Management homework help



Reference pp. 87-88 in Ch. 4 of Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Competitive advantage, according to Hisrich and Kearney (2014), requires organizations to engage in six processes to maintain innovation. Organizations like Google™, Amazon, Apple®, Android, Facebook®, Siri®, Virgin Group®, Microsoft®, and eBay® have done this successfully.

Select an organization other than those listed above (Google™, Amazon, Apple®, Android, Facebook®, Siri®, Virgin Group®, Microsoft®, and eBay®) to explore competitive advantage and the six processes to maintain innovation discussed in Hisrich and Kearney (2014).

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you analyze how the selected organization is meeting the concepts of competitive advantages as outlined in Hisrich and Kearney (2014), on pp. 87-88. Be sure to include information about the following:

  • The organizational leadership philosophy on innovation
  • Activities the organization is actively engaged in to sustain competitive advantage within its industry
  • R&D initiatives the organization is involved in for long-term competitive advantage

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Management homework help


Article Critique Assignment Instructions


You will write an article critique based on any of the peer-reviewed, journal articles located in the Liberty University Online Library. For research articles, the critique will include a summary of the study’s purpose, the sample, and the method applied. Furthermore, you will summarize significant findings (if any), and an explanation of how the article relates to the textbook reading as well as to the subject of sport outreach.

For law journal and legal review articles, the critique should include a summary of the background of the case and argument made, your reaction and an explanation of how the article relates to the textbook reading as well as to the subject of sport outreach.


The Article Critique must be 2½ – 3 pages and adhere to current APA format. It should be composed in a Word document and include a title page, abstract, and reference page (none of which are included in the page count). It should be exclusively written in your own words–no quotations should be used.

The article you choose should be peer reviewed and either a research paper or law journal paper. Book reviews published by peer-reviewed journals are not acceptable.

The article should be on the following topic:

-Christian ethics of competition

Criminal homework help


Choose only 1 question to respond to as an initial post:

1.  According to Barry, Rothe, and Ross, (White) what is the dangerous trend in the future of homeland security with regards to private contractors? What do you believe are some solutions counter this trend?

2.  What are the initiatives that help local communities to mitigate/prepare against potential terrorist attacks? Why is community preparedness an important component of homeland security?

250 words

Applied Sciences homework help



“Post an explanation of whether psychotherapy has a biological basis. Explain how culture, religion, and socioeconomics might influence one’s perspective on the value of psychotherapy treatments. Describe how legal and ethical considerations for group and family therapy differ from those for individual therapy, and explain how these differences might impact your therapeutic approaches for clients in group, individual, and family therapy. Support your rationale with at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources and explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Attach the PDFs of your sources.”

Psychology homework help

Part 1 Is already done by me

Hi Class, my name is Ahsan Qaiyum. You guys can call me Ahsan. In this pandemic situation, how are all of you? I live in the Michigan town of Hamtramck. Right now time is 11:28PM (Eastern time). I am studying psychology for a bachelor’s degree. I hope that I can finish my required courses in 2021. I’m a Bangladeshi. I work at a drugstore. I’m a pharmacy technician. Each day, every day, I help many people. I have seen many people who are not right. Such as family issues, financial issues, are mental troubles. I’m ecstatic about this course.

Statistics is essential to my career interests because it’s a central component of my major in political science. Polling is one of the more popular fields of political science, and gaining a thorough understanding of the statistics that support the structure of polls is extremely important. Because this is a complicated and nuanced issue, failing to understand it can lead to incorrect or misleading conclusions. To better understand the questions I’m researching, learning about statistics will separate the right polls from the bad.

Your first post in this discussion must be 250 words. This Discussion serves as your official entry into the course. This Week 1 Discussion must be submitted the first week of the course, by 11:59 p.m., ET, on Sunday to maintain your registration in the course. Students who do not post to this discussion by 11:59 p.m., ET, Sunday will be automatically dropped from the course.

Welcome everyone!  This week’s Discussion requires you to respond to both the introduction prompt (Part 1) and the project topic prompt (Part 2) to receive full credit.

PART 1: First, for your initial INTRODUCTION post, write a brief introduction about yourself using the prompts below.

  1. What name would you like to use in class? In what time zone are you currently located?
  2. Statistics can be an intimidating course for many students! The great thing about statistics is that we engage with them every day without really realizing it (Consumer Reports data, the studies that support our physician’s health plans for us, comparison of schools in our district, and more). How might learning basic statistics connect with your educational or career goals (share your major and/or career field with us)?
  3. Read the Syllabus for this course. Please state that you have read the syllabus and understand the course policies, expectations, and due dates.

PART 2: Be sure to read the Content for Week 1 prior to responding.

Choosing a topic: There are so many things around us that it can be difficult to focus on just one for a research project. Here are a few things to think about to find yours. First, we are in a sociology class, so your topic has to be sociological in nature. Wondering if a new diet helps people lose weight, for instance, wouldn’t work. Instead, think back on some of the topics you covered in other sociology classes (Intro Soc, Marriage and the Family, Soc Theory, etc.). Was there something in there that sparked your interest? You can also build on previous research that you have completed for a former class in the program or closely related field. This project will be the focus of your discussions for the next several weeks. It is highly recommended that you choose something that is of interest to you and can keep your attention for that long.

We will be using General Social Survey (GSS) 2018 data set for Weekly Discussions, Assignment 1 and the Final Project (paper and presentation). You should NOT collect your own data. All variables and data are required to be from GSS 2018 data set. To access and download the data, please read through the Week 1 Overview (Content tab – Week 1). To learn more about the GSS, you may visit its main website You can find the GSS variables online via GSS Data Explorer. See the attached handout.

The point of this discussion is to share your topic idea for your project, specifying the two GSS variables you want to analyze, so that other students will ask you questions or make suggestions that may help you define your project better. Your instructor will also interact with each of you individually in this module to help you refine your topic. Remember to check your thread regularly!

As you present your topic in this discussion, think about how you would study it. What is your research question and your theory behind it? After writing your introduction, tell the class what your topic is, phrasing it as a research question. Your research question should preferably be more general and open-ended than a hypothesis. (For example, what affects people’s happiness?) Then, identify two variables found in the GSS 2018 dataset. You are choosing one independent variable and one dependent variable. Be sure to identify each variable name AND the questions asked in the survey. See screenshots tutorial (attached) for more details. Wrap up by explaining why you chose these variables for your project and why you think there is a correlation or a relationship. Be sure to reference at least one academic source that relates to your topic.

In your replies to at least two posts from your classmates, think critically about what they are trying to do with their project, and offer them constructive feedback. This can be asking for clarification about their proposed topic, suggesting a direction for their research, suggesting sources they may want to check, or contributing your personal experience about this topic. Be sure to also answer at least one peer who responded to your initial post (and interact with the instructor as needed).

Reiteration: For your Week 1 “Choose a topic” initial posting, please list everything in the following list:

Describe what your topic is, phrasing it as a research question. (You might say: Does _______ affect __________ ? For example, does the number of children people have affect their happiness?)

  • Identify variables (one DV, one IV) that you have found in the GSS dataset (see the attachment below). All variables in your project MUST come from this 2018 data set.
    • identify variable names; for example, “childs” is a variable name. It stands for “Number of children.”
    • identify the question related to this variable that was asked in the survey (in verbatim). For example, GSS survey question for variable “childs” is as follows (in verbatim):

How many children have you ever had? Please count all that were born alive at any time (including any you had from a previous marriage).

  • Explain why you chose these variables for your project;
  • Explain why you think there is a correlation or a relationship.
  • Include a reference (including link) to an academic source related to your topic.

Information Systems homework help



Post: Find a peer-reviewed scholarly journal article discussing implementing information technology globally. Complete a review of the article by writing a 2-3 page overview of the article. This will be a detailed summary of the journal article, including concepts discussed and findings. Additionally, find one other source (it does not have to be a peer-reviewed journal article) that substantiates the findings in the article you are reviewing.

You should use Google Scholar to find these types of articles ( )

4-5 pages with APA-7 guidelines.(Excluding cover and references page)

Sociology homework help

Paper: Using your current major or future desired occupation, address the following topics.  I have listed starting questions, but you are not limited to these.  You will need to use MLA format and should include 5-8 external sources.  The CIA World Fact Book ( has great demographic information and can help you get started.

  1. Money: How will your annual income of $45,000 USD place you in the economy? Will you be more or less wealthy than your neighbors? Will you be in danger? What kind of budget will you have? What do taxes look like? What is the Cost of Living? What will you do with excess income, if you have any?
  2. Health: How will you maintain a healthy lifestyle? What types of food are eaten? Can you drink the local water? How will you stay fit? What kind of medical care is available? Will you have insurance?
  3. Religion: Is there an established faith/religion? How will you practice your faith? Are there dangers associated with faith? How will you relate to other faith groups present in your country? (Operation World may help you will this question – (Links to an external site.))
  4. Leisure time/Culture: What will you do with your non-work time? Will you see movies or go to plays? What is the music like?  What about reading or social gatherings? Museums?
  5. Language: What language(s) is/are spoken in your country? Will you be required to learn or is English widely spoken?
  6. Education: What kind of educational opportunities are available for you or your family? Will your child(ren) be required to learn another language or are the English-speaking schools? Is education adequate? Public or Private?
  7. Technology: What kinds of technology are available in your country? How will the presence/absence of certain technology impact you personally and/or professionally? Is social media censored/monitored?
  8. Transportation: How will you travel?
  9. Other adjustments: What other adjustments will you have to make? Will these raise any ethical/moral questions?
  10. Career: What job will you have? How will you do your job in this country?

Education homework help

The class discussions will occur each week. By day three of each week (Thursday), students must respond to at least three of the instructor’s topics/questions. By the last course day of each week (Monday), students must post replies to at least three classmates’ posts. All posts should be at least 75 words in length. Responses are to be thoughtful and well-written (grammar, spelling, etc.). Late or missing discussion posts will not receive credit.

  • With advancements in technology (communication, transportation…), you have heard it said that the world has become increasingly flat. Companies can now easily set up operations in a variety of locations around the world. Has this reduced unions’ power?
  • Do you think “employment-at-will” should be abolished or modified? Why or why not?
  • If you become the new manager at an organization with high employee turnover, what actions would you take to increase retention?
  • Discuss the statement, “If management gets a union, it deserves one.”
  • One of the objectives of the MOL program is that students will develop a personal philosophy of ethics that will guide their personal and professional decisions. Based on your life experiences, beliefs, and values, as well as what you have learned in this course, state your “personal philosophy of ethics.” Provide at least three primary principles or values that will serve as the foundation of your philosophy. Also, be sure that your philosophy is broad/general enough to guide you through a variety of different situations that you might encounter throughout your personal and professional life. See the following link for some ideas as to what this post might include:
    My Personal Code of Ethics | Conscious Incompetence (200 words for this bulletin)

Economics homework help

Assignment: Therapeutic Techniques With Children and Adolescents

Therapeutic interventions used with children and adolescents are sometimes different from therapeutic approaches used with adults. Usually adults can engage in an open dialogue about the issues that bring them into counseling. Children and adolescents, however, may be less likely to speak openly or less directly about their issues, so counselors must consider using therapeutic techniques that are more appropriate for that developmental stage.

For this assignment, review the media program Introduction to Child and Adolescent Counseling: Getting Started. Consider the developmental stages of the child and adolescent in the media program and any concerns from a family systems theory perspective. Also, conduct an Internet search or a Walden Library search for at least one peer-reviewed journal article that presents a family systems theory and another peer-reviewed journal article that relates to the use of art therapy with children and adolescents.

I have attached 3 required readings and the video for references (required) Please don’t forget to conduct an Internet search or a Walden Library search for at least one peer-reviewed journal article that presents a family systems theory and another peer-reviewed journal article that relates to the use of art therapy with children and adolescents.

The Assignment (2–3 pages): (Please see attachments)

  • Identify the behaviors that the child or adolescent is demonstrating that may be a concern to the counselor in the media.
  • Identify two techniques that the counselor used with the child and explain why these techniques were appropriate for the developmental stage.
  • Identify two techniques that the counselor used with the adolescent and explain why these techniques were appropriate for the developmental stage.
  • Explain any concerns (including any ethical issues) from a family systems theory perspective of how you might as a clinician choose an intervention as appropriate for the family.
  • Justify your explanations with evidence-based research.

Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the week’s resources for this course.