Nursing homework help


Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Extra resources:

You are attending an international journalist event and have been chosen to give a presentation of the roles of the media in influencing government and its citizens. Identify and describe the possible roles of the media in influencing government and its citizens using specific descriptive examples. Please create a PowerPoint presentation to assist you in your presentation.

As you complete your presentation, be sure to:

  • Use speaker’s notes to expand upon the bullet point main ideas on your slides, making references to research and theory with citation.
  • Proof your work
  • Use visuals (pictures, video, narration, graphs, etc.) to compliment the text in your presentation and to reinforce your content.
  • Do not just write a paper and copy chunks of it into each slide. Treat this as if you were going to give this presentation live.

Presentation Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 8-10 substantive slides (excluding cover and references slides)
  • Font should not be smaller than size 16-point
  • Parenthetical in-text citations included and formatted in APA style
  • References slide (a minimum of 2 outside scholarly sources plus the textbook and/or the weekly lesson for each course outcome)
  • Title and introduction slide required

This activity will be graded using the Assignment Grading Rubric.

Course Outcomes (CO): 2, 4

Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday


POLI330 Week 2 Media Slides Grading Rubric (100 pts)POLI330 Week 2 Media Slides Grading Rubric (100 pts)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentify and describe the roles of the media in influencing government and its citizens40 ptsThe student identifies and describes the four roles of media.34 ptsThe student identifies and describes three roles of media.30 ptsThe student identifies and describes two roles of media..24 ptsThe student identifies and describes one role of media.0 ptsNo effort40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProvide an example for each role10 ptsThe student provides an example for each of the four roles.8 ptsThe student provides an example for each of the three roles.7 ptsThe student provides an example for each of the two roles.6 ptsThe student provides an example for one of the four roles.0 ptsNo effort10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpeaker notes15 ptsThe student’s speakers notes add details and expand upon bullet points.12 ptsThe student’s speaker notes expand upon bullet points, but more detail could be added.11 ptsThe student’s speaker notes are neither thorough nor compelling.9 ptsThe student’s speaker notes are sparse and add little to the main bullet points.0 ptsNo effort15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength: 8-10 substantive slides (excluding cover and references slides)10 ptsThe student provides 8-10 substantive slides plus title and reference slide.8 ptsThe student provides 8-10 slides plus title and reference slides, but they lack substance in places.7 ptsThe student provides 6-7 substantive slides plus title and reference slide.6 ptsThe student provides less than 6 substantive slides or is missing a title and/or reference slidde.0 ptsNo effort10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of Visuals10 ptsThe student masterfully uses visuals (pictures, video, narration, graphs, etc.) to compliment the text in presentation and to reinforce content.8 ptsThe student somewhat skillfully uses visuals (pictures, video, narration, graphs, etc.) to compliment the text in presentation and to reinforce content.7 ptsThe student uses visuals (pictures, video, narration, graphs, etc.) to compliment the text in presentation and to reinforce content.6 ptsThe student fails to use visuals skillfully (pictures, video, narration, graphs, etc.) to compliment the text in presentation and to reinforce content.0 ptsNo effort10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA/Source Integration10 ptsSources are referenced according to APA standards and two sources in addition to the text are provided.8 ptsSources are referenced according to APA standards and two sources are provided.7 ptsThe majority of the sources are erroneously referenced according to APA standards.6 ptsSources are referenced according to APA standards, but only one source is provided.0 ptsNo effort10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting5 ptsThe student presents information using clear and concise language in an organized manner (minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).4 ptsThe student presents information using understandable language, but is somewhat disorganized (some errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).3 ptsThe student presents information using understandable language but is very disorganized (many errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).2 ptsThe student presents information that is not clear, logical, professional or organized to the point that the reader has difficulty understanding the message (numerous errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and/or punctuation).0 ptsNo effort5 pts
Total Points: 100

Management homework help



Journal Entry (week 9)

Please submit your journal entry or short essay for this week here. You should include your thoughts and reflections on this week’s assigned readings, lectures, additional material, personal experiences, ideas regarding your final project, and concerns. Please do not exceed 200 words. This assignment is graded based on effort. If sufficient effort to reflect on this week’s material is detected, you will receive full credit.


Computer Science homework help


Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Knowledge (analytics), information (reporting), and facts (data) form the basis of business intelligence (BI). Although many service organizations (nonprofits) are developing core competencies in one or more of these key areas, it takes a true organization-wide commitment and approach to achieve the benefits of business intelligence and data-driven decision making.

A rapidly-growing service organization (e.g., a nonprofit organization) has hired you as a consultant. Your task is to build a data warehouse and the foundational aspects of its BI program. You have your first meeting with the head of the service organization, and you must discuss the following topics (as well as provide examples to support your explanations):

  • Explain the theoretical framework behind the effort of building a data warehouse and establishing the foundations for a BI program. Make sure your response describes the framework that you found in your research.
  • Explain how the data warehousing process can be a driving force behind the organization’s new BI program.

Your response should be 400–600 words, plus sources, and repeating the questions does not count toward the total word count.

Civil homework help


Read the article (s) about the March 8th, 2004 NHL game between the Colorado Avalanche and the Vancouver Canucks.  Determine what happened in the altercation and discuss the subsequent criminal charges as well as the civil suit that was filed.

1.  Was the handling of this incident consistent with what you have learned in this module?

2.  In regard to the sport/recreational activity in which you are involved:

a. What is your perspective of violence in sport? b.  How much violence is too much violence? c.  Is sport/recreation becoming increasingly violent?  Why or why not?

Your thread is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Wednesday.

Nursing homework help

1. Describe routine labs and the relevance of abnormal findings.
2. Identify the MOA, indications, and nursing considerations of selected medications.
3. Create a nursing care plan for a patient in acute pain.


1. Create a table for the following 11 labs: Na, K, CL, HCO3, BUN, Cr; Hgb, Hct, WBCs, RBCs, platelets.

  • List normal ranges (11 pts/1 pt for ea lab)
  • Identify conditions and list signs and symptoms associated with abnormally high values for each lab (11 pts/1 pt for ea lab)
  • Identify conditions and list signs and symptoms associated with abnormally low values for each lab (11 pts/1 pt for ea lab)

2. Create a table for the following 3 labs: PT, PTT, and INR.

  • List normal ranges (3 pts/1 pt for each lab)
  • Identify drugs that affect the results of each adversely. (3 pts; 1 pt for each lab)
  • Identify the drug and therapeutic ranges when a patient is on anticoagulant therapy (3 pts; 1 pt for each lab)

3. List nursing interventions for a patient on anticoagulation therapy.

4. Create a table for the following 11 medications: propranolol, captopril, diltiazem, furosemide, digoxin, amiodarone, heparin, enoxaparin, warfarin, famotidine, pantoprazole.

  • Identify the classification and MOA of each (6.5 pts/0.5 pt for each med)
  • Identify the indication for each (6.5 pts/0.5 pt for each med)
  • Identify the side effects of each (6.5 pts/0.5 pt for each med)
  • Identify the nursing considerations of medication (6.5 pts/0.5 pt for each med)

5. Create a plan of care for a patient experiencing acute pain. Include the following points:

  • Subjective assessment of pain (4 pts)
  • Objective assessment of pain (4 pts)
  • Nursing and collaborative interventions for acute pain (4 pts)
  • Evaluation of pain interventions, including standards of timing (2 pts)

Nursing homework help


1. Describe routine labs and relevance of abnormal findings.
2. Identify the MOA, indications and nursing considerations of selected medications.
3. Create a nursing care plan for a patient in acute pain.


1. Create a table for the following 11 labs: Na, K, CL, HCO3, BUN, Cr; Hgb, Hct, WBCs, RBCs, platelets.

  • List normal ranges (11 pts/1 pt for ea lab)
  • Identify conditions and list signs and symptoms associated with abnormally high values for each lab (11 pts/1 pt for ea lab)
  • Identify conditions and list signs and symptoms associated with abnormally low values for each lab (11 pts/1 pt for ea lab)

2. Create a table for the following 3 labs: PT, PTT, and INR.

  • List normal ranges (3 pts/1 pt for each lab)
  • Identify drugs that affect the results of each adversely. (3 pts; 1 pt for each lab)
  • Identify the drug and therapeutic ranges when a patient is on anticoagulant therapy (3 pts; 1 pt for each lab)

3. List nursing interventions for a patient on anticoagulation therapy.

4. Create a table for the following 11 medications: propranolol, captopril, diltiazem, furosemide, digoxin, amiodarone, heparin, enoxaparin, warfarin, famotidine, pantoprazole.

  • Identify the classification and MOA of each (6.5 pts/0.5 pt for each med)
  • Identify the indication for each (6.5 pts/0.5 pt for each med)
  • Identify the side effects of each (6.5 pts/0.5 pt for each med)
  • Identify the nursing considerations of medication (6.5 pts/0.5 pt for each med)

5. Create a plan of care for a patient experiencing acute pain. Include the following points:

  • Subjective assessment of pain (4 pts)
  • Objective assessment of pain (4 pts)
  • Nursing and collaborative interventions for acute pain (4 pts)
  • Evaluation of pain interventions, including standards of timing (2 pts)

Psychology homework help


Write a 500-750-word paper discussing the importance of child and adolescent psychology on development. Address the following in your paper:

  1. Discuss how the study of child and adolescent development has changed over time.
  2. Describe the five theoretical perspectives, including the major theorists associated with each

Include at least two scholarly resources, in addition to the textbook, in your paper.

Information Systems homework help

Using, do a search on at least three different Websites of your choosing. Note what information you are able to gather about the website. Provide a 2-page APA Style report on the information you gathered and explain how a hacker could use the information to plot an attack against the three Websites.

Marketing homework help

Complete a 175-word Executive Summary of your business plan that includes the following components: Name of company Alexander Bakery:

  • Your mission
  • Your vision
  • A general description of the products or services that your organization will offer
  • Your market
  • Projected revenue and expenses