Business & Finance homework help

Development Plan for Three Skills Template

Create a development plan for three target skills.

Target Skill #1

Target Skill #1:

Specify the skill you are developing this development plan for. (Pick from the 10 Skills we learned about in WRK100. You may want to use a skill that you wrote about in Assignment 1.)


Describe your strengths in this skill.

Areas of Improvement:

Describe areas of improvement in this skill.

Desired Outcome:

Describe your goals around developing this skill during your time at School. Think about what improvement of this skill looks like.

Goal Statement:

Write a positive statement that includes your desired outcome and your imagined preferred future after development.


Practices for Growth:

Describe 2–3 specific strategies that can be used to develop this skill.

Action Steps:

Describe an action plan around developing your skill that includes things you can do now to begin working towards your goal.

What specific actions are needed to acquire knowledge and build upon your skill?

·         Step 1:

·         Step 2:

·         Step 3:

(Add more steps if necessary.)

Potential Obstacles and Challenges:

What barriers do you need to overcome to reach your goal?

What challenges do you anticipate?


Key Supporters:

Identify 1–2 individuals you can check in with, who will provide feedback along the way and act as trusted supporters.

Explain how these supporters will help you meet your goal.

·         Supporter 1:

·         Supporter 2:

Benefits From Change and Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals:

Connect your goals around skills and identify:

·         one larger personal goal,

·         one academic goal, and

·         one professional goal.


These can be the ones you identified in Assignment 2 or new ones.


How will your personal development of employability skills impact your larger goals?





Target Skill #2

Target Skill #2:

Specify the skill you are developing this development plan for. (Pick from the 10 Skills we learned about in WRK100. It could be a skill you wrote about in Assignment 1; this needs to be a different skill than Target Skill #1.)


Describe your strengths in this skill.

Areas of Improvement:

Describe areas of improvement in this skill.

Desired Outcome:

Describe your goals around developing this skill during your time at School. Think about what improvement of this skill looks like.

Goal Statement:

Write a positive statement that includes your desired outcome and your imagined preferred future after development.


Practices for Growth:

Describe 2–3 specific strategies that can be used to develop this skill.

Action Steps:

Describe an action plan around developing your skill that includes things you can do now to begin working towards your goal.

What specific actions are needed to acquire knowledge and build upon your skill?

·         Step 1:

·         Step 2:

·         Step 3:

(Add more steps if necessary.)

Potential Obstacles and Challenges:

What barriers do you need to overcome to reach your goal?

What challenges do you anticipate?


Key Supporters:

Identify 1–2 individuals you can check in with, who will provide feedback along the way and act as trusted supporters.

Explain how these supporters will help you meet your goal.

·         Supporter 1:

·         Supporter 2:

Benefits From Change and Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals:

Connect your goals around skills and identify:

·         one larger personal goal,

·         one academic goal, and

·         one professional goal.


These can be the ones you identified in Assignment 2 or new ones.


How will your personal development of employability skills impact your larger goals?





Target Skill #3

Target Skill #3:

Specify the skill you are developing this development plan for. (Pick from the 10 Skills we learned about in WRK100. It could be a skill you wrote about in Assignment 1; this needs to be a different skill than Target Skill #1 and #2.)


Describe your strengths in this skill.

Areas of Improvement:

Describe areas of improvement in this skill.

Desired Outcome:

Describe your goals around developing this skill during your time at School. Think about what improvement of this skill looks like.

Goal Statement:

Write a positive statement that includes your desired outcome and your imagined preferred future after development.


Practices for Growth:

Describe 2–3 specific strategies that can be used to develop this skill.

Action Steps:

Describe an action plan around developing your skill that includes things you can do now to begin working towards your goal.

What specific actions are needed to acquire knowledge and build upon your skill?

·         Step 1:

·         Step 2:

·         Step 3:

(Add more steps if necessary.)

Potential Obstacles and Challenges:

What barriers do you need to overcome to reach your goal?

What challenges do you anticipate?


Key Supporters:

Identify 1–2 individuals you can check in with, who will provide feedback along the way and act as trusted supporters.

Explain how these supporters will help you meet your goal.

·         Supporter 1:

·         Supporter 2:

Benefits From Change and Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals:

Connect your goals around skills and identify:

·         one larger personal goal,

·         one academic goal, and

·         one professional goal.


These can be the ones you identified in Assignment 2 or new ones.


How will your personal development of employability skills impact your larger goals?



Nursing homework help

Health policy 

MUST USE THE TEXTBOOK! Respond to the questions below. Be sure to cite and reference resource with at least 4 references including the book. 

Part 1:

200 words–Question A:  Chapter 5: Public Health is accomplished through the local, state, federal and global agencies, but discuss the involvement by at least 4 other entities or agencies. How are these other entities or agencies involved with Public Health issues, provide specific example?

200 words–Question B: Chapter 6: Discuss the A) types and B) limitations of individual legal rights of health care. C) How did these rights come to health care?

200 words–Question C: Chapter 7—a) What are health harming social conditions? Provide examples  b) Describe the ways in which the law can be both positive and negative in relation to health harming social conditions.

200 words–Part 2:  Address your ‘a-ha moment’ for this week: Something that was a realization for the week that really opened your eyes, changed your perceptions and/or something that you know that you will remember forever, this must be related to the above chapters and topics. Use at least one evidence-based article to support your thoughts.

Information Systems homework help

Provide (2) 150 words substantive response with a minimum of 1 APA references for RESPONSES 1 AND 2 below. Response provided should further discuss the subject or provide more insight. To further understand the response, below is the discussion post that’s discusses the responses. 100% original work and not plagiarized. Must meet deadline.


ARP, or Address Resolution Protocol, is responsible for converting the protocol stack of a host’s IP address into the correct MAC address, when sending information from one host to another on the same LAN. When a host computer requests a MAC address to send out a packet to another host, that request is sent and checked in the ARP Cache. The ARP Cache houses all IP associated addresses and their corresponding MAC address on that LAN. Should a host request a MAC address that is not within the ARP Cache, the ARP will then send out requests to all the devices on the network and wait for a response from the requesting machine (Smith, 2016).

Security issues involved with ARP are known as ARP Spoofing, or Poisoning. ARP spoofing is a “Man-In-The-Middle” attack that involves an attacker gaining access to a network and getting the IP addresses of at least two different devices, a workstation, and a router/gateway. Through the use to spoofing software, they are able to send out forged ARP responses fooling the user workstation they are the gateway and fooling the gateway that they are the user. Once established, all information sent from the user’s workstation will then me routed through the attacker’s computer before being sent out to the gateway (ARP Spoofing, 2021).

Global IP address, or public IP, is an address or unique identifier to a user’s device used over the internet. When individuals sign up through their local internet service provider, they will then issue them a public IP. Private IP addresses are specific IP identifiers within a Local Network connected through routing device. In this case, if an ISP gave provided a modem, the public IP address maybe allocated to the modem. The modem then connected to a router, will provide each connected device a private IP.

When a user wants to send something from their local network through the internet, NAT converts the private IP address into the ISP’s global address before sending it out through the internet. NAT is especially important because its never a good idea to release one’s private address, and if every device were given their own IP4 address, we would not have anymore. NAT provides multiple devices connected to a single router, one specific global address and provides private address to each connected device.



ARP Spoofing. (2021). Retrieved from imperva:

Smith, R. E. (2016). Chapter 11: Networks of Networks. In Elementary Information Security, 2nd Ed. (p. 495). Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.


Explain the role of ARP and how it works. How might this be a security issue? First, ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol, and it is basically a process that captures the MAC address and corresponding IP address of an end point on a network, then saves those details into a table so that they can be recalled upon as required. That is to say if one end point needs to send something to another end point within the network, ARP will translate the destination IP address into the destination MAC address and vice versa (Smith, 2015). One of the more common security issues that I found on ARP was that it was easily spoofed, entries were created in the ARP table to redirect traffic intended for elsewhere by modifying or creating new entries in the ARP table, also called the ARP Cache.

What is the difference between a global IP address and a private IP address? Describe how a gateway converts a private IP address into a global IP address using NAT.  How this important to us in today’s information technology environment? So, private IP addresses are not transmitted over the internet, they are used only internally for the purpose of routing throughout a local area network. The global IP address, generally provided by the Internet Service Provider, is what allows a host access to the internet. This is done through the gateway which translates the host’s private IP address to a global IP address so that it may communicate over the internet. As all global addresses need to be unique, and obviously there are not an infinite amount of numbers, using the gateway allows for the LAN as a whole to use the one global address to communicate online, while using multiple private addresses to communicate within the network (Smith, 2015).

Well, that is about it for me tonight, have a great week class.



Smith, R. E. (2015). Elementary Information Security. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved on March 2, 2021, from

English homework help

Describe three writing strategies you think you might incorporate into a persuasive essay in the narrative essay genre. Note how the writing strategies will be used in the essay.

Pose a question about the following reading:

Computer Science homework help

Network Threats

There are many threats in networking. How would you proactively plan against these threats?

250 words minimum

Nursing homework help

Re: Topic 2 DQ 1

The use of evidence-based practice (EBP) and the ability of a nurse to critically think yields better patient outcomes and increased patient satisfaction. Critical thinking in nursing consists of interpretation and analysis of a problem, reasoning to find a solution, applying and evaluating the results (Scheffer & Rubenfeld, 2000 as cited in Ward-Smith, 2020). Having a nurse that can critically think versus one that lacks this skill can mean life or death for a patient. A critical thinker will ask questions, “what is the evidence behind this change in care” but will also be receptive to change regardless of personal bias. For example, our facility had implemented a new policy of notifying the physician of all hypoglycemic events. Many nurses were against this change and felt no need to inform the physician if they treat the episode and normalize the blood sugar. Others were more receptive to change and knew that this would benefit the patient as perhaps insulin dosage changes were needed, resulting in better patient outcomes.

The primary purpose of EBP, which is driven by data collection, is to create practices and policies that will yield desirable patient outcomes (Brower & Nemec, 2017 as cited in Falkner, 2017). Nursing practice is no longer driven by previous customs but by evidence gathered through research and studies. As an example, evidence suggests using a fall risk assessment tool will improve patient safety by decreasing the number of falls. In the nursing profession, one always strives to provide the best care possible to those we serve. Better patient outcomes and patient satisfaction are every nurse’s ultimate goal and are attainable if they can critically think and use EBP. It is of extreme importance that the individual keeps up to date with the latest studies on patient care and gets additional training if he /she feels they lack critical thinking skills.


Architecture and Design homework help

Why are we doing this?

We see documentary footage daily, whether it is on the news or in a full- length documentary film. It is important to be able to be critical of these works, so we can be informed citizens and artists. This project will also give us a chance to practice basic editing skills before moving on to our more art-centric works.

How are we doing this?

1.    Plan, film, and edit a short video documentary / or portrait of a subject (person, place, thing) that you have safe access to on your block or neighborhood, in your home, on television, or something that is on your mind. Include a consideration of your understanding of one or more of the keywords from your American Studies readings and learning in the first few weeks: “Empire,” “Colonial”“Indian,” “Indigenous”“Capitalism,” “Slavery”“Ethnicity,” “Race,” “Racialization”

2.   We will screen all these documentaries on March 4th as a “portrait” of the communities where we are.

3.   Brainstorm and write a treatment plan.

4.   Develop a storyboard of thumbnail sketches to determine each shot of your documentary. It must be at least two minutes long – no longer than 3 minutes. Make sure to consider context.

5.   Film  the footage. Follow all the guidelines we cover in class. Project may include photographs if necessary, but primarily should feature video footage.

6.   Edit the footage. You can use any software you like. I can help you with Premiere or Final Cut.

Nursing homework help

1.) Which are the Family Advanced Practitioner Register Nurses (APRN) certification bodies in USA.? ( AANP,  and ANCC

2.) According to the certification body you selects, which are the application requirement?

  • Credits required  from you graduated school
  • How many CEUs ? from those which are mandatory?

3.) When can you apply?

4.) What is the passing test score?

5.) How much does the certification exam cost?

6.) How often NP recertification is due?

Information Systems homework help

  1. How did you feel/what opinions did you possess about the themes explored in the main text (short story, poem, novel, or play) BEFORE you read the main text?

Example: What did you think about the cultural significance of naming BEFORE you read Julia Alvarez’s “Names/Nombres?”

What are your feelings/opinions about the themes explored in the main text (short story, poem, play, or novel) AFTER you have read the main text? How did your feelings and opinions change? What did you learn? Do you have a different perspective after reading? Explain and cite SPECIFIC EVIDENCE (scenes, dialogues, events, lines, etc.).

What literary devices (imagery, setting, characterization, tone, etc.) in the main text (short story, poem, novel, or play) captured your interest while reading? Why? Be specific.

How does the secondary text or text (the contextual articles) help you think about the main text (short story, poem, play, or novel)? Be specific.

Example: How does the article, “The Racist Mispronouncing of Names” help you

consider the themes explored in Julia Alvarez’s “Names/Nombres?”

What aspects of the main text (short story, poem, play, novel) do you want to discuss in class? Be specific. Why do you think these aspects of the main text make for interesting conversation? I might ask you to lead the class discussion about these features, so be prepared to discuss your answer to this question.