Human Resource Management homework help


You will prepare a project proposal to submit to your instructor. The goal is to provide your instructor with enough information so that he/she can review your project to determine if it will meet the requirement for the course. The proposal should be 500 or more words.

  1. Identify the type of project you plan to do – company research project or business plan.
  2. Identify the company for the research project or the type of business for the business plan.
  3. Discuss in 2-3 paragraphs (250 words) why you chose the company research project or the business plan. You can also talk about why you chose a particular company or type of business.
  4. What do you hope to learn from this project?

Information Systems homework help

For decades, relational databases remained essentially unchanged; data was segmented into specific chunks for columns, slots, and repositories, also called structured data. However, in this Internet of Things (IoT) era, databases need to be reengineered because the very nature of data has changed. Today’s databases need to be developed with the needs of IoT in mind and have the ability to perform real-time processing to manage workloads that are dynamic. For example, relational databases should be able to work with real-time data streaming and big data (an example was presented in the Unit III Lesson).Scenario: Falcon Security wants their customers to be able to view security video footage in real-time and provide customers with the ability to query video footage for viewing. Choosing a database solution such as MongoDB would allow Falcon Security to store customer video footage in the same database as the metadata.To do this, Falcon Security needs a way to manage the demands of real-time data streaming for real-time analytics. Conduct some research for a NoSQL database application, such as MongoDB or Cassandra, that could meet this need. How would switching to a real-time database solution help Falcon Security remain competitive? Create a PowerPoint presentation that includes the components listed below.

  • Provide a brief introduction to IoT.
  • Present the argument to the Falcon Security CEO that switching to a more dynamic database structure (NoSQL real-time database) will meet the demands of IoT.
  • Introduce some features of the database you chose, whether it is MongoDB, Cassandra, or another database.
  • Describe how switching to a more dynamic database will give Falcon Security a competitive advantage.

Your presentation must be a minimum of six slides in length (not counting the title and reference slides), and you must use at least two academic resources. Any information from a resource used must be cited and referenced in APA format.

Education homework help

For this assignment, we have assigned each of you to one of the areas listed at the bottom of this page.

Part 1–Discovery: Click on the link to your website. Spend about 20 minutes investigating the information presented. Write a summary of what you discovered on your exploration.

Services & Campus Resources:


Summarize what you discovered – Include

  • the name of the department,
  • the information presented on the website,
  • the value or importance the information has for a role of a professor at the college.
  • Why is this an important organization to know as a professor and how can this organization help you as a professor

Nursing homework help


Re: Topic 2 DQ 1

Evidence-base practice is defined as “the integration of clinical expertise, the most up-to-date research, the patient’s preferences to formulate and implement best practices for patient care” (Dean, Falker, Green, et al., 2018). As a nurse, there are so many things that aren’t black and white. This means that we will need to do a lot of problem solving, brainstorming, and research. As a nurse, we will want to find the most recent, reliable, and realistic information we can to treat our patient to ensure the best possible outcome for them and that’s really what evidence-based practice is all about.

Critical Thinking is defined as “all of part of the process or questioning, analysis, synthesis, interpretation, inference, inductive and deductive reasoning, intuition, application, and creativity. Critial thinking underlies independent and interdependent decision making” (Dean, Falker, Green, et al., 2018). It’s obvious that critical thinking has a ton of components, but so does the nursing profession. So often on nursing tests we see questions that read something like “based on (x, y, and z), the nurse would question administering which medication?”. Or we have questions like “a lab result came back showing (x, y, and z) for a patient who has CHF, what does this indicate?”. Nurses are constantly doing things like that, and I think with experience your critical thinking skills will progress and the intuition part of critical thinking will be one of those things that will definitely develop.

I definitely think that critical thinking and evidence-based practice go hand-in-hand. If any single patient has a group of nurses constantly researching and developing care plans that fit their needs and provide the safest and most effective treatment, there should be little to no reason why patient outcomes aren’t positive most of the time. There is also always new teaching that nurses can implement into their patient teachings and more research that can suggest better and effective nursing interventions which in turn will lead to a better patient outcome.

English homework help

With the elements style, tone, and irony, students are especially used to unconscious recognition, a kind of “know it when I see it” affair. However, the book breaks them down well and shows different ways in which to recognize and analyze these elements. Style is something we are highly attuned to. We all have our own personal clothing style, speaking style, and even academic style – we study differently, think about how classes should be differently, respond to different teaching methods differently, and have different expectations about what a class should be. Trust me, this is something I am well aware of. What we often don’t know is where these expectations and choices come from. It is especially difficult for us to question our own preferences when it comes to style, but it is also difficult to understand other people’s choices. The important thing to have when it comes to style is an open mind. It is helpful to give people the benefit of the doubt and open ourselves up to different styles. We should always be in a conversation with an author. Why has the author chose a specific style? Why has an author left so much out? Sometimes we get unsettled by having to answer questions about a work because they don’t answer them for us. However, if we understand an author’s choices as an aspect of style, we can go ahead and assume there is a plan there. All we are left with is what is there. So we break that down into categories and look for important comparisons and relationships among these component pieces that may give us a clue as to what it is an author had in mind. This will be especially important when we get to poetry. Poetry is in many ways the art of leaving out everything but the absolute essentials. It is meant to bring us out of our comfort zone and force us to have an experience that we may not be comfortable with. We are left on our own to build something and to examine something and especially to question something. This is an important skill in the academic world. It is a process of creation. It is less about achieving some kind of goal and more about having an experience. That can be unsettling for students who often want things to be black and white, right or wrong. However, if we push ourselves into uncertainty and become comfortable with not having a necessarily right or wrong answer but instead a strong analysis, we can work with style. We also have the tools that the book teaches us, the elements. By breaking things down into pieces and categorizing them, we can come to conclusions that were not readily apparent when we began a process of analysis, much like the drafting process. We must begin somewhere and allow the process to take us somewhere new. It is messy. It isn’t neat, but it is an experience that can change you and transform your thinking if you allow it to. What are some ways we can look at style to take it from just a group of preferences by an author to a distinct method that reflects the central idea? One thing we can look at is the diction. Why does the author make the choices with language that they do? Why do they use certain words and not others? The book shows some nice examples of this that you should read carefully. Other aspects of style that the book doesn’t necessarily cover are humor. To what degree does the author mean to be serious as opposed to comic? What exactly is humor? It is another one of those things that we know when we see it. We know when we have a reaction to it. However, humor often comes through to us through tone. Tone is another aspect of style that the book looks at and an element all of its own. It can be difficult to gather tone from words. We are used to hearing it in the sound of someone’s voice. We are stuck with putting it together with context alone when reading texts. This is a problem that we all are familiar with in the time in which we live because of text messages and emails. Sometimes we may drastically misinterpret someone’s tone and end up reacting to something that isn’t there. This can also be made difficult by the fact that people can pretend they weren’t using a particular tone and after they have pushed you into a certain reaction, they can gaslight you by suggesting you misread them. You can be glad that in the case of an author, they likely aren’t trying to trick you. Sometimes, however, authors do play a kind of a trick. They push you to make a conclusion that a lot of people make and then yank away the curtain in order to expose your biases. Sometimes, this trick is played on the characters. As the book points out, the characters in the story “The Story of an Hour” misinterpret the actions and statements of the character Mrs. Mallard because they hold patriarchal views and therefore don’t understand Mrs. Mallard. People have biases and a good way to expose them sometimes is through a switch in tone. This leads us to the final element in the chapter and the most difficult, Irony. Students have a really difficult time with irony, but they have that unconscious recognition of it that makes them comfortable speaking on it. However, many times they end up misreading the irony or finding it where it doesn’t exist. This is why I highly suggest that you take a close look at the categories of irony that the book lays out and to attempt to place any instance of irony that you analyze into the appropriate category. It will always fit into one. That doesn’t mean that it won’t be complex. Like I said, this process isn’t always clean and cut and dry. It may be situational irony from the character’s point of view but dramatic irony from the reader’s point of view or vice versa. Irony usually revolves around something being the opposite of someone’s expectations. Read the categories carefully and apply them to your understanding of irony. I use situational and verbal irony in my example below:

In her story “Lust,” Susan Minot weaves irony into irony, creating complex ironies that become dizzying to navigate. Towards the end, the first-person narrator, a young girl, is getting more and more exact about the nature of her sexual experiences. She starts out somewhat light in her descriptions and slowly becomes more and more heavy, which mimics her sexual history and the general feeling that she gets from sex. When describing one of the more heavy moments, she says “you don’t try to explain it, filled with the knowledge that it’s nothing after all, everything filling up and finally and absolutely with death” (287). The most obvious irony here is the situational irony for the character. She is having these sexual relationships in order to feel close to these boys. However, she ends up feeling alienated from them to the point that she feels alienated from herself and reality, so the action of sex becomes self-defeating. However, a deeper irony is the verbal irony by the author. Her narrator uses the word “death” to explain her emotional alienation. Since sex is literally for creating life, that it creates a kind of death for the character and that the author chooses this diction creates a subtle verbal irony. 

Government homework help

1,000 words, describe the history of public service by doing the following:

  1. Identify significant events and people who shaped the field of public administration.
  2. Explain how those events and people affected the evolution of the study and field of public administration.

Use three to five scholarly resources to support your explanations.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, 7th edition.

English homework help


After reading all assigned materials for this week – especially the essay 2 prompt,  TPRW chapter 5 (連結到外部網站。) (working thesis essay) and the sample essay預覽文件 – respond with at least one thorough paragraph (7+ sentences) here with your answers to the below questions:

  • Are you clear on what a working thesis essay is and what the essay 2 prompt is asking you to do?  How is this different than other essays you have written?
  • How would you describe the strengths and weaknesses of the sample essay assigned (not the sample given in chapter 5 ; that one is weak)?

After you post, respond to at least two classmates: you can look for those you agree with and share your common points, or look for those with different views and offer your differing perspective. Your peer responses should also be at least one paragraph (5-6 sentences or more). (link for reading)


Essay 2 Assignment Instructions (Working Thesis Essay) ( just have to read this, no need to work for this!!!)

Final Draft Due: week 4 (see Canvas for due dates) Worth: 20% of your total grade

Rough Draft Due: week 3 (see Canvas for due dates)


  • To demonstrate critical reading and thinking skills
  • To illustrate the ability to formulate a strong and compelling thesis statement
  • To understand how to utilize pre-writing and revising techniques
  • To prepare an MLA-formatted essay to serve as a plan for a research essay
  • To illustrate how to take feedback on previous essay to improve in a subsequent essay

For essay #3, you will be writing a “Working Thesis Essay,” as described in chapter 5 of TPRW (連結到外部網站。) . After reviewing this prompt, the research essay prompt, and the sample essay(s), write your own MLA-formatted working thesis essay, following the instructions below:


Write a brief narrative essay where you discuss the topic you have decided to research and write about.  Tell your audience, your fellow classmates and your instructor how you arrived at this topic, some of the other ideas you considered in your brainstorming activities, and the working thesis you have settled on for the start of your project. Also, be sure to let us know about some of the initial library [or other online/credible] research you have found so far.

Even though this is a short essay (approx. 750 words), it should be very detailed, show evidence of significant thought and consideration, as also illustrate that you have started your research by including several credible sources you have found. In addition, attention to the feedback you received on essay 2 peer reviews should be obvious with evidence of revision and editing on this essay.

*This essay is required to move onto essay 3 (the research essay). Students who change their topics for the research essay after writing this essay must first complete a new working thesis essay based on the new topic

Operations Management homework help

For your final paper which is an Analytical Paper you will select a past or present conflict and use your textbook Hostage At The Table to aid you in completing your paper. You may also use other course material. However, Hostage At The Table should be your main focal point.

The  Analytical Paper Guidelines gives you more information on how to complete the assignment. In the attachment there is a list of questions that will help you organize and develop your paper. If you would like to add additional information in your paper you may do so.

Ecology homework help




Short answers can be a paragraph, but answers need to be on point.

1. Explain how does inbreeding increase the risk of extinction for a population.

2. For a population undergoing exponential growth, if its exponential growth rate (r) is 0.3148, what is its geometric growth rate (λ)? If the population size (N) is 2500 individuals, what is the rate of change of the population? Show all of your work.

3. Explain the differences between primary sexual characteristics and secondary sexual characteristics. Give an example of each.

4. For a population undergoing geometric growth, if its geometric growth rate (λ) is 2.07 and its initial population size (N0) is 863 individuals, what would the population size be after five generations? What would its geometric growth rate be after five generations? Show your work.



(one to one and half page including all the necessary information)

Choose and answer 2 of the questions from below. Include the reference from the relevant article where asked.

1. List and explain all the main drivers of evolution. Which one(s) lead(s) to adaptive evolution?

2. List and explain the major models for intersexual selection, including the initial proponent of each model. Describe one example from a peer-reviewed study. Give the citation by including the URL of the article.

3. Explain what a population cycle is and what are some of the potential causes of it. Describe one example from a peer-reviewed study. Give the citation by including the URL of the article.

4. Explain the optimal foraging theory, including all the factors involved in its prediction. Give an example of this from a peer-reviewed study. Give the citation by including the URL of the article.

5. Explain what a metapopulation is and how its dynamics are predicted. Describe one example from a peer-reviewed study. Give the citation by including the URL of the article.