Biology homework help

Air  pollution has become very costly environmental problem in terms of both  human lives and in terms of billions of dollars lost for health-care  expenditure and crop damage.

Contact the pollution control authorities in your community for the  levels or air pollutants. Identify main air pollutants and the possible  causes of air pollution. How does your community compare to others?  Discuss your findings.

Consider your own skills and interests. Think of at least two skills  or interests that could be applied (if you had the time and resources)  to helping improve air quality in your community.

Your answer should be between 700–900 words long and should include introduction and conclusion section.

Marketing homework help

Instructions For your third and final assignment, you will complete the second part of your Business Plan using the provided template as well as a video. The second part of your Business Plan contains two sections: The Marketing and Advertising Strategy as well as the Financial Plan and Strategies. In the Marketing and Advertising Strategy section, you will describe your strategies for reaching current and anticipated customers, list your pricing policies and strategies, and outline your advertising/public relations plans. In the Financial Plan and Strategies section, you will provide a summary of your past financial performance (if available), outline your current financial condition, state your projected sales and expenses, and identify your anticipated capital needs/determine how that money will be allocated.

Biology homework help

discussed the concept of inheritance in regards to genetic traits. How  does the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance helped to advance our  understanding of genetics?

270 words Use APA citations and references for the textbook and any other sources  used; you should use at least 1 APA citation and reference, but you can  use more if needed.

Nursing homework help

Topic: Coding Qualitative Data

The purpose of this assignment  is to practice interpreting qualitative interview transcripts by  recognizing patterns. This is called coding and it is an important skillset for public health professionals.

For  this assignment, code the “Interview Transcript” document. Use the  “Coding Qualitative Data Worksheet” to document your results from the  “Interview Transcript” and to provide a summary of your findings. ATTACHED

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.


Read “Comparison Between Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research,” in Chapter 6 and read Chapter 8 in GCU Doctoral Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Concepts.

This textbook references an assigned dissertation. You are not required to complete a dissertation for this course. URL:

Read “A Review of Qualitative Data Analysis Practices in Health Education and Health Behavior Research,” by Raskind et al., from Health Education and Behavior (2019), available as authors manuscript from PubMed Central (PMC), located on the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website. URL:

Review “Quantitative and Qualitative Methods for Public Health,” from PH717 Module 1B – Descriptive Tools: Descriptive Epidemiology and Descriptive Statistics, located on the Boston University Medical Campus, School of Public Health website (2019). URL:

Read “Lessons Learned in Promoting Evidence-Based Public Health: Perspectives From Managers in State Public Health Departments,” by Allen et al., from Journal of Community Health (2018). URL:

Read “Section 15: Qualitative Methods to Assess Community Issues,” from “Chapter 3: Assessing Community Needs and Resources,” of the Community Assessment toolkit, located on the Community Tool Box website. URL:

Read “Focus Groups Inform a Mobile Health Intervention to Promote Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and Engagement in Physical Activity Among People Living With HIV,” by Henry, Quintana, Moore, Garcia, and Montoya, from BMC Public Health (2019). URL:

Human Resource Management homework help

PowerPoint Presentation – APA Format

For the Final Assessment, you will select 2 corporations that compete in the same industry. You will review their financial reports for the last available 2 years and compare and contrast the financing choices of the two companies. You should present your findings in a PowerPoint presentation (with completed Notes section providing details of your analysis. You must also provide a slide of exhibits of financial reports analyzed for the Presentation).

Your project will include the following sections:

Overview of the two corporations

Compare and contrast: differences and similarities in equity financing

Compare and contrast: differences and similarities in debt financing

Analysis of overall financing strategy of the two companies

Cost of capital or required return on investment considerations

Your presentation should be a minimum of 15 content slides; excluding cover slide and reference slide.

Criminal homework help

 How do you expect to take the information you learned in this course and apply it to your work in the criminal justice field?

Political Science homework help

You can choose your own topic about an historical or current event or person as seen from the perspective of a philosopher. For example, what would Plato have said about the election of President Trump? How would Arendt have understood the popular hysteria leading to the Rwandan Genocide?
This paper and the final should be formatted to be double-spaced, 1 inch margin, and 12 font. The paper proposal should be 2 pages in length.

The first page explains your topic and should include:

  1. A working title
  2.  A research question
  3. 1-2 paragraphs explaining the subject of research and why this project is important for understanding international relations.

The second page will be an annotated bibliography. You will locate 4-6 sources that are important for understanding your topic and following the citation of your chosen source there will be 1-3 sentences explaining how/why this source will support your topic. Only peer reviewed journals and/or university press books are acceptable. Some popular journals like Newsweek or the Economist could be used. You must also include one class reading in your annotated bibliography.

Computer Science homework help

Write a 4-5 page paper (deliverable length does not include the title and reference pages)

  • What are key issues with interacting and using a computer for people who are visually impaired?
  • What input and output devices are specifically created to help the visually impaired use a computer?
  • What would be the privacy concerns of visually impaired learners and how is their privacy managed?

Information Systems homework help

Part 1 Requirements:

Research the following and write a 2-page double-spaced paper (not including title and reference pages) addressing the following:

  • Highlight any aspects of security that are unique to the Python programming language.
  • Identify several methods for securing data in Python software.
  • Address the role of data encryption across the Internet.
  • Identify any packages built for Python that facilitate data encryption.

Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained, and the paper should be well-ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.

Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard English (correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation) and be in APA format with separate title and reference pages formatted per APA guidelines. For more information on APA style formatting, go to Academic Writer, formerly APA Style Central, under the Academic Tools area of this course to assist you in meeting APA expectations.