English homework help

Cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death in the United States. One reason is the lack of commitment to heart healthy lifestyle. Your lifestyle is not only your best defense against heart disease, it’s also your responsibility.

Follow the instructions below, then click the link above to submit the assignment.

Written Research Assignment:
Research and discuss the causes of cardiovascular disease and its relationship to diet and exercise. Compare and analyze your own personal wellness data (Portfolio Lab assignments) to determine your risk of the disease and form a conclusion as to what changes you can make to decrease your risk. Finally, share information with others in order to encourage healthy behaviors within the community.

Assignment Requirements

  • Written Paper with a minimum of 350 word in paragraph form
  • You must cite at least 3 credible sources in the text of your paper and in the bibliography at the end. Example: “According to Joe Smith from the Mayo Clinic, individuals are at risk…”, you would then cite the reference in the bibliography with complete source. You can use any style to cite the reference.
  • Typed
  • Click link above to submit paper

Assignment Topic
Research and discuss the causes of cardiovascular disease and its relationship to diet and exercise. Compare and analyze your own personal lifestyle choices (Portfolio Lab assignments) to determine your risk of the disease and form a conclusion as to what changes you can make to decrease your risk. Finally, share information with others in order to encourage healthy behaviors within the community. The following information will help you with the type of information that should be included. You are not limited to this, it will just give you a general idea of what I am looking for in the assignment.

Part #1– Research and discuss the causes of cardiovascular disease.

(Use at least 2 credible sources for Part #1- be sure to cite source IN THE TEXT and as a bibliography at end)

  • What are the causes?
  • Why is it a health concern?
  • What is the incidence of the disease/how many are affected?
  • Is it preventable?
  • What is the cost of the disease to the US?

Part #2– What is the relationship between cardiovascular disease and diet and exercise? (Use at least 1 credible source for Part #2- be sure to cite source IN THE TEXT and as bibliography at the end.)

  • What types of foods contribute to our risk?
  • Does physical activity help in prevention?
  • How does inactivity increase our risk?

Part #3– Compare and analyze your own personal lifestyle choices that contribute to YOUR risk of cardiovascular disease. Cite the lab assignments that you refer to. Example: “According to my BMI lab assignment, I am at greater risk…” or, “After reviewing my Nutritional Analysis Lab assignment, I realize…”

What are the lifestyle choices you are making that increase your risk?

Look at data from the following assignments

  1. BMI assignment
  2. How Healthy is Your Lifestyle Survey
  3. Fast Food nutrition
  4. Nutritional Analysis
  5. Food Color Chart assignment
  6. Sugar assignment

Be sure to cite the source of this information. (Example: “According to my Nutritional Analysis I do consume too much…”)

Part #4– Form a conclusion as to what changes you can make in your own personal lifestyle choices in order to decrease risk.

  • Specifically what can you do to decrease your risk NOW.
  • How will those changes benefit your future health

Part #5 Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility

Hopefully your workouts have allowed you to experience the positive benefits of physical activity. It is now time to share that with others. Physically inactive individuals are at greater risk for cardiovascular disease. According to the Center for Disease Control, if every physically inactive person became active, we would save 77 billion in health care costs every year. Only 1 in 5 adults and 1 in 3 children get the recommended amount of physical activity.

Invite at least 2 people (adult or child) to participate in a workout with you. It can be your regular workout or you can do something different (ride bikes, take a free class at gym, try a new workout DVD etc.)

Reflect on this experience and include the following information:

  • Who did you invite to workout out with you and why did you choose that person?
  • What information did you share to encourage them to participate?
  • Did you notice a difference in the individual’s attitudes toward physical activity with regards to their age, ethnic background, or socioeconomic background?
  • Explain the possible implications on our nation if everyone who is active encouraged others to become active too.
  • What other ways could you encourage physical activity in adults and children?

Management homework help

This assignment will provide an opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned about process mapping.

Assignment #1 (10 points):

Write a narrative describing the process illustrated in the diagram below.

Assignment #2 (10 points)

Using the process described below, fill in the text boxes within the colored areas of the process map on the following page to illustrate the process narrative below. Be sure to give your diagram a descriptive title.

Students are required to prepare and submit registration forms. The administration reviews forms for completeness. Completed forms are sent to the registrar to verify all appropriate details. Incomplete forms are returned to the student.

The registrar will determine if minimum standards are met. If the minimum standards are not met, the student’s registration is rejected. The registrar prepares a rejection letter, sends it to the student, and adds the letter to the student’s personal file.

Approved registrations are forwarded to faculty advisors for further evaluation. Faculty advisors make the final decision on admission. Based on the decision, Faculty Advisors will prepare acceptance or rejection letters to send to students and add to students’ personal files.

Nursing homework help

Instructions: Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions. Please provide rationales for your answers. Make sure to provide citations/references for your answers in APA format.


Preschool Child: Ricky Ricky, age 4 years, arrives in the clinic with his mother. Ricky lives with his mother and father, who both work full-time, and his infant sister. Their extended family lives in a different state more than 100 miles away. Both parents are of average height and in good health. Ricky’s mother mentions that Ricky often expresses frustration, particularly in regard to food. Conflict over food occurs every day. Mealtime is a battle to get him to eat, unless his mother feeds him. Ricky’s baby sister seems to tolerate all baby foods but requires her mother to spoon-feed. Ricky’s mother is quite frustrated and concerned that he will become malnourished.

Reflective Questions

1. What additional assessment information would you collect?

2. What questions would you ask, and how would you further explore this issue with the mother?

3. In what ways does the distance of the extended family influence this family’s approach to health promotion?

4. What factors would you consider to determine whether malnourishment is a factor in this family?

Computer Science homework help

Case Study 2.1

Read: Case Study 4.2 Finding the Emotional Intelligence to Be a Real Leader.


  1. Discuss how Kathy lacked sufficient emotional intelligence to be effective in her new project manager assignment.
  2. Of the various dimensions of emotional intelligence, which dimension(s) did she appear to lack most? What evidence can you cite to support this contention?

Writing Requirements

  • 2-3 pages in length  (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
  • APA 6th edition, Use the APA template located in the Student Resource Center to complete the assignment.
  • Please use the Case Study Guide as a reference point for writing your case study.

Case Study 3.1

Assignment 3.1 Case Study 6.2 The Bean Counter and the Cowboy.


  1. Was the argument today between Neil and Susan the true conflict or a symptom? What evidence do you have to suggest it is merely a symptom of a larger problem?
  2. Explain how differentiation plays a large role in the problems that exist between Susan and Neil.
  3. Develop a conflict management procedure for your meeting in 30 minutes. Create a simple script to help you anticipate the comments you are likely to hear from both parties.
  4. Which conflict resolution style is warranted in this case? Why? How might some of the other resolution approaches be inadequate in this situation?

Writing Requirements

  • 2-3 pages in length  (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
  • APA 6th edition, Use the APA template located in the Student Resource Center to complete the assignment.
  • Please use the Case Study Guide as a reference point for writing your case study

Nursing homework help

Assignment: Pharmacotherapy for Cardiovascular Disorders


…heart disease remains the No. 1 killer in America; nearly half of all Americans have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or smoke—some of the leading risk factors for heart disease…


Despite the high mortality rates associated with cardiovascular disorders, improved treatment options do exist that can help address those risk factors that afflict the majority of the population today.


As an advanced practice nurse, it is your responsibility to recommend appropriate treatment options for patients with cardiovascular disorders. To ensure the safety and effectiveness of drug therapy, advanced practice nurses must consider aspects that might influence pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes such as medical history, other drugs currently prescribed, and individual patient factors.



Reference: Murphy, S. L., Xu, J., Kochanek, K. D., & Arias, E. (2018). Mortality in the United States, 2017. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db328.htm



To Prepare

  • Review the Resources for this module and consider the impact of potential pharmacotherapeutics for cardiovascular disorders introduced in the media piece.
  • Review the case study assigned by your Instructor for this Assignment.
  • Select one the following factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior factors.
  • Reflect on how the factor you selected might influence the patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.
  • Consider how changes in the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes might impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy.
  • Think about how you might improve the patient’s drug therapy plan based on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes. Reflect on whether you would modify the current drug treatment or provide an alternative treatment option for the patient.






Write a 3-page paper that addresses the following:


  • Explain how the factor you selected might influence the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes in the patient from the case study you were assigned.
  • Describe how changes in the processes might impact the patient’s recommended drug therapy. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Explain how you might improve the patient’s drug therapy plan and explain why you would make these recommended improvements.


Education homework help

Ethical practices are an integral part of the early childhood education field. Creating learning environments that are safe, appropriate, and professional go hand in hand with ethical practices. Ethics guide our sense of integrity, honesty, and courage, and provide the impetus to design developmentally appropriate environments for young children. Ethical practices also guide us to act in ethical ways on behalf of the children and families we serve.

Ethics call on early childhood professionals to put children’s needs first and to be mindful of the important role we play in their lives. Ethics help us to engage with children and families in respectful and equitable ways, keep them safe from harm, and support their growth and development in all the learning domains.

Ethics require educators and caregivers/providers to work closely with families and co-workers to communicate, make decisions, and work on behalf of each child’s best interest. Our actions can leave a lasting impression on both children and families and therefore require us to reach for and maintain high levels of quality, intentionality, excellence, and professionalism both in and out of the classroom.

For this module’s discussion forum, review the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct Supplement for Early Childhood Adult Educators and respond to the following ethical dilemma.

Ethical Dilemma

Imagine that you are working in an early childhood education setting that serves a diverse population of students. Enrolled in your class (or program if you are a Director) are boys and girls, children who speak English and other languages, children with identified special needs, and children from diverse cultural backgrounds. If you are a nanny, imagine that you are talking with the parents that you work for about some of the families you have met at the park.

During break one day (or during a conversation with the parents) you realize that your co-workers (or parents) have strong feelings about some the families that you work with. There are several Somali families enrolled at your Center now (or at the park) and you overhear one person in particular talking about the families. You are surprised to hear them use negative terms to describe the family, such as “weird,” “unusual,” and “scary.”

A few days later, after one of the Somali families drops their child off at your center (or after encountering Somali families at the park), your co-worker (or the parent) starts to talk about the family. “They are so strange. Did you see what they were wearing? Did you smell their clothes? No wonder their kids don’t have any friends here. They should go back to their own country.”

What should you do? What is the most ethical way to handle the situation? Would you try to talk with your co-worker (or the parents if you are a nanny) yourself? Would you share what you’ve overheard with your Program Director or course instructor? Would you say something to the children who may have overheard the conversation?

English homework help

I need a minimum of 200 words

In this unit, we have taken a closer look at writing as a craft. We have revisited the writing process and methods for invention, we have examined informal logical fallacies, and we have discussed paragraph cohesion.

For this writing, think about your past experiences with writing (which may include the experiences you have had in this course). What advice about writing did you find most helpful? Why? Please explain the context that led to this advice. You may also tell more than one story about your writing experiences.

The objective of your reflection is to consider the advice of other writers and how we can always improve our writing by listening to others. Further, you are sharing that advice with your reader by reflecting upon the experience.

Remember, as always, that this writing should be a positive and constructive experience. The idea is that you reflect upon the process so that you understand it, understand yourself as a new student writer, and understand the challenges and successes you experience.

Article writing homework help


Thesis Statement for creative writing story:

Submit the thesis statement that you are planning to use in your  Creative writing .

Explain your thesis and approach to the topic and ask any questions you might have about the clarity and/or effectiveness of your thesis. What feedback would help you refine your thesis? Your post should be at least 150 words, including the thesis and your questions/comments about it.

For thesis Discussion: you will talk about the theme or summary of your story and how it connects to the environment…..and then you would reply to a colleague..

Your discussion post will be graded according to the following criteria:

o 80% – Thoughtful original post that includes both your tentative thesis and your questions/comments about it (at least 150 words)

o 20% – Thoughtful response to a classmate’s post that responds to their questions/comments (at least 75 words)

Submit the thesis statement that you are planning to use in your  Creative writing .

Explain your thesis and approach to the topic and ask any questions you might have about the clarity and/or effectiveness of your thesis. What feedback would help you refine your thesis? Your post should be at least 150 words, including the thesis and your questions/comments about it.

When you are done posting your response, reply to at least one classmate in no fewer than 75 words. In your response, discuss the strengths of the thesis and the areas for possible improvement and focus.

Nursing homework help

 Health care organizations continually face challenges from various regulatory and government agencies while also being bound by Managed Care Organization (MCO) standards. View the video located in the study materials entitled “College of Nursing and Health Care Professions: Do We Know What Our Future Is?” for insight into the challenges of health care reform. Based on the video, describe two key reform factors that you believe will need to be addressed by future health care workers or leaders and explain why. (Note: You can download slides from this video for ease of review in developing your forum response). Additionally, what role does adherence to MCO standards play in your future health care vision?