Psychology homework help

Advocating for Proper Assessment

You are a BCBA who has recently begun working as an in-house consultant for your local public school district.  The teacher of one of the special education classrooms you oversee has reported her student engaging in high rates of tantruming.  After discussing things with the teacher and with the student’s parents, as well as after completing several observations of the student in the classroom, you’ve noticed that the tantruming actually includes several different behavior topographies that generally occur in the following hierarchy: whining, screaming, throwing/swiping/breaking materials, and finally biting his hand(though this doesn’t happen as frequently as the other topographies).  The behaviors occur multiple times almost every school day, though there doesn’t seem to be any clear correlation between time of day and the behaviors’ occurrence.  However, things have gotten to the point where the student no longer seems to be learning as the behaviors are interfering with his engagement in the instruction, as well as impacting the teacher’s ability to provide instruction to the other students.  At your recommendation, the student’s parents were able to schedule a check up with a pediatrician to rule out any medical variables relating to these behaviors, and the doctor indicated no apparent medical cause for these behaviors.

ABC data collected during your classroom observations hasn’t suggested any clear function for these behaviors.  Therefore, you as the school principal of you can conduct a functional analysis to help better identify the variables affecting the student’s behavior.  The principal, who knows a little bit about behavior analysis and who has had some rather negative experiences with previous BCBA consultants, denies your request to complete the functional analysis, even though the student’s parents have already agreed and the teacher is onboard with doing whatever is necessary to help her student.  The principal tells you that the functional analysis cannot be done as it would require the student to be removed from his educational environment for too long, and doing so would deny the student access to educational opportunities mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).  Furthermore, he says that because self-injury is a component of the student’s tantruming, conducting a functional analysis would cause more unnecessary harm to the student.  The principal concludes by saying she knows many BCBAs who do all their assessment using descriptive ABC data, so you should just focus on that.

How would you respond to the principal?  What recommendations would you make given her concerns?  Using what you’ve learned in this course thus far, as well as other courses you’ve completed, provide a clear, thorough argument for proper functional assessment for this student’s behavior.  Be sure to full explain your logic as well as your rationale for your arguments.  When writing your answer, remember that you are talking with a school administrator who doesn’t have a background in behavior analysis.

Computer Science homework help

Find and review the following article in the college library:

Pophal, L. (2014). The technology of contextualized content: What’s next on the horizon? EContent, 37(7), 16.

Answer the following question, and provide examples to support your assessment:

  • Why is online profiling such an important component of a successful business intelligence program? Make sure you provide a cited definition of online profiling (in the context of your response because there are many definitions).

Your response should be 400–600 words, plus sources, and repeating the questions does not count toward the total word count.

Psychology homework help

Write two paragraphs (a total of 250-300 words)

How are the Strange and the Risky situations different? Why is one more applicable to one parent and not the other?


Human Resource Management homework help

Two Questions

  • Instructions
    Discuss how you can apply the concepts learned in this course to your current or future career. How might the lessons you have learned positively impact your career success?
    Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.
  • Unit VIII Essay
  • Instructions
    According to DuBrin (2015), the following strategies or tactics are identified for enhancing your career:

    • 1 develop career goals,
    • 2 capitalize on your strengths and build your personal brand,
    • 3 be passionate about and proud of your work,
    • 4 develop a code of professional ethics and prosocial motivation,
    • 5 develop a proactive personality,
    • 6 keep growing through continuous learning and self-development,
    • 7 document your accomplishments,
    • 8 project a professional image, and
    • 9 perceive yourself as a provider of services. (p. 430)
  • Identify and explain three career-enhancing techniques or tactics in advancing your career.
    Your essay should be at least two pages and should include an introduction, a body of supported material (paragraphs), and a conclusion. Be sure to include two references (on a reference page), and follow all other APA formatting requirements. The reference page does not count toward the total page requirement. Please use the CSU Online Library for providing the supporting sources to complete the paper.
    Be sure to apply the proper APA format for the content and references provided.

Nursing homework help



Quality improvement projects are implemented with an aim to make healthcare systems safer. How do you know that your specific change project will have this type of an effect on the facility?

Nursing homework help



This assignment will involve your providing a reflection based on this week’s reading assignments of Chapter 21 Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory

Chapter 22 Duffy’s Quality Caring Model.

textbook: Smith, M. & Parker, M. (2014). Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company. ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-3312-4

Each theory should be a minimum of three paragraphs for each chapter. The quality of your writing is much more important than the quantity. APA 7th ed. is required. Plagiarism free. Please attach plagiarism report. You may use 2 scholarly sources in addition to the book. Due date Monday 8th @10:00am

Management homework help

Getting Started

In this assignment, you will learn about how funds are raised in the financial markets and how interest rates affect those markets. These topics will help you, as a member of the business community, to understand the basics of acquiring and managing capital in the financial marketplace.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Describe key components of the U.S. financial market system and the financing of business.
  • Understand how funds are raised in the capital markets.
  • Be acquainted with rates of return.
  • Explain the fundamentals of interest rate determination.


  • Bible
  • Textbook: Foundations of Financial Management
  • Website: Connect


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Review Chapter 1 of Foundations of Financial Management and respond to the following questions provided:
    1. Distinguish between the money and capital markets.
    2. What is an investment banker, and what major functions does that person perform?
    3. Identify and describe three distinct ways that savings are ultimately transferred to businesses in need of cash.
    4. Define the term “structure of interest rates.”
  3. Your responses should be 50–100 words for each question. They should demonstrate your understanding of the concepts at hand. You do not need to use APA formatting for this assignment. However, your ability to communicate your points clearly and concisely, demonstrating professional-level writing skills, will impact your grade.
  4. When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor by the end of the workshop.


English homework help

In the progress report, you will add to the preliminary research you have done on your topic.  The format of this report is very basic.

Topic: Paying College Athletes

First, you will need to find at least three additional sources within the Blinn Library databases (100 words per source). You will provide a reference citation and annotate each of these three sources just as you did for the proposal essay.

On a separate, additional page, you will summarize the information received in your survey analysis.  You will want to focus on the results from three to five of your questions.  The best questions to use will be the ones that received the most response information as well as support or prove your argument.  This portion of the report should discuss what implications the survey results have.  Start drawing conclusions from the information received.  Tell me how you will incorporate this primary research information into your research paper (350 words).


650-800 words total

Typed, double-spaced in 12 pt. Times New Roman font

MLA heading and format

3 annotated sources (different than the three in the proposal essay)

1-2 page summary of your survey results

Anatomy homework help

LASIK procedures have become more accessible and much more common in recent years. Many patients are attracted to the idea of LASIK, as it can eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses. Research LASIK and the associated risks and benefits.

For your original post, choose one of the vision problems that can be corrected by LASIK. Discuss how this problem affects the physiology vision and how LASIK can be used to correct this problem.

In your reply post, discuss whether or not you would choose to have LASIK surgery for the vision problem that your classmate explained. In your opinion, do the benefits outweigh the risks? If you or someone close to you has experience with LASIK, you may choose to discuss that here. What made you/them decide to go through with the procedure? Or, what stopped you/them from pursuing LASIK as a treatment option?

Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least one other student’s post by the end of the week. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.