Economics homework help

The Evolution of Terrorist Groups

Terrorist groups have been in existence for thousands of years. For example, in the first century Jewish Zealots were fighting to keep Roman rule out of Judea. Today, Al Qaeda fights against perceived enemies of Islam. In some ways, modern terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda resemble their ancient ancestors in terms of their motivations and some of their tactics; in other ways, they are considerably different. In this Discussion, you consider characteristics that distinguish modern terrorist groups from those in existence prior to 1990. Then you reflect on how terrorist groups have evolved. Examining the evolution of terrorist groups is a useful tool in determining future terrorist threats, which you will do later on in the course.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review Chapter 5 in the course text Introduction to Homeland Security: Understanding Terrorism with an Emergency Management Perspective and the book excerpt, “Two Thousand Years of Terror.” Reflect on the evolution of terrorism and pay particular attention to the differences between historic terrorist groups and contemporary terrorist groups.
  • Review the course media, “The Spectrum of Terrorist Groups.” Focus on the distinct characteristics of the terrorist groups discussed and consider how they developed.
  • Review Chapter 2 in the course text Terrorism in Perspective. Consider the characteristics of historic terrorist groups and their changing philosophies over time.
  • Think about the differences in characteristics between contemporary groups and those in existence prior to 1990.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 an analysis of the characteristics that distinguish contemporary terrorist groups from those in existence prior to 1990. Then, explain at least one insight you had or conclusion you drew about the evolution of terrorist groups based on completing this assignment.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

  • Course Text:  Mahan, S., & Griset, P. L. (2013). Terrorism in perspective (3rd ed.). Los Angeles: Sage.
    • Chapter 2, “History of Terrorism”
    • Chapter 3, “International Terrorism”
    • Chapter 4, “Terrorist Tactics Around the Globe” (pp. 147–154)
    • Chapter 5, “Homegrown Terrorism in the United States”
  • Course Text: McEntire, D. A. (2019). Introduction to homeland security: Understanding terrorism with emergency management (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley.
    • Chapter 5, “Uncovering the Dynamic Nature of Terrorism: History of Violence and Change Over Time”
  • Book Excerpt: Martin, G. (2006). Two Thousand Years of Terror Click for more options . In G. Martin (Ed.), Understanding terrorism: Challenges, perspectives, and issues (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Website: U.S. Department of State (n.d.). Foreign Terrorist Organizations . Retrieved from
  • Website: U.S. Department of State. (2004). Terrorist exclusion list. Retrieved from

Management homework help

  1. What is strategic management? What is its purpose for the business?
  2. The mission and vision statement guide an organization’s practices and operations. What 3 factors do you feel are most important to consider when producing an appropriate mission and vision statement for an organization?

Provide an example of a company/organization whose mission and vision statement contain the factors you feel are most important.

  1. According to the Resource-Based Model of Above-Average Returns, what are core competencies and what makes them so important for firm success?
  2. In the Art of War, Sun Tzu said,

“And so, in the military,

Knowing the other and knowing oneself, in one hundred battles no danger.

Not knowing the other and knowing oneself, one victory for one loss.

Not knowing the other and not knowing oneself, in every battle certain defeat.”

Upon reading and contemplating this quotation, according to Sun Tzu, what is the essence of strategy? 250 words

  1. In the article Building Companies to Last, author Jim Collins categorizes companies as “Clockbuilders” and “Time Tellers.” What are some key differences between Clockbuilders and Time Tellers and why do you these differences lead to superior returns?
  1. What are the five forces of Porter’s model?


What is the purpose of the Porter’s Five Forces analysis?


  1. The Industrial Organization Model of above average returns suggests from a fundamentally economic view of the world what is most important for firms in achieving above-average returns. Two assumptions of this model are that,


  1. “…most firms competing within an industry…are assumed to control similar strategically relevant resources and to pursue similar strategies in light of those resources.


  1. “…resources used to implement strategies are assumed to be highly mobile across firms, so any resource differences that might develop between firms will be short-lived.”


What are these assumptions saying in plain language, and why might they be incorrect?

Accounting homework help

Please respond (at least 100 words) to the following scenario by 11:59 p.m.
 Per Chapter 4 in your textbook: “One way to limit agency costs is to separate the decision rights to initiate and implement decision (decision management) from the ratifying and monitoring functions (decision control).  Accounting systems play a very important role in monitoring as part of the performance evaluation system.”   How can accountants and accounting systems limit agency costs and increase management accountability to shareholders? (HINT:  need to define agency costs.)   Part 1: Not your opinion.  What does the literature and your textbook say on this subject?   Please include citation for any source you use.  Please use APA format.

Nursing homework help

For this Assignment, you will consider the areas you aim to focus on to gain practical experience as an advanced practice nurse. Then, you will develop a Practicum Experience Plan (PEP) containing the objectives you will fulfill in order to achieve your aims. In this practicum experience, when developing your goals and objectives, be sure to keep PMHNP clinical skills in mind.

To Prepare

  • Review your Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form you submitted last week, and think about areas for which you would like to gain application-level experience and/or continued growth as an advanced practice nurse. How can your experiences in the practicum help you achieve these aims? There may be overlap between your skills goals and your PEP goals.
  • Review the information related to developing objectives provided in this week’s Learning Resources. Your practicum learning objectives that you want to achieve during your practicum experience must be:
    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Attainable
    • Results-focused
    • Time-bound
    • Reflective of the higher-order domains of Bloom’s taxonomy (i.e., application level and above)
  • Discuss your professional aims and your proposed practicum objectives
  • Select one nursing theory and one counseling theory to best guide your clinical practice. Explain why you selected these theories. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.
  • Create a timeline of practicum activities that demonstrates how you plan to meet these goals and objectives based on your practicum requirements.

The Assignment

Record the required information in each area of the Practicum Experience Plan template, including three to four (3–4) measurable practicum Learning Objectives you will use to facilitate your learning during the practicum experience.

Biology homework help


Can you read the article and follow the instructions in the Powerpoint. You can write the answers directly in the powerpoint or in a separate paper. As the questions in the powerpoint said what is the citations ? what the material and methods which means what the cell lines, what were the reagents and drugs if were any used and what were the major assays?


Finally, Complete each panel in each Figure with

1) cell lines or models- if not shown in the Figures

2) Key points with arrows or boxes in each figure there is a, b, c etc so in each one of those make an arrow or box for the important part in it and explain why from the paper.

3) what assay used

4) what drug or other treatments if not shown in the fig

5) if there was an abbreviations used spelled out

Science homework help


Evaluating the Case Data

This week, you will construct details of a case study that will form the basis for a Nutritional Care Plan you will prepare over the coming weeks. Your Nutritional Care Plan will be due Week 10.

By the due date assigned, submit your case study in the form of a Word document; double spaced, in 12 pt. font, to the Submissions Area.

NTR2050 Course Project

Nutritional Care Plan

For this project, you will identify a case study and then develop a nutritional care plan for the client associated with that case. You should begin working on your project in advance of Week 5 as you construct the details of your case. The completed nutritional care plan for your client is due in Week 10.

Please read this entire document to gain understanding of the project scope and those tasks you will complete. This project will take you several weeks to complete. Do not delay beginning the work on this project.

Project tasks to be completed in Week: 5

Task 1:

  1. Choose from one of the following stages: pregnancy, infancy and childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.


  1. List the specific nutrition issues affecting      individuals in your selected stage.

Because what a female eat is the main source of nutrients for her baby. Specific nutrition issues that affect pregnancy include:

Low Calcium

Helps to build strong bones and teeth.

Low Iron

Helps red blood cells deliver oxygen to your baby.

Low Vitamin A

You need this vitamin for healthy skin, eyesight, and bone growth

Low Vitamin C

Promotes healthy gums, teeth, and bones, and helps your body absorb iron.

Low Vitamin D

Aids your body in the absorption of calcium to help build your baby’s bones and teeth.

Low Vitamin B6

Helps form red blood cells and helps your body use protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

Low Vitamin B12

Helps form red blood cells and maintains your nervous system.

Low Folate (Folic Acid)

A B vitamin important in the production of blood and protein, it also reduces the risk of neural tube defects.

Nutritional Needs During Pregnancy (

Task 2:

  1. Choose a disease or medical condition that could      possibly, or commonly, affect your individual. This could be anything      ranging from diabetes to cirrhosis.

Gestational diabetes

  1. Using the ABCDs of nutritional assessment, create a      case study based on an actual client or patient. You can also make one up.      Include the following in your case study:
    1. Anthropometrics, relevant biochemical tests,       clinical assessment, and dietary intake analysis.
  2. Be sure to include a list of common medications that      may be used to treat your patient’s condition and identify potential      herb/nutrient/drug interactions that may be relevant.
  3. Identify your client’s cultural background and give      clues as to their socioeconomic status and psychosocial variables. For      example, your patient may be a senior living alone on a fixed income or      might be living in a nursing facility with reputed staff.

Project tasks to be completed during Weeks 6–10 (due during Week 10):

Task 1:

  1. Create a nutritional care plan for your client. This      will include an evaluation of nutritional risk, a list of interventions,      and a list of expected outcomes.
  2. List the goals of medical nutrition therapy for your      patient and suggest an appropriate diet. Does your patient/client require      a dietary modification of their regular diet? Are enteral feedings by tube      necessary? If so, what formula will you use and why? Describe your      recommended method of administration.

Task 2:

  1. Describe your nutrition education teaching session      with your patient and/or their family. What teaching methods will you use      (explanation, discussion, demonstration, handouts, etc.)? In your own      words, write a paragraph detailing three specific points that you will      need to teach your patient about his/her new diet. In addition, give at      least one tip to avoid potential herb/nutrient/drug interactions.

Submission Details:

  • Name your document      SU_NTR2050_W5A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • Submit this assignment to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Education homework help

After reviewing the video, you will provide a 3-5 page summary of your thought of these videos an there efforts to support reading.

Links Needed. (Links to an external site.)

Watch video one Creating a Literature community and  answer the following:

After viewing the classroom excerpts, consider these questions:
• Which routines and tasks in these classroom excerpts allowed children to engage in purposeful reading and
• How did the routines maximize students’ time to read and write?
• How did the classroom environment support effective use of the routines?
• What might you take back to your classroom after watching these excerpts?
• What can you learn about students’ literacy development by observing their participation in classroom
Optional Viewing (approximate times: 41:45–47:05): Find this segment

Video three: Word study and fluency

After watching this video answer the following questions.

After viewing the kindergarten classes, consider these questions:
• How did the kindergarten teachers, Sheila Owens and John Sinnett, incorporate elements of emergent
literacy in their lessons? Which elements were the primary focus of the lessons?
• What part did oral language play in both classrooms?
• How did each teacher use the word wall to support word study?
• What were examples of planned, explicit instruction in these excerpts? What were examples of opportunistic
• Both kindergarten teachers used whole-class instruction for their word study lessons. How did it meet the
needs of all students?

Video eight: Connecting School and home

After watching the video segment, consider these questions:
• How did the workshop participants’ perceptions of parent responsibilities compare with your own? What
would you add to their list?
• Workshop participants emphasized the importance of communication to support home-school partnerships.
How do you communicate with your students’ parents or caregivers? What information do you share about
school practices?

After reviewing the video, you will provide a 3-5 page summary of your thought of these videos an there efforts to support reading. (Links to an external site.)

Watch video one Creating a Literature community and  answer the following:

After viewing the classroom excerpts, consider these questions:
• Which routines and tasks in these classroom excerpts allowed children to engage in purposeful reading and
• How did the routines maximize students’ time to read and write?
• How did the classroom environment support effective use of the routines?
• What might you take back to your classroom after watching these excerpts?
• What can you learn about students’ literacy development by observing their participation in classroom
Optional Viewing (approximate times: 41:45–47:05): Find this segment

Video three: Word study and fluency

After watching this video answer the following questions.

After viewing the kindergarten classes, consider these questions:
• How did the kindergarten teachers, Sheila Owens and John Sinnett, incorporate elements of emergent
literacy in their lessons? Which elements were the primary focus of the lessons?
• What part did oral language play in both classrooms?
• How did each teacher use the word wall to support word study?
• What were examples of planned, explicit instruction in these excerpts? What were examples of opportunistic
• Both kindergarten teachers used whole-class instruction for their word study lessons. How did it meet the
needs of all students?

Video eight: Connecting School and home

After watching the video segment, consider these questions:
• How did the workshop participants’ perceptions of parent responsibilities compare with your own? What
would you add to their list?
• Workshop participants emphasized the importance of communication to support home-school partnerships.
How do you communicate with your students’ parents or caregivers? What information do you share about
school practices?

After reviewing the video, you will provide a 3-5 page summary of your thought of these videos an there efforts to support reading.

Computer Science homework help


1 CIS 265 Data Structures and Algorithms Assignment 5, 100 points Due: 12:25pm, Mar. 10, 2021 I. General Description In this assignment, you will create a Java program to read undergraduate and graduate students from an input file, and write them in reverse order to an output file. 1. The input file name and the output file name are passed in as the first and second arguments at command line, respectively. For example, assume your package name is FuAssign5 and your main class name is FuAssignment5, and your executable files are in “C:\Users\2734848\eclipse-workspace\CIS 265 Assignments\bin”. The following command line will read from a local file “students.txt” and write to a local file “students_reversed.txt”: C:\Users\2734848\eclipse-workspace\CIS 265 Assignments\bin > java FuAssign5.FuAssignment5 students.txt students_reversed.txt 2. You need to specify the command line arguments if you use jGrasp or Eclipes. I will show you on jGrasp on Wed. 3. The parameter String[] args in the main method contains the command line arguments, where args[0] contains the first argument. For example, in the previous command, args[0] contains students.txt, and args[1] contains students_reversed.txt. 4. If the program is run with incorrect number of arguments, your program must print an error message and exit. The error message must show correct format to run your program, e.g., “Usage: FuAssign5.FuAssignment5 input_file output_file” where FuAssign5 is the package and FuAssignment5 is the main class. 5. Each line in the input file represents a student. There are 5 fields in each line: name, id, gpa, “graduate” or “undergraduate”, isTransfer (for undergraduate) or college (for graduate). The fields are separated by comma, “,”. For example, the input file students.txt file may contain: Michelle Chang,200224,3.3,graduate,Cleveland State University Tayer Smoke,249843,2.4,undergraduate,false David Jones,265334,2.7,undergraduate,true Abby Wasch,294830,3.6,graduate,West Virginia 6. The program will read the lines and create undergraduate students or graduate students accordingly. The students are added to an ArrayList. 7. The program then writes the list of students in reserve order to the output file. 8. Given the previous input file students.txt, the output file, students_reserved.txt, will be: Abby Wasch,294830,3.6,graduate,West Virginia David Jones,265334,2.7,undergraduate,true Tayer Smoke,249843,2.4,undergraduate,false Michelle Chang,200224,3.3,graduate,Cleveland State University II. Implementation Requirements The program must implement a main class and three student classes (Student, UndergradStudent, GradStudent). • You may reuse the code from previous assignments. 2 • However, the Student class must be declared as an abstract class now. It must also have an overloaded printStudent(PrintWriter output) method. The method will write student’s information to the output file using the PrintWriter output. • Accordingly, the UnderGradStudent and GradStudent classes must also have an overloaded printStudent(PrintWriter output) method. They must use the superclass’ method to write student’s information. The UnderGradStudent’s printStudent(PrintWriter output) writes “undergraduate” and isTransfer after that. The GradStudent’s printStudent(PrintWriter output) writes “graduate” and college after that. • The UML class diagram should be as follows. • All classes must be in the same package. The package name must start with your last name. For example, if your last name is “Fu”, your package name must start with “Fu” such as “FuCIS265AS3”, “FuAS3”, etc. • Your main class file name must start with your last name. For example, if your last name is “Fu”, your main class file name must start with “Fu” such as • Since I/O exceptions are checked exceptions, your program must handle exceptions. You may use the try/catch or throw IOException. To throw exceptions, you declare it as: public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { • You must create an ArrayList of Students in the main class: import java.util.ArrayList; ArrayList students = new ArrayList<>(); The ArrayList students will store all Student objects created, both undergraduate students and graduate students. • The Student class must have a constructor that takes a name, an id, and a gpa, to create a Student object. • The UndergradStudent class must have a constructor that takes a name, an id, a gpa, and a transfer status to create an UndergradStudent object. The constructor must call the Student’s constructor using super. • The GradStudent class should must a constructor that takes a name, an id, a gpa, and a college to create a GradStudent object. The constructor must call the Student’s constructor using super. • The Student class must have a public method printStudent(PrintWriter output) that writes the student’s name, id, and gpa to the PrintWriter output. Student -name: String -id: int -gpa: float +Student() +Student(name,id,gpa) +printStudent():void +getID():int +printStudent(PrintWriter output):void UndegradStudent -boolean: isTransfer +UndergradStudent(name,id,gpa,isTransfer) +printStudent():void +printStudent(PrintWriter output):void GradStudent -college:String +GradStudent(name,id,gpa,college) +printStudent():void +printStudent(PrintWriter output):void 3 • The UndergradStudent class must override the printStudent(PrintWriter output) method. It must write the student’s name, id, gpa, and transfer status to the PrintWriter output. It should call the Student’s printStudent(PrintWriter output) to write student’s name, id, and gpa. • The gradStudent class must override the printStudent(PrintWriter output) method. It must write the student’s name, id, gpa, and college to the PrintWriter output. It should call the Student’s printStudent(PrintWriter output) to write student’s name, id, and gpa. • Your program must use dynamic binding to invoke the correction printStudent(PrintWriter output) method. • Your program must close both input and output files after they are done. • You can assume that input file has the correct format. You will earn bonus points for handling incorrect input formats. III. Submission This is an individual assignment. Each student needs to submit the source code files of the Java program on Blackboard. 1. Put all you Java files in a folder. Please name the folder after your package name, for example, FuAssign5. Compress the folder into a .zip file and submit the .zip file. 2. You need to only submit the source code, i.e., the Java files. 3. You may submit multiple time. Your most recent submission before the deadline will be graded. IV. Grading 1. A program that does not run will receive 0 point. 2. There is a 10-20 points deduction for each major error, e.g., missing a student in the output. 3. There is a 1-9 points deduction for each minor error, e.g., a spelling error in printed message. 4. A program that does not follow the guidelines will lose 1-10 points. 5. Any type of cheating is not tolerated. You may be asked to explain your program in person. V. Bonus features (optional) If a line in the input file has incorrect format, your program will print an error message with the line, skip the line and continue. The following are possible formatting errors your program can handle: 1. (2 points) if the line does not have 5 fields; 2. (2 points) if the id is not an integer; 3. (2 points) if the gpa is not a double; 4. (2 points) if the 4th field is not “undergraduate” or “graduate”; 5. (2 points) if the 5th field for an undergraduate student is not true or false. For example, for the following lines in the input file, Sam Jackson,215.22,3.9,graduate,Ohio State University Sam Jackson,215443,22af,graduate,Ohio State University Sam Jackson,215443,3.9,graduate Sam Jackson,215443,3.9,graduate,Ohio State University,cleavland Sam Jackson,215443,3.9,nondegree,Ohio State University Lady Gaga,230940,3.1,undergraduate,unknown You program will print : Invalid input: Sam Jackson,215.22,3.9,graduate,Ohio State University 4 Invalid input: Sam Jackson,215443,22af,graduate,Ohio State University Invalid input: Sam Jackson,215443,3.9,graduate Invalid input: Sam Jackson,215443,3.9,graduate,Ohio State University,cleavland Invalid input: Sam Jackson,215443,3.9,nondegree,Ohio State University Invalid input: Lady Gaga,230940,3.1,undergraduate,unknown The incorrect lines will be ignored and not written to the output file. The correctly formatted lines should be handled as usual.

Human Resource Management homework help



Access the following to complete this Assessment:

Read the “Memorial Hospital Patient Experience Scenario”. Then, complete the following two parts:


Part I: Patient Experience and Improvement Tools

Develop a white paper that proposes a high-reliability quality program that will address the issues identified in the scenario. (10–15 pages)


  • A justification for why the hospital needs to create a high-reliability quality program
  • Descriptions of the elements of the patient experience to be targeted for improvement related to quality, safety, and overall satisfaction in the hospital
  • Recommendations for potential resources that could be utilized for improving or maintaining safety, quality, and the overall patient experience and explanations of why these resources would be of value
  • Recommend Lean Management and Six Sigma improvement tools that will be used in the high-reliability quality program


Part II: Culturally Sensitive, Patient-Centered Care

Propose a cultural sensitivity program focused on patient-centered care for the organization. Create a slide presentation to present to the board of directors of Memorial Hospital. Your presentation should be 7–12 slides and should include a title page and references on additional pages.

In the presentation:

  • Provide a rationale for why a cultural sensitivity program is important for patient-centered care.
  • Present an outline for a cultural sensitivity program.
  • Recommend a rollout and ongoing training plan.