English homework help


Discussion for Henry Adams’s, “The Dynamo and the Virgin”

Henry Adams remains, even now, an important figure for literary and historical study. Adams’s The Education of Henry Adams is a key historical text to understand the end of the 19th century and the dawn of the “modern” era of the 20th century. His history/autobiography is important, not for the facts that it records, but for Adams’s descriptions of his reactions to the incredible changes and scientific discoveries occurring during that era.

One of those key events was the World’s Fair of 1900 at Paris. The Fair offered the first public display of mechanical engines able to harness electricity. The vision of technology able to control such invisible forces made a deep and disturbing impression upon Adams. He records these impressions in the most famous chapter of his autobiography: “The Dynamo and the Virgin.”

Adams uses the terms “Dynamo” and “Virgin” as symbols to represent different forces working their way through history.

1. Find 2 key passages from the text where Adams describes what the “Virgin” symbolizes to him. What was the influence of this force?

(Hint: “Virgin” refers to the image of women in religion and art. Throughout ancient history, women were the inspiration to make men achieve things, like make great art, music, sculpture, architecture—even more.)

2. Find 2 key passages from the text where Adams describes what the “Dynamo” symbolizes to him. What kind of force does the Dynamo symbolize?

(Hint: Look up some old black and white photos of electric dynamos. They were these towering machines with large antennae that had electricity running up and down them. These original electricity-harnessing machines are what Adams saw. They symbolize the new power of science and technology.)

3. Adams sees the world moving slowly away from the power of the Virgin and toward the power of the Dynamo. Why does this movement disturb Adams, especially as a historian? Find 2 passages to support your answer.

(Hint: Do you think Adams is comfortable with the new rising power of science? Does he understand how these new electric machines work?

ANSWER SHOULD BE IN  the Sandwich method and add the page numbers for the passages. You should use this method of writing the short essays for my discussion questions .pls add the page numbers for the quotes.


Social Science homework help


In this assignment, you write a structured Mini-Research Proposal Paper that consists of (1) background information of the topic, (2) need for the study, (3) literature review, and research questions, and (4) research methods. Before starting writing, I want you to remember that all of your claims and insights must be supported by references, and you need to follow the APA style (7th edition) in citing previous studies and formatting (this is a good APA resource link: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_style_introduction.html). At this time, if you violate the APA significantly, I may deduct a few points for the educational purpose.

(1) Background Information : Writing about the chosen topic’s background information is a good idea. For example, if the COVID-19 topic was chosen, it would be great to explain the pandemic’s current circumstances by offering statistical data about rising cases or/and discussing related recent articles about the virus. You install brief knowledge in your readers’ heads.

(2) Need for the Study :  You need to discuss how your research can contribute to the discipline or the practical field. For instance, if you decide on a topic of sports injuries, you may consider how your research can build the body of knowledge of the research topic or produce implications that practitioners can apply to their work. The need for the study is generally 1 or 2 paragraphs long (150 – 250 words per paragraph). Additionally, it would be best if you showed the contributions that your research can make are in relation to previous studies & findings (i.e., using references, citing articles supporting your claims).

(3) Research Question :  After the need for the study, you have to present one or more inquiries that you want to answer. It is called “Research Question” (RQ). Your RQ(s) need to be related to associations between or among the variables you identified in your research. You need to discuss how answering the RQ(s) can be meaningful regarding the identified need for the study. You can use one or two paragraphs in explaining your RQ(s).

(4) Methods : You are required to show the research method that will be used (e.g., interview, survey, experiment, observation – ethnography, etc.) and justify why the method was chosen for your research plan. I strongly encourage you to study what methods can best match your research topic.

(5) References : You provide the list of references you cited. I expect you to use a minimum of 5 references in your paper. You need to use APA (7th edition) in this section: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_style_introduction.html)

Every transition from the need for the study throughout the paper must be very smooth and reasonable. I am expecting to see 2 pages or more of your Mini-Research Proposal.

Environmental science homework help


sponse posts to fellow students (optional) are due by Day 7. Prior to beginning this assignment, please listen to the podcast, ‘The Sound of a Snail’: A Patient’s Greatest Comfort (Links to an external site.).

Throughout this course, we have been exploring environmental issues and challenges, such as fresh drinking water scarcity and biodiversity loss. But what would our own lives be like without nature? How might nature experiences benefit us? In this activity, you are asked to spend time in nature, record your experiences, and then share your reflections with the class. This project is due on Day 3 (Thursday) of this week. Incorporate feedback that you have received and complete the sections below.

Note: You will not be able to view others’ projects until you have posted your own.

Go Outdoors: Find a place outside where you can be in nature for at least one hour. This could be a national, state, or local park, a city square with trees and gardens, an old cemetery, or even your own backyard. Be creative. For those of you who may think there is no nature whatsoever around you or you will not have the opportunity to get out into nature, the podcast ‘The Sound of a Snail’: A Patient’s Greatest Comfort (Links to an external site.) will give you get a sense of creative ways to complete this assignment, particularly if you are living in a highly urbanized setting.

Observe: Once you are outdoors, choose a comfortable spot where you can stand or sit quietly for at least 1 hour of uninterrupted solitude. Turn off all electronic devices. Quietly take in your surroundings. What do you notice? Use your senses of sight, hearing, smell, and feeling to take the world in. Be as still and quiet as you can.

Please note: You should plan to complete this step no later than Week 4.

Write: Either while you are outdoors or as soon after your return as you can, set aside at least a half an hour of uninterrupted time to write about your nature experience. It should include both what you directly experienced during your time outdoors and your feelings and reflections on the experience itself. In your writing, consider this question: Are human beings a part of nature, or apart from it?

Please note: You should plan to complete this step no later than Week 4. It is not necessary to share your journal work with anyone, but taking the time to write about your experience will provide you with valuable raw material for the next step.

Create: Choose a creative means of sharing your nature experience, and what you learned from it, with the class. This could take the form of a series of photographs with captions, a poem, a song, a brief personal essay, a work of art, the design for a board game, a video of some kind, or any other creative avenue you can think of. The work should be entirely your own product.

Please note: You should plan to start on this step by Week 4 at the latest.

Share: Share your completed creative project with the class by uploading it to the Nature Experience Project discussion board by Day 3 of this week. If your work is entirely visual or auditory (e.g., fine art, photography, music, etc.), please include a brief statement of 100 to 200 words that (1) relates your work back to your original nature experience; and (2) relates your work to the question of whether you feel you are a part of nature or apart from it. Upload visual or auditory content to an online repository that allows you to share a link to the content with others. Follow the directions for uploading your video to YouTube (Android Upload videos (Links to an external site.)iPhone/iPad Upload videos (Links to an external site.)) or other web-based video platform to obtain the link to share with others. Audio can be recorded or uploaded in Vocaroo (See Vocaroo’s (Links to an external site.) for more information).

English homework help



Magrino specifies 4-5 pages single-spaced for the Sales Letter (excluding the references). I’m translating that into a wordcount of 2000 words for the final draft.

Format: Times New Roman or similar serif font; one-inch margins; single-spacing.

Work with eight or more sources, quoting (briefly) from most to all of them. At least five sources in the final draft should be scholarly. Include all (and only) these sources in a separate reference section at the end of the letter (on a separate page)

Remember to give page numbers when quoting and to supply the DOI for digital resources wherever available (some older ones may lack a DOI but expect recent sources have one). Use APA style for all references and in-text citations.

For additional details on the assignment, please consult Magrino, chapter 5, starting on p. 157.

Notes on the Sales Letter

1. There should not be a section in the SL with the heading INTRODUCTION. You have an unlabeled “introductory” paragraph (the first paragraph that you worked on last week). Having a subsequent section labeled “Introduction” will confuse the reader.

2. Similarly, since you should have several short sections devoted to the problem, having a section called just THE PROBLEM could be misleading or confusing (as I think it is in the first sample SL in Magrino).

You could have a section called THE GLOBAL PROBLEM indicating that you will then narrow your focus in subsequent sections. Depending on your project, you might have one section on the affected population or you might have two sections on two different affected populations. Or you might combine population with location and other factors of the problem into a single section, following this with a section on causes of the problem (etc.).


3. Try to avoid single-paragraph sections. Some sections will be short but try to have two or more paragraphs in most of your sections (but it’s not the end of the world if you have some single-paragraph sections).

4. Keep your paragraphs relatively compact. Break up longer paragraphs into shorter, more focused units.  Generally, shorter paragraphs will be more appealing to read and easier to follow, encouraging your patron to attend to your letter.

If paragraphs get to be too long, remember some of the good writing guidelines from expos:

(1) one idea (main point) per paragraph
(2) start each paragraph with a topic sentence that makes the main point of the paragraph clear to your reader from the start
(3) use transitional language to guide your reader between paragraphs by showing how each new paragraph or section relates to the preceding paragraph or section

Notes on Paradigm Research

1. For the final draft of the letter (and ideally for the RD as well), I strongly recommended that you have at least four sources for the paradigm that you are working with (more than four would be better) and that at least three of these sources for the paradigm are scholarly — or at least of high quality and written by an expert in the relevant area.

2. Remember that not all the sources used in your discussion of the paradigm will necessarily support your approach in a direct way.

For example, you may present some of the models, methods, or theories as unsuccessfulalternatives that your approach, or your chosen paradigm, will surpass. That said, most sources for the paradigm should be supporting your approach.

Recall how Gawande contrasts the merely short-term success of the use of oral rehydration for cholera in West Bengal in 1971 with the success of the BRAC oral rehydration campaign in 1980. Gawande uses the failure of the former example to achieve a lasting change in the world to clarify the value of the latter example as a model of success for his project (one of achieving a lasting change).

3. A successful paradigm will often adapt models from one context to the context of the current project. Again, we see this in Gawande. His focus is infant hypothermia, not cholera. But the method by which the BRAC project promoted oral rehydration (making it a norm of treatment in West Bengal and beyond) serves as a model for the way Gawande wants to promote kangaroo care (making it a norm of infant care in Uttar Pradesh and beyond).

4. In presenting your paradigm research, work to show the connections between your sources. Does a second source add additional information to what you gain from a first source? Does it challenge or contradict what you gain from the first source? Does it clarify an ambiguity or fill a gap in what the first source offers? Does it offer a second perspective on what the first source claims? Does it provide background or a context for the first source? Does it correct an error in the first source? Does it suggest an alternative or novel application of a method described by the first source?

English homework help


Initial Post (at least 150 words)

In Chapter 3, Jones surveys several international border issues (Israeli-Palestine border; India-Pakistan-Bangladesh borders; Bangladesh-Myanmar border;  Australian border).  Explain the situation at one of these borders and include any significant or problematic details, facts, examples, and/or statistics that Jones reveals. Add on to Jones’ explanation of the issue by researching additional information on the same border situation to include any updated facts or evolving events that capture how the issue at this border has evolved from 2016 to today. (Make sure to include page numbers if you quote from Jones, and make sure to use the toolbar to link in the URL to your research; you can also use the toolbar to embed any images or videos that you referenced. See Helpful Canvas Guides below).

Reply to Two Posts (50 words for each)

For your two replies, focus on different borders than the one your initial post discussed.

Acknowledge the significance (and accuracy) of the information presented by your peers and add on to their work by relating additional details about the border issue discussed (or one that shares similar concerns). Details of your response can come from the book and/or your own research. (Use the toolbar to link in the URL to any sources you use; you can also use the toolbar to embed any images or videos that you referenced. See Helpful Canvas Guides below).

Important Requirement: focus on a different border for each of your replies (don’t talk about the same one for both replies).

Marketing homework help




6915 Integrated MKT/MGMT Decision Making

Module 6 – The Power of Habit

Written Assignment


            Apply the Power of Habit (POH) to one of two situations: an attribute of organizational culture you desire to change; or, a new product for which you need to plan how to market. You may apply hypothetical or real-life situations. You may apply situations you have experienced or situations you have heard about. Choose one of these situations; do not write about both. Apply the three POH concepts: cues, routine, and reward.


  • Be concise, but apply good writing.
  • 12 pt. Times New Roman
  • Double space
  • Normal boarders
  • No head (as I included above at the top of this sheet) and no page numbers or headers. Simply include your name at the top in the first line.
  • Two pages max. One page is OK, as long as you address the subtopics
  • Include four subtopics: General Description, Cue, Routine, and Reward. Place the subtopic in bold at the beginning of the related paragraph. Example:

General Description. A company is having problems with employee relationships. Often, in times of key decisions, employees are more concerned with degrading their colleagues’ new ideas than with solving problems.

















Human Resource Management homework help

Read the SHRM case study Integrating a Human Resource Information System and answer the presented questions to the best of your ability using the case study and information provided for context. You may use information from the lectures and readings to supplement your answers if necessary.

  1. What are the major issues presented that affected the time and scope of the project?
  2. What are the minor problems that affected the integration?

Information Systems homework help


What are the factors that influence the selection of access control software and/ or hardware? Discuss all aspects of access control systems.

APA Format

No plagarism


300 words of content 

Attached the required materials 

Nursing homework help


Identify the professional codes and business practices regulated by the state for nurse practitioners and explain how invasive procedure privileges are granted within your state. Detail at least two standards for nurse practitioners within your state and discuss the regulations of ordering medications and devices within your respective state.