, but also creates a great deal of controversy for others.

Review The History of Legal Challenges to the Pledge of Allegiance by reading the Supreme Court cases Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow and Jane Doe v. Acton-Boxborogh Regional School District, which highlights the debate.

Write a 2–3 page paper in which you:

  1. Summarize the salient points of the Supreme Court case Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow and Jane Doe v. Acton-Boxborogh Regional School District.
  2. Explain the decisions of the Supreme Court in these cases in brief.
  3. Discuss whether or not you think public schools should require students to recite the pledge. Why or why not?
  4. Provide three quality sources